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The Criteria of Translation

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1 The Criteria of Translation
By : 张 媛 Foreign Languages Department Chuzhou University

2 What is a good translation?
In a good translation, the strong points of the source text have been completely transferred into the target text and so the target receptor can get clear ideas and strong feelings just as same as what the source receptor can get from the source text. -- Alexander Tytler

3 翻译标准就是指翻译实践时译者所遵循的原则,也是翻译批 评家批评译文时必须遵循的原则。
一、以译出语或译入语为取向的翻译原则(the source- language-oriented or the target-language-oriented translation principle) The source-language-oriented principle: the author is the most important and readers should stretch out to reach the author. 以译出语为取向的翻译原则唯原文的形式是举,惟恐译文失 真,有违原文作者的原意,主张“宁信勿顺”;“译文应该沿 着原文的外形来译;打破外形,就破坏了原文的结构美,就 好像把一个美女弄得面目全非,没有什么人会喜欢了”。

4 持这种原则的翻译家为数不少,如中国西晋时期的佛经翻 译家竺法护(约 )、15 世纪德国翻译家尼古拉斯· 封·维尔(Nicolas von Wyle,生卒年不祥)、近代的美国作家 赛珍珠(Pearl Buck, )。 以译出语为取向的翻译原则过了头变成“硬译”或“死译”甚 至逐字翻译(word-for-word translation) He had the agility of a man half his age. 他有岁数比他小一半的人的敏捷。 他的敏捷赶得上岁数比他小一半的人。 他像岁数比他小一半的人那样敏捷。

5 死译与活译 the Milky Way 牛奶路 银河 the apple of my eye 我眼中的苹果 珍爱物;珍爱之人,宝贝 Every dog has its day. 每只狗都有它的日子。 人人皆有得意之日。 It would be one setback too many for him. 这将是一个对他来说太多的挫折。 他可经不住什么挫折了。 如果再有一个挫折,对他来说太多了。

6 The target-language-oriented principle: readers of the target language are the most important and the author should change his expressions to make it more acceptable. 以译入语为取向的翻译原则则一味以译文读者的口味 为准绳,完全采用归化的译法。或者完全为了结合读 者的口味而让译文归化,有时不惜曲解原作。 When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of the war. 张飞杀张飞,杀得满天飞。? 正确的译法: 两雄相遇,其斗必烈。

7 二、以作者和读者为取向的翻译原则(the author-and- reader-oriented translation principle)
The author-and-reader-oriented translation principle: both the reader and the author should be equally respected. 中外翻译史上持这种原则的翻译家同样不少,如三国时期 的支谦、东晋时期的鸠摩罗什、古罗马的西塞罗(Marcus Tullius Cicero, 公元前106-43)、贺拉斯(Quintus Horatius Flaccus,公元前65-8)以及欧洲文艺复兴时期的文学翻译家 。

8 Alexander Tytler-- “On the Principles of Translation”
这一原则既考虑到作者又同时考虑到读者,比较全面。 持这一原则的人在西方的有十八世纪末的英国学者亚历 山大·泰特勒(Alexander Fraser Tytler, )。他在《 论翻译的原则》(Essay on the Principles of Translation)一 书中提出了著名的翻译三原则: Alexander Tytler-- “On the Principles of Translation” “three translation principles”翻译三原则: a) The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work (译文应完全复写出原文的思想) b) The style and the manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original (译文的风格和笔 调应与原文的一致) c) The translation should have all the ease of original composition (译文应和原文同样流畅)

9 在我国持这一翻译原则的有玄奘、严复和鲁迅等人。
玄奘是唐代著名的佛经翻译家,主张翻译"既须求真又须喻 俗"(A good translation should be both faithful to the original and illegible to the public.),意即译文要"忠实通顺"。 严复是我国清末时期的名学者。他在《天演论》(译例言 )(1898)中提出了“信达雅 "三字标准(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance)。"信"是"意义不背本文","达" 是不拘原文形式,尽译文语音的能事以求原意明显。"信"、 "达"互为照应,不可分割开来。"雅"在今天看来是不可取的 ,因为这个"雅"是用汉以前字法句法,即所谓的上等文言文 。 鲁迅先生认为:“凡是翻译,必须兼顾两面,一当然力求其 易解,一则保存着原作的丰姿。”这就是说,译文既要信又 要顺(both faithful to the SL and smooth in expression)。 我国当代翻译理论家张培基等人在其《英汉翻译教程》中 所提出的"忠实"、"通顺"标准也属此类型。

10 这类翻译标准或原则的共同特点是:翻译既要“忠实”又要“通顺”,即 译文必须既要考虑到原作者又要考虑到译文的读者。用张培基等人的 话说就是:
"所谓忠实,首先指忠实于原作的内容。译者必须把原作的内容完整 而准确地表达出来,不得有任何篡改、歪曲、遗漏或任意增删的现象 。…… 忠实还指保持原作的风格--即原作的民族风格、时代风格、语体风格 、作者个人的语言风格等译者对原作的风格不能任意破坏和改变,不 能以译者的风格代替原作的风格。…… 所谓通顺,即指译文语言必须通顺易懂,符合规范。译文必须是明白 晓畅的现代语言,没有逐词死译、硬译的现象,没有语言晦涩难懂、 佶屈聱牙的现象,没有文理不通、结构混乱、逻辑不清的现象。 从大量的翻译实践来看这类翻译原则基本上是正确的,在翻译实践中 也是可行的,但其缺点是执行起来让人感到过于笼统和抽象,且人们 对它的理解或阐释往往存在着程度上的差异,怎样协调好作者与读者 之间的关系也常常让人棘手难办。

11 三、以美学为取向的翻译原则(the aesthetic-oriented translation principle)
The aesthetic-oriented translation principle: artistic beauty is the most important. 这类翻译原则主要为文学翻译家所提倡。如美国的意象派 诗人庞德(Ezra Pound, ),我国的傅雷、钱钟书 和许渊冲。 庞德重诗歌翻译的意象,在某种程度上反映了文学翻译是 美感经验再现的特征"(金文俊:"翻译理论研究基本取向概 述",《外语教学与研究》1991年,No.1,p.24)。 傅雷认为,"以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的 不在形似而在神似。"(傅雷:《高老头重译本》)。 钱钟书提出,"文学翻译的最高标准是'化'。把作品从一国 文字转变成另一国文字,既不能因语文习惯的差异而露出 生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味,那就算得入 于'化境'"。

12 许渊冲提倡文学翻译要做到"意美、音美、形美"(beauty in meaning, beauty in sound and beauty in form),并在这一理 论的指导下译出了举世公认的优秀文学译作。 这一翻译原则的共同特点可以说是译文重神似非形似,语 言必须美, 即许渊冲先生所主张的 "words in best order"、 "best words in best order"。 这里必须指出,美学取向的翻译原则多适合于文学翻译; 以此指导翻译实践的确产生了不少精彩的文学译作。但是 ,该原则对于不少人来说显得过于"高深"和"抽象",同时 也不太适合用来指导非文学作品的翻译实践。 如: 抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。 Drawing sword, cut into water, water again flows: Raise cup, quench sorrow, sorrow again sorrow.

13 Compare: 春晓 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟,夜来风雨声,花落知多少。 译文一: A Spring Morning
This morning of spring in bed I’m lying, Not woke up till I heard birds crying. After one night of wind and showers, How many are the fallen flowers. 译文二: One Morning in Spring Late! This spring morning as I awake I know. All round me the virds are crying, crying. The storm last night, I sensed its fury. How many, I wonder, are fallen, poor dear flowers! Compare:

14 Criteria / Principles of Translation (in China)
严复:“信、达、雅” Faithfulness; Expressiveness; Elegance “信、达、雅”, 即 “忠实于原著,译文流畅,文 字典雅” Quote: “译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信也大 难矣!顾信矣,不达,虽译,尤不译也,则达 尚焉。” “言之无文,行之不远。三者乃文章正轨,亦即 为译事楷模。故信达其而外,求其而雅。” 翻译的原则 /标准 Criteria / Principles 17

15 Analysis: A: Yan Fu’s faithfulness means the full and complete conveying or transmission of the original content or thought. “信”是“意义不(倍)背本文” B: His expressiveness demands that the version must be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense. So “faithfulness” and “expressiveness” are acceptable as translation criteria. “达”是不拘泥于原文形式,尽译文语言的能事以求原意明显 ,为“达”也是为“信”,两者是统一的。 C: But his “elegance” is unadoptable nowadays because it refers to the use of classical Chinese before the Han Dynasty. “雅”是指脱离原文而片面追求译文本身的古雅。

16 刘重德(奥斯汀名作《爱玛 ): 信、达 、切 Faithfulness ---to be faithful to the content of the original 信于原文内容 Expressiveness ---to be as expressive as the original 达与原文形式 Closeness --- to be as close to the original style as possible 切合于原文的文体风格

17 鲁迅:“保存着原作的丰姿” keep the full flavor of the original work 钱钟书:Sublimed Adaptation “化境论” He focuses on the translator’s smooth and idiomatic Chinese version for the sake of the Chinese reader. “把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因 语文习惯的差异而露出生硬的痕迹,又能完全保存 原作的风味,那就算得入于化境。”

18 傅雷: spiritual conformity “神似论”
He emphasizes the reproduction of the spirit or the flavor of the original. “以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在 形似而在神似”。 林语堂: “忠实标准、通顺标准、美的标准”

19 Criteria of translation----Faithfulness 忠实 :
“Faithfulness” first refers to the content of the original work. 翻译是在理解了别人用某种语言表达的意思之后,把同样的意思 用另外一种语言表达出来。也就是说,译者的任务是表达别人的 意思,而不是自己进行创作。 The translator must bring out the original meaning both comprehensively and accurately without any distortion or casual addition or omission of the original thought. Faithfulness also includes the keeping of the original style, as Mr. Lu Xun put it, “keep the full flavor of the original work.”

20 Analysis: 忠实 : Represent the content of the original
翻译要注意信息传真,一定要再现原文多层面的信息, 包括对原作语言词汇的含义、引申、褒贬到文化意蕴, 以至词语、语句在特定语境中的寓意指向的理解,甚至 对原著作者的语言运用习惯的把握等都要有所了解。做 到“人云亦云”。 Do you see any green in my eyes? 你认为我幼稚可欺吗? His grandfather is physically weak, but mentally sound. 他祖父身体虽虚弱,但精神尚佳。(不能译成思想健康) He was slightly struck by the cashier, a young and giggling girl with ankles. 他有点被那个年轻漂亮咯咯笑的收款员所打动。 (英美文化中把脚踝的好看与否作为评价女性漂亮与否的标准之一。)

21 A joke: ---- “How are you?” 怎么是你? ---- “How old are you?” 怎么老是你?
drink like a fish 酩酊大醉 他买了车, 两个星期就把本子拿下来了。 He bought a car and got his license in two weeks. “good”: a good Christian a good mother a good child a good wife a good husband a good president

22 忠实 : Represent the expressions
作者表达思想总是要采用某种表现手法,或开门见山, 直截了当,或拐弯抹角,含沙射影,或清楚明白,或正 面说理,或讽刺挖苦,或用类比、或用暗喻,或用拟人 或用夸张等等,表现手法不同,翻译的效果也不同。 Gentlemen like him carry only large note. 只有象他那样的人才拿大票子。(讽刺) Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. 读书足以怡情,足以博采, 足以长才。 其怡情也, 最见于独处幽居之时;其博采也, 最见于高谈阔论之中 ; 其长才也, 最见于处世判事之际。(排比)

23 忠实 : Represent the style
…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 译文1:并且使这个民有、民治、民享的政府 永世长存。(书面语,比较文雅。) 译文2: 要使这个归人民所有,由人民管理 ,为人民办事的政府永世长存。(口语化, 琅琅上口。)

24 Try it: Three passions, simple but over-whelmingly strong, have governed my life; the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. Three passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. 三种单纯而极其强烈的激情主宰了我的一生:对爱情的 渴望、对知识的探索和对人类苦难的难以忍受的怜悯。 这三种激情,犹如强劲的狂风,卷着我忽东忽西,飘浮 不定,把我吹抵深深的苦海,几近绝望的边缘。

25 Criteria of translation---- Smoothness 通顺 (指语言)
“Smoothness” requires that the version should be clear and distinct, flowing and easy to read without signs of the mechanical word-for-word translation, of obscure and crabbed language, of grammatical mistakes, confused structure and turbid logic. Or in other words, by smoothness we mean that we should make the language forceful, clear and idiomatic. Different languages have different ways of expression. The translator must try to follow the custom and good usage of the languages used and not to stick to the mode of expression of the original.

26 通顺主要指的是语言。 译文语言必须通顺易懂,符合规范。译文必须是 明白晓畅的现代语言,没有逐词死译、硬译的现 象,没有语言晦涩、诘屈聱牙的现象,没有文理 不通、结构混乱、逻辑不清的现象。 An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement. a. 一项调查显示妇女对退休倾向于采取支持的态 度。(翻译腔) b. 调查表明,女工喜欢退休。

27 This was the period when Einstein began the research which resulted in the creation of his famous theory of Relativity. 死译:这是爱因斯坦开始那个导致他著名的相对 论的创立的研究的时期。 应译为:就在这个时期,爱因斯坦开始了一项研 究。结果,他创立了著名的相对论。 农业的根本出路在于机械化。 译文1:The fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization. 译文2:The key to agriculture is mechanization.

28 为完成党在新世纪新阶段的这个奋斗目标(全面 建设小康社会的目标),发展要有新思路,改革 要有新突破,开放要有新局面,各项工作要有新 举措。
In order to attain the Party’s objectives (for building a well-off society in an all-round way) for the new stage in the new century, it is imperative to come up with new ideas for development, (to) make new break-throughs in reform, (to) break new ground in opening up and (to) take new moves in all fields of endeavor.

29 忠实与通顺的关系:既对立又统一 译者的任务是在对立中寻求统一,适当处理好 两者关系。忠实是第一位的,翻译中不可望文 生义,生搬硬套;通顺虽是第二位的,但翻译 实践不可只重忠实,不顾通顺,二者须统筹兼 顾,不得任意偏废。 要做到忠实通顺必须具备几方面的知识: 1、vocabulary 词汇知识 2、grammar 语法知识 3、context 上下文知识 4. background information 文化背景知识

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