如何將動詞改成形容詞 黃勇仁.

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Presentation on theme: "如何將動詞改成形容詞 黃勇仁."— Presentation transcript:

1 如何將動詞改成形容詞 黃勇仁

2 如何將動詞改成形容詞 我們可以將一個動詞用成一個形容詞,我們 的做法是利用分詞(participle)和不定詞 (infinitive),而分詞有兩種:現在分詞 (present participle)和過去分詞(past participle)

3 現在分詞作為形容詞 現在分詞的形式是在動詞後面加上ing a crying baby a smiling girl
an exciting story running water a running boy a rising star

4 現在分詞作為形容詞 現在分詞不一定放在名詞的前面,現在分詞也可以在名詞的後面 a person walking in the woods
the young man running very fast people living in Taiwan the person driving that red car the boys playing in the fields the young boy swimming in the pool

5 現在分詞作為形容詞 We have a crying baby here. Seeing is believing.
Loving is forgiving. He always wears a smiling face. The person swimming in that cold river is quite strong. The young man driving the red car is rich. Those boys playing basketball are happy. This movie is exciting.

6 練習 這是一本有趣的故事。 這門課很無聊(boring)。 看那隻在唱歌的鳥。 那位微笑的人是我的哥哥。 住在鄉下的人通常很健康。
我不認識那位騎腳車的男孩子。 那位正在吃冰淇淋的小孩子是我的兒子。 那位在問問題的學生非常聰明。

7 過去分詞作為形容詞 過去分詞多半有動被和已經完成的意思 a broken window (破碎的窗)
a fallen angel (墮落的天使) a fallen star (已經不走紅的明星) a depressed person (一個沮喪的人) a much appreciated action (為人很欣賞的動作)

8 過去分詞作為形容詞 (a)這本書很有趣。 This book is interesting. (b)我對這本書很有興趣。
I am interested in this book. (a)這是一部令人沮喪的電影。 This is a depressing movie. (b)我看了這部電影以後,感到非常沮喪。 I felt very much depressed after seeing that movie.

9 過去分詞作為形容詞 (a)這個消息真令人難過。 This news is really upsetting. (b)他們都很難過。
They are all upset. (a)約翰的進步令人鼓舞。 John’s progress is encouraging. (b)我因約翰的進步而感到鼓舞。 I am encouraged by John’s progress.

10 過去分詞作為形容詞 America is a developed country.
I found that dog killed in a car accident. The frustrated student needs help. I want the report completed before midnight. He is totally depressed. They are all frustrated. The car driven by that young man is a Cadillac.

11 練習 我對音樂有興趣。 這部人人都看過的電影是在好萊塢製作的。 他來自一個破碎的家庭。 這個國家的法律已經崩潰(break down)了。
我因這個消息而感到興奮。 我們應該幫助那位沮喪的學生。 三個人死於(get killed)這場車禍。 這是一個充滿了困惑的學生。

12 不定詞作為形容詞和副詞 不定詞可以用作名詞,也可以用作形容詞
You don't have the right to talk so loudly. My job is to teach poor kids to learn. We all have the duty to serve our country. He has a talent to sing. I don't have time to play. He is a person to be liked by us all. This is a book to be read by all students.

13 練習 我們都有納稅的義務。 我們都有保持緘默(remain silent)的權利。 他有游泳的天才。 我已無錢可花。 我無處可去。
他太累了,不能開車了。(too…..to…..) 我很高興看到你。 他夠聰明,可以進入大學。(enough…..to…..)

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