For God so love The world that He gave

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1 For God so love The world that He gave
神爱世人 shen ai shi ren 1/5 Verse 1 神爱世人 甚至将祂的 Shen ai shi ren shen zhi jiang Ta de For God so love The world that He gave 独生儿子赐给他们 du sheng er zi ci gei ta men His one and only Son 神爱世人 shen ai shi ren /5

2 That whoever believes in Him Shall not perish but have eternal life
Verse 1 叫一切信祂的人 jiao yi qie xin Ta de ren That whoever believes in Him 不至灭亡反得永生 bu zhi mie wang fan de yong sheng Shall not perish but have eternal life 神爱世人 shen ai shi ren /5

3 神爱的人 一生一世 有恩惠慈爱随着他 Goodness will follow him
Verse 2 神爱的人 一生一世 Shen ai de ren yi sheng yi shi Those Whom God love all the days of their life 有恩惠慈爱随着他 you en hui ci ai sui zhe ta Goodness will follow him 神爱世人 shen ai shi ren /5

4 They will dwell in the house of God
Verse 2 他要住在神的殿中 ta yao zhu zai Shen de dian zhong They will dwell in the house of God 从今日到永永远远 cong jin ri dao yong yong yuan yuan Forever and ever 神爱世人 shen ai shi ren /5

5 Who is who was who is to come
Chorus 啊 荣耀 荣耀归主 a rong yao rong yao gui Zhu A glory glory to Lord 昔在今在到永在 xi zai jin zai dao yong zai Who is who was who is to come 神爱世人 shen ai shi ren /5

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