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2010 亜城書法同好展 June 5 – July 5, 2010 僑教中心,Atlanta.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 亜城書法同好展 June 5 – July 5, 2010 僑教中心,Atlanta."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 亜城書法同好展 June 5 – July 5, 僑教中心,Atlanta

2 展出先進 曾瑞利處長余樹榮主任葉建榮委員 凃常雄顧問王泰安會長黎彥樂醫師 詹歷堅教授唐述后老師孟留喜博士
張典姊 (Australia書法協會副會長) 高優鍔 孫德華 孫台勤T.K.Wang 楊蔚親

3 小自在書法展 「書法家鐵工廠」 2010 謝豐穗,麥可恩,麥可心,黎覺今 蕭志彬,蕭志弘,蕭文璋,梁碧嬌 陶裘禮,杜榮珠,林淑卿,林老爹
蔡朞華,張愛麗,林洛伊,沈蓉芙 Bill Erb June 5 – July 5, 2010 僑教中心,Atlanta


5 Bill Erb with his T. No wonder he gets into Shufa so easily.

6 作者:Bill Erb We just met. I don’t know him much. He thought there was something that coming from nothing. Here we are. He did this in the first class. 欣賞:無中生有: 隸書,很輕靈的無中生有。.

7 作者:Bill Erb He did this in the 2nd class. The same content, something comes from nothing, just different scipt. You might wonder how he could do this. 欣賞:無中生有: 草書,很輕靈的無中生有。我很注意的看他如何運筆。他用小指頂住桌面。

8 作者:Bill Erb The clear and cool moon. I do feel that, so I seal it with a full moon. 欣賞:清涼月: 草書,我覺得很清涼,所以蓋上了我的圓印,權當月亮。

9 蕭爸爸,志弘,志彬,媽媽梁碧嬌

10 作者:Joe蕭志弘 欣賞:義: 行書。我看到關公耍大刀的樣子。 Righteousness. This reminds me Guan Yu playing his Green Dragon Crescent Blade 青龍偃月刀. He was a general in Three Kingdoms era of China. He is respected as the epitome of loyalty and righteousness.

11 作者:Joe蕭志弘 欣賞:靜: 他很想靜,但丹田火氣太大,從生,爭可感覺出來。怪我吧,我也靜不下來呢。 He claims Tranquility, but you can see it is my fault.

12 作者:蕭志彬 14歲 欣賞:如意:摶紙後作品,筆畫老練結構大膽,不像14歲小孩子的字 As you wish. He just did it again. He is 14 only.

13 作者:蕭志彬 14歲 欣賞:如意X2: 一對如意,應該是老媽的巧思。As you wish X 2. A pair of as you wish. I believe it is his mom’s put them together.

14 作者:蕭志彬 欣賞:知足:很原始的隸書,很原始的知足。 Contentment. Very aboriginal clerical script, Very naive contentment, pure satisfaction.

15 作者:蕭志彬 欣賞:風:草書。風,凡聲。古人以為風中有蟲。看到蟲了吧。The wind. The character of wind has 凡 fan as sound and 虫 worm as meaning. They knew there were something in the air when they invented this character.

16 作者:梁碧嬌 欣賞:寧靜,寧而無心,好像錯字,但石門頌這樣結字。寧而無丁聲,到真是少了1筆。喜她像小孩。Calm and quiet. She looks like 15, but she is calmly and quietly 50.

17 作者:蕭文璋 欣賞:待人以敬: 方筆扁字。捺筆的芭蕾舞腳跳得很好。Treat people with respect. Can you see 3 ballet feet?

18 作者:Donald 黎覺今 欣賞:永不放棄:在方筆長字的基礎上,15歲的小男孩改成扁字, 表達了他的意思。 Never give up. Donald is only 15 and with 4 years of learning experience. The stroke and structure do show his determination.

19 作者:黎覺今 欣賞:人書俱老: 草書,真是為做書家強說老Cursive: I and my writing are old. You will never know that he is so young just looking at the writing.

20 作者:林淑卿 欣賞:心是佛:對於善男信女,寫佛字能安心,所以信手寫出來好作品。 If you have a heart, you are a buddha. Cursive. For a believer, it is natural to get a great artwork when it is religion related.

21 作者:林淑卿 欣賞:佛, 光普照:對於善男信女,寫佛字能安心,所以信手寫出來好作品。 The light of Buddha shines everywhere. Cursive style. For a believer, it is natural to get a great artwork when it is religion related.

22 作者:林老爹,林淑卿的老爹,黎覺今的外公
欣賞:對人以和:重出江湖,信手拈來佳作。讓我知道他們兩人的其來有自。 Treat people with harmony. The strokes and structures reinforce the content.

23 作者:沈蓉芙 欣賞:有怨聲如訴:節臨柳公權皇英曲。她寫了一整年,終於亭亭玉立。雖然訴歪了,我想到諸葛亮的臨表涕泣。 The music shows the complaint. So sad, that it is slant at the end.

24 作者:Hilary謝豐穗, 9 years old.
欣賞:龍:篆書。是一條小龍。Dragon, a little one. Seal script.

25 作者:謝豐穗 欣賞:更上一層樓: 很自在的運筆和鬆散的結構。 To move one story up. She did it her own way on strokes and structures.

26 作者:謝豐穗 欣賞:無中生有:請參看Bill的作品。不懂或懂很少中文的人好像很容易的無中生有。 Something comes from nothing. It is so true because the little you know about Chinese, the easier you can do the cursive script. Bill and Hilary are 2 examples.

27 作者:謝豐穗 欣賞:三世諸佛:這是3三張紙的合成作品,並沒展出,請欣賞其拙的結構和筆畫。All the buddha of the pass, the present and the future. Please note the dull strokes and structures.

28 作者:張愛麗 欣賞:一夕高樓月: 敬請期待下聯,萬里故園心。如假包換的張體自運楷書。好漂亮。 One night on a tall building I look at the moon. If there is one stroke that I’d like to modify, guess which one?

29 作者:張愛麗 欣賞:自在:沒有裝飾的自在。At ease. The strokes and structures are so dull, no decoration at all. I am who I am.

30 作者:蔡朞華 欣賞:一勤天下無難事:行草。這是老父的交代。不僅沒有忘記,還寫上百遍。行草終於不難。 There is no hard thing when you work hard. This was handed down by her father. She not just remembers it, but also practiced it hundred times. Finally, the cursive style became easy and here is the proof.

31 林洛伊,麥可恩,麥可心

32 作者:Loyee林洛伊 欣賞:歸鄉,流利的行書。 Running: Get back to my home town.

33 作者:Loyee林洛伊 欣賞:歸人,流利的行書。 Running: I am going home.

34 作者:麥可恩 Michael Marra,11歲
欣賞:草書恩,這就是他的簽名Cursive: Favor. This is his signature. He is 10. Perfect strokes and structure.

35 作者:麥可心Chloe Marra,9 years old.
欣賞:舞:草書。多麼靈巧的筆畫及結構. Cursive: Dancibg. She has such a flexible wrist. The talent for cursive script. She did this within a few tries and it is.

36 作者:Julia陶裘禮 欣賞:寬心園:行書。一氣呵成。 Heart broadening garden. These 3 characters are in one stroke. Check it out, please.

37 作者:Julia陶裘禮 欣賞:若荷:隸書。夠扁了。有一筆太長一點。哪一筆? Like lotus. There is one stroke a little longer, guess which one?

38 杜榮珠 and her beautiful flowers. I cut the ugly guy beside her.

39 作者:杜榮珠 欣賞:虞美人- 李煜詞:春花秋月何時了,往事知多少。小樓昨夜又東風。草書。也許還有幾個結構筆畫要改進,但我佩服她大膽的行氣,砍了再說! Cursive: This is done by an axe, not a brush.

40 作者:杜榮珠, 欣賞:春的什錦:這是個富貴春,因為筆畫流暢,結構穩當。有兩個祿,您喜歡哪一個?為什麼? We stick these things on top of windows to celebrate the coming new year and spring season.

41 作者:杜榮珠, 欣賞:天地有正氣,雖然這麼寫,但我叫它雜然付流形。 請看她的簽名,真是人見人愛的好名字,我也喜歡那粒大圓印Cursive: There is right Qi everywhere between the sky and the ground. Please notice her perfect signature. The round seal is great.

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