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Unit 8 Stress and Adaptation

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1 Unit 8 Stress and Adaptation
Yang Yi West China Second University Hospital


3 A small test “what`s your reaction?”

4 How did you feel just now?
AMET scared AMET nervous AMET surprised AMET worried AMET angry

5 How did you feel just now?
Heart pounding breath accelerating breaking out into a sweat

6 模板来自于
Stress out 紧张

7 Objectives Define the concept of stress
Describe the types of stressors Identify influencing factors of the impact of stressor State the consequences of stress

8 Vocabularies(p31) stress 压力 stressor 压力源 adaptation 适应
physiological 生理学的 psychological 心理的 hormonal 激素的 homeostasis 动态平衡,自我平衡

9 Vocabularies stress 压力 stressor 压力源 adaptation 适应 physiological 生理学的
psychological 心理的 hormonal 激素的 homeostasis 动态平衡,自我平衡

10 -or -ee -ess -or 人;物 Actor 演员 Inventor n.发明家 Translator 翻译者 sailor n.水手 Auditor n.旁听生 calculator n.计算器 A word processor -ee 成为…的人(被动) Employee n.雇员 Absentee n.缺席者 Appointee n.被任命者 -ess 女性;雌性 Actress n.女演员 Hostess n.女主人 Waitress n.女服务员

11 -al -an –ant -ate -al 人;物 -ant人;…剂/物 -an …地方的人,信仰…的人 -ate 人
Aboriginal n.土著居民 Hospital n.医院 -ant人;…剂/物 Accountant n.会计 Stimulant n.刺激物; Assistant n.助手 servant n.仆人;公务员 -an …地方的人,信仰…的人 Republican n.共和党人 Artisan n.工匠,技工 Civilian n.平民,百姓 -ate 人 Delegate n.代表 Candidate n.候选人

12 -er –ic –ian -ician -ian…的人 Historian n.历史学家 Musician n.音乐家 -ician …的人
-er 人;物 Banker n.银行家 Boiler n.锅炉 Carrier n.运送者 Woodpecker n.啄木鸟-ic 人 Critic n.批评家 Mimic n. 模仿者 -ian…的人 Historian n.历史学家 Musician n.音乐家 -ician …的人 Electrician n.电工 Technician n.技术员 Logician n.逻辑学家

13 -ist -ive -ist 人 Dentist n.牙医 Moralist n.道德主义者 Communist n.共产主义者 -ive 人;物 Detective n.侦探 Explosive n.炸药;爆炸物 Native n.本地人

14 Vocabularies stress 压力 stressor 压力源 adaptation 适应 physiological 生理学的
psychological 心理的 hormonal 激素的 homeostasis 动态平衡,自我平衡

15 Vocabularies 身体的 physical; bodily 理智的intellectual 生理的 physiological
认知的 cognitive 社会的 social 情感的 emotional 生物的 biological

16 Vocabularies stress 压力 stressor 压力源 adaptation 适应 physiological 生理学的
psychological 心理的 hormonal 激素的 homeostasis 动态平衡,自我平衡

17 homeostasis adj.homeostatic 自我平衡的;原状稳定的
adv.homeostatically 原状稳定地;自我平衡地 Immunologic homeostasis 免疫稳定;免疫稳态 physiological homeostasis 生理性自体调节 ; 生理体内平衡 social homeostasis 社群稳态 ; 社会稳态 ; 社会性稳态 homeostasis system 动态平衡系统 ; 内稳态系统 ; 稳态系统 Inflating homeostasis 充气止血

18 homeo-相同,相等,类似 Homeopathic:adj. 顺势疗法的;同种疗法的
Homeo therapy ,homeopathy:顺势疗法 ; Homeopathist n.顺势医疗者 Homeotherm n.恒温动物;恒温性 homeoplasia  n.医学 同质形成,同质新生 Homeoosteoplasty n.同种骨成形术 顺势疗法是替代医学的一种。顺势疗法的理论基础是“同样的制剂治疗同类疾病”,意思是为了治疗某种疾病,需要 使用一种能够在健康人中产生相同症状的药剂。例如,毒性植物颠茄(也被称为莨菪)能够导致一种搏动性的头痛、高热和 面部潮红。因此,顺势疗法药剂颠茄就用来治疗那些发热和存在突发性搏动性头痛的病人。目前医学界一般认为,没有任何足够强的证据证明顺势疗法效果强于 安慰剂。

19 Vocabularies bronchitis bronchorrhagia bronchoscopy bronchospasm
hypertension Gastr(o) bronchitis bronchorrhagia bronchoscopy bronchospasm Bronchi(o) hypotension hyperglycemia hyperlipidemia gastropathy gastralgia gastroenteritis gastrectomy gastroscope gastritis

20 Concept of Stress A factor that induces bodily or mental tension
—— from dictionary A nonspecific response of the body to any demand——Hans Selye 机体对外在需求做出的非特异性反应

21 Concept of Stress

22 How does stress arise? stressor

23 Types of Stressors(P29) 心理性压力源 Physical stressors 生理性压力源
Psychological stressors 心理性压力源 Social stressors 社会性压力源

24 Olympic Games shooting

25 Stressors of Matthew emmons

26 Stressors of Matthew emmons
Age thyroid cancer fatigue Physical The first two failures The desire for the championship The maximum tension of the last shot Psychological Social The expectations of family,country and fans

27 Factors Affecting the Impact of Stressor
Magnitude or strength强度 Duration持续时间 Person’s prior experience with the stressor 个体应对压力的经验 Perceived significance to the individual 个体对压力源重要性的感知 Additional stressors其它压力 Strongest,world champion 12 years Olympic Games The first two losses Eager to win Age,cancer,tired

28 Consequences of Stress (P29)
Physical consequence Emotional consequence Intellectual consequence Social consequence Spiritual consequence A successful response : adaptation

29 Consequences of Stress (P29)
Physical consequence Emotional consequence Intellectual consequence Social consequence Spiritual consequence A successful response : adaptation

30 Physical consequence--Disease linked to stress
Hypertension 高血压 失眠insomnia Gastric ulcers 胃溃疡 衰老senility Bronchial asthma 支气管哮喘 胆囊炎cholecystitis Coronary heart disease 冠心病 糖尿病 diabetes mellitus 自身免疫性疾病autoimmune diseases 肥胖obesity

31 Consequences of Stress
Physical consequence Emotional consequence Intellectual consequence Social consequence Spiritual consequence A successful response : adaptation Inferiority , unconfident ,low self-esteem have a dull reaction,  irritable, Impatience,extreme negative energy , isolation, social withdrawal Nervous ,anxiety ,fear, depressed Upset, concerned, worried

32 Definition of Adaptation
Any way the body tries to assist the individual to meet needs and maintain homeostasis

33 General Adaptation Syndrome 全身适应综合征
Hans Selye: father of stress Describe individual’s biochemical mechanism of adapting to stress

34 General Adaptation Syndrome

35 General Adaptation Syndrome
Alarm stage警告期 -Increased hormonal levels cortisol epinephrine How to deal with stress? Three stages Resistance or adaptation抵抗期 -Repair damage Elevated blood pressure, heart rate muscle tension ,blood sugar, immune system Exhaustion衰竭期 -Illness or even death heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer,death back and neck problems, infectious disease

36 7 ways to relieve stress

37 7 ways to relieve stress Spend quality time with family & friends

38 concept types consquences
A nonspecific response of the body to any demand types Physical psychological social consquences General Adaptation Syndrome Alarm reaction stage resistance /adaptation exhaustion


40 Unit 10 Growth and Development
Yang Yi West China Second University Hospital

41 Interpret principles of growth and development
Objectives Define growth and development Interpret principles of growth and development


43 身体发育始于精卵结合,止于青春期,成长持续终身

44 Definition of Growth and Development
G & D is usually applied to as a unit to express the sum of the many changes that take place during the lifetime of an individual. -生长发育通常作为一个整体来表示一个人一生中所发生的许多变化之和。

45 Definition of Growth 量的增长
Growth is an increase in number and size of cells as they divide and synthesize new proteins and the results in increased size and weight of the whole or any of its parts. -细胞在分裂和合成新蛋白质时数量和大小增长 -整体或某部分的大小和重量增加 Growth 指各器官、系统、身体的长大,形 态的变化。有相应的测量值,即有量的 变化。

46 Changes in bodily proportions with age

47 Definition of Development
质的改变 The gradual process of change and differentiation. Advancement from simple to more advanced levels of complexity. The emerging and expanding of the individual’s capacities through growth, maturation, and learning. 发育是指分化与变化的渐进过程,从简单到复杂, 通过成长、成熟及学习展现和扩展个人能力。

48 个体发育(胚胎阶段) 精子穿卵受精卵6周胚胎11周胚胎12周胚胎4月胚胎
Sperm Fertilizationzygote blastocystembryohumanbeing

49 Principles of Growth and Development
Sequence(顺序性) Continuity and Phase(连续性和阶段性) Individual Variation(个体差异性) The child’s pattern of growth is in a head-to-toe direction, or cephalocaudal, and in an inward to outward pattern called proximodistal. Development proceeds from the simple to the complex and from the general to the specific. Development occurs in a cephalocaudal and a proximodistal progression. Critical periods(关键期)

50 Principles of Growth and Development
Sequence(顺序性) G & D proceed in regular directions. -Cephalocaudal(头尾规律):头-胸-坐-立-行 -Proximodistal(由近到远):臂 手;腿 足 -General-to-specific(由粗到细):手掌 手指 -Simple-to-complex(由简单到复杂): 呀呀学语 词 句 The child’s pattern of growth is in a head-to-toe direction, or cephalocaudal, and in an inward to outward pattern called proximodistal. Development proceeds from the simple to the complex and from the general to the specific. Development occurs in a cephalocaudal and a proximodistal progression.



53 General-to-specific

54 Simple-to-complex

55 Principles of Growth and Development
Continuity and Phase(连续性和阶段性) G & D characterized by spurts of growth and periods of rest. The younger the child is, the rapider the physical growth is There are critical periods for growth and development. Development continues throughout the individual's life span. The first 3 m puberty

56 Principles of Growth and Development
G & D proceed at a highly individualized rate. -性别差异 gender difference -成熟度差异Maturity difference Individual Variation(个体差异性) Rates in development vary. Every child grows in his or her unique and personal way

57 Principles of Growth and Development
Critical periods(关键期) Rates in development vary. Primary socialization The peak of development of child's brain is at age 3.

58 Influencing Factors of Growth and Development
Heredity Gender Condition of the pregnant mother Environment Health facilities nutrition M1 M2 M4 M3 Play important role in 起重要作用 Play an important part in Play a key role in

59 Influencing Factors of Growth and Development
Play important role in 起重要作用 Heredity Gender Interrelated 相互影响的 M1 M2 Interrelationship n.相互关系 Interrelation n.相互关系 Interrelate v.使 相互关连 M4 M3 Environment Health facilities nutrition Condition of the pregnant mother Interaction 相互作用 Interactive a.相互作用的 Interactional a.相互作用的

60 Influencing Factors of Growth and Development
Play important role in 起重要作用 Heredity Gender Play an important part in Play a key role in M1 M2 result in 导致,结果是 M4 M3 Issue in 导致 Make for 导致 Lead to 导致 Bring about 引起 Cause Give rise to 使发生,引起 Environment Health facilities nutrition Condition of the pregnant mother

61 appear to be 好像是;仿佛 Feel as if /feel as though be endowed with被赋予;天生具有 identical twins 同卵双胞胎 Non-identical twin /fraternal twins 异卵双胎 chromosomes n.染色体 Karyotype n. 染色体组型,[遗] 核型 Trait 特征;特性 personality trait人格特质,个性品质 trait anxiety特质焦虑,特质性焦虑 character trait性格特征;品格特质

62 Hemophilia [,hiːmə'fɪlɪə]血友病
Thalassemia [,θælə'si:miə]地中海贫血 Phenylketonuria ['finɪl,kitəu'njʊriə]苯丙酮尿症 Pubescent adj. 青春期的;有软毛的 puberty 青春期;开花期 pubescence 软毛;到达青春期 take into account考虑;重视;体谅 look at / think about / think of/consider

63 Malnutrition n. 营养失调,营养不良
dystrophy / nutritional deficiency mal- 病 malabsorption吸收不良 Maldevelopment 发育不良 Mal-adjusted 心理失调 spiritual mal-position 精神错位 German measles 风疹;麻疹 herpes zoster带状疱疹

64 cytomegalovirus CMV巨细胞病毒
cyt(o)- cytobiology 细胞生物学 cytoblast 细胞核 cytolysis细胞溶解 cytonecrosis细胞坏死 cytopenia细胞减少症 Megal- megacardia,心脏肥大 megalocyte巨红细胞 megalomania 自大狂 decelerate 减速 accelerate 加速

65 RUN TO THE BOARD We need 16 people for the game, Each group sends one member to the platform, and there are 16 phrases or sentences. When you hear your team number, please immediately go to the blackboard and read it loudly, translate it into Chinese and then stick it to the right position. Finally, let's see which groups are correct.

66 Condition of the pregnant mother
RUN TO THE BOARD Heredity Gender Condition of the pregnant mother Environment Health facilities nutrition

67 Condition of the pregnant mother
RUN TO THE BOARD Heredity Gender Condition of the pregnant mother Environment Health facilities nutrition the pubescent growth spurt may begin about 2 years earlier in girls than in boys. The development of language and motion is also earlier in girls than in boys. hemophilia thalassemia Phenylketonuria Viral infections German measles Herpes zoster cytomegalovirus infection malnutrition Illness church neighborhoods Schools TV internet

68 summary Growth is an increase in number and size
G & D is usually applied to as a unit to express the sum of the many changes that take place during the lifetime of an individual. Growth is an increase in number and size Development is a gradual process of change and differentiation

69 summary Principles Cephalocaudal Sequence(顺序性) Simple-to-complex
General-to-specific Continuity and Phase(连续性和阶段性) Proximodistal Individual Variation(个体差异性) The child’s pattern of growth is in a head-to-toe direction, or cephalocaudal, and in an inward to outward pattern called proximodistal. Development proceeds from the simple to the complex and from the general to the specific. Development occurs in a cephalocaudal and a proximodistal progression. Critical periods(关键期)

70 summary near-to-far Gross-to -fine Head-to-tail Proximodistal 从简单到复杂
Cephalocaudal near-to-far Simple-to-complex Gross-to -fine General-to-specific Head-to-tail Proximodistal 从简单到复杂

71 summary 苯丙酮尿症 血友病 同卵双胞胎 染色体 identical twins chromosomes Hemophilia
Phenylketonuria 染色体

72 summary 巨细胞病毒 风疹 带状疱疹 地中海贫血 cytomegalovirus Thalassemia German measles
herpes zoster 地中海贫血

73 Thank You !

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