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-- 2012高中英语会考主观题答题情况 反馈与启示 务实基础 共同进步 -- 2012高中英语会考主观题答题情况 反馈与启示 乐清中学 张 慧.

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Presentation on theme: "-- 2012高中英语会考主观题答题情况 反馈与启示 务实基础 共同进步 -- 2012高中英语会考主观题答题情况 反馈与启示 乐清中学 张 慧."— Presentation transcript:

1 -- 2012高中英语会考主观题答题情况 反馈与启示
务实基础 共同进步 高中英语会考主观题答题情况 反馈与启示 乐清中学 张 慧

2 57. A z________ is a park where live animals are kept so that people can look at them. (zoo)
58. There are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and w__________. (winter) 59. Lucy looks much y__________ than her age when she is wearing his red dress. (younger) 60. I’ve got two t__________ for the football match. Would you like to go with me? (tickets)

3 61. The government is trying its best to p____________ the environment of the city.
(protect/ preserve) 62. Rose r___________ a gift from Jack yesterday, but she didn’t accept it. (received) 63. Everybody attended the meeting e________ Wang Lili, who was away in Shanghai. (except) 64. Most of the task has been finished. T_________, we are sure that it will be completed on time. (Therefore/ Thus)

4 抽样调查结果 得分 0-2分 3-4分 5-6分 7-8分 比率 23.73% 12.43% 22.03% 41.81%

5 正确答案 错误情况 57. zoo zone 58. winter winder, winner 59. younger yonger; young 60. tickets ticketes 61. protect/ preserve pretect; prevent 62. received recieved; recive; receive; reserve 63. except expect; excepted 64. Therefore/ Thus Therefor; Then;tomorrow

6 错误归因: ⑴ 全局观念不强 ⑵ 语法意识淡薄 ⑶ 语音基础薄弱 (4) 平时没有注意易混词汇的辨析

7 教学启示 ⑴ 重视结合语境复习词汇,加强学生对语境的分析能力的培养。 ⑵在教学教学中要加强同形词的辨析 ⑶要做好初高中的衔接,特别是音
标教学的巩固和落实。 (4) 抓基础知识的落实

8 作文 (满分20分) 你的同学刘芳乐于助人(helpful),积极乐观(positive). 她在上星期日下午回校途中帮助了一位受伤的老人。请根据提示,用英语写一篇短文向英语报English Times投稿,简要叙述她做好事的经过,并谈谈你的感想。 What happened ● an old man seriously hurt in the leg ● What Liu Fang did Your opinion ● misunderstanding or even trouble, or the right thing? ● …

9 抽样调查结果 乐清市2012年书面表达平均得分为11.33,满分分值20分。 得分 0-3分 4-7分 8-11分 12-15分
16-20分 比率 9.04% 15.82% 14.69% 32.77% 27.68%

10 错误归因 审题不仔细、 部分学生思想消极 文章结构不清楚,篇章意识薄弱 语法知识错误较多 5. 有些学生卷面涂改比较严重,书写潦草、随意

11 教学启示 引导学生养成审题的习惯 培养写作技巧 减少语法错误 4. 重视提高学生书写的整洁和美观 ★5. 可以尝试英语书面表达分项打分

12 结束语:给每一位学生再一次的机会! 给优秀生查漏补缺的机会,从而更加优秀! 给中等生一次优秀的机会! 给学困生一次“翻身”的机会!

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