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《语言与文化》: 跨文化教学理念与实践 蓝纯.

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Presentation on theme: "《语言与文化》: 跨文化教学理念与实践 蓝纯."— Presentation transcript:

1 《语言与文化》: 跨文化教学理念与实践 蓝纯

2 一、大学思辨英语教程精读系列总览 语言与文化 文学与人生 个人与社会 哲学与文明

3 编写理念(孙有中2015) ACT Ability-Oriented Education 能力导向 知技融合 思辨为本
Thinking-Based Learning Content and Language Integrated Instruction 能力导向 知技融合 思辨为本

4 What’s so different? 知识内容 百科的 零星的 感悟的 学科的 系统的 思辨的

5 二、《语言与文化》简介 1.教材内容 2.单元设计 3.编写思路

6 1. 教材内容 语言 三个 模块 文化 语言与文化的界面

7 模块一 语言 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5
Verbal and nonverbal communication Nature of language Functions of language Language learning Language and thinking Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 B Taking Stock of Language B Second Language Acquisition A Powerful Mental Blocks A Complexity of Language A What Is Language for B Form and Function of Language B Body Language and Other Cultures Your Text A How do We Acquire Language? B Does Language Equal Thought? A The Pragmatics of Cross-Cultural Communication Company Logo

8 模块二 文化 Cultural Values Cultural Stereotypes
Globalization& Multiculturalism Cultural Diversity Ethnocentrism Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 B World-wise Kids A The Use of Time B How Time Flies A My Mother’s English B The Language of Discretion A Jeaning of America B Individualism A Japanese Emotionality B Body Ritual among the Nacirema Your Text A The Seven Biases of Eurocentrism Company Logo

9 模块三 语言与文化的界面 Language & Gender Language & Politics Language & Media
Intercultural Communication Competence Language & Gender Language & Politics Language & Media Translation Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit14 Unit15 B Sports Metaphors as Public Doublespeak B Translation Problems A Do Men and Women Talk Differently B Why Big Businesses Break Spelling B Stumbling Blocks in Intercultural Communication (II) A Political Correctness A Stumbling Blocks in Intercultural Communication (I) Your Text B Marked Women Unmarked Men A Things People Say About Translation A Are Digital Media Changing Language? Company Logo

10 2. 单元设计 Text A Text B Lead-in Preparatory work
Intercultural reflection Critical reading Text B Creative response Language enhancement

11 Text A Lead-in Preparatory work Critical reading Language enhancement
A brief introduction to the theme An overview of the texts Author & Source Celebrities & publications Key terms Preliminary exploration Understanding Outlining Comprehension checks Critiquing Evaluating the text Exploring beyond the text Words & Phrases Word formation Verbs, adv., prep., etc. Phrases/Collocation Sentences & Discourse Paraphrase/Translation Ordering/error Rhetoric & style

12 Text B Intercultural reflection Creative response 每5个单元
对单元主题、重要结论、具体观点等在不同语境中的思考 Creative response 每5个单元 对语言、文化、跨(语言)文化三个模块主题的创造性思考和写作 Company Logo

13 Intercultural Reflection
Unit 5 Language and Thinking English straightjacket vs. Chinese straightjacket: Has learning English changed the way you think? Can your language influence your perception of the future and as a result your willingness to save money? Does your Chinese typing habit influence your thinking?

14 Creative Response 1. Essay writing
In 2010, The Economist held a debate on the relationship between language and thinking, proposing that “the language we speak shapes how we think”. Visit the homepage of this debate and summarize the views of the two sides. Then choose either the pro side or the con side and write a words essay arguing for your position. 2. Organizing a debate Divide the class into groups. Each group will organize a debate on a topic about language by modeling The Economist debate.

15 3. 编写思路 语言 思辨 跨文化 自主 学习 人文 素养 Company Logo

16 语言能力 夯实英语基本功,提高综合运用英语的能力。 兼顾流畅与准确。 奠定学术英语基础,为高年级专业知识课程学习做好准备。

17 思辨能力 掌握思辨能力评价体系。 培养良好的思辨品质。 熟练运用演绎推理和归纳推理,识别逻辑错误。

18 跨文化交际能力 积累中西文化知识,并将其系统化。 深入理解西方文化特点。 加深对中国文化的认识。 培养国际视野。 提高跨文化沟通能力。

19 自主学习能力 培养使用各类工具书进行英语自学的能力。 培养对知识的浓厚兴趣和探索问题的科学精神。 培养探究式学习的良好习惯与基本能力。

20 人文通识 了解语言学和文化研究领域的基本概念、问题和方法。 培养跨学科思考问题的基本视角与方法。 提高人文素养。

21 上述能力被分解成更具体、更细小的技能,对它们的培养体现在每一篇课文的选材中,每一项练习的设计中,也希望渗透进教师的每一个授课环节、每一项堂上堂下的活动中。

22 Unit 1 The Nature of Language
Critical thinking: Summarize the main ideas of each paragraph Interpret linguistic facts Exemplify abstract ideas Compare two languages to find their similarities and differences Apply linguistic rules to produce new forms

23 Intercultural competence:
Be open-minded to different cultures Appreciate differing views about languages and cultures Compare the Chinese language and the English language in relation to the two cultures Be aware of the links between cultural differences and language differences

24 Autonomous learning: Preview the text Develop an awareness of autonomous learning Learn to schedule your time Learn to use appropriate on-line and library resources to look up for information Learn to evaluate your learning

25 三、教学反思 精读课的定位 语言技能课程与专业知识课程之间的桥梁 新理念和新教材的挑战/阻力在哪里? 学生总是比教师更能拥抱新事物。

26 大学的精读课与中学的语文课/英语课差别在哪里?
大学教师与中学老师的区别在哪里? 大学生的学习是主要发生在课堂内?还是发生在课堂外? 我们在精读课上是教给学生一个个词汇、短语的用法,还是给他们提供思考的起点?

27 对于任何课程,守着一套熟悉的教材,采用已经游刃有余的教学方式,对于任课教师而言,永远是最安全舒适且心安理得的选择,而采用新教材、尝试新教法总是面临风险,但这不应该成为我们因循守旧的借口,因为时代在变,社会在变,学生也在变,而年轻的学生总是比教师有更大的勇气和热情去接受和拥抱改革。

28 请多提宝贵意见!

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