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Platform Transformation, Module 3 Intel Confidential

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1 Platform Transformation, Module 3 Intel Confidential
共襄盛举 创造辉煌 唐 炯 商用客户及中小企业部 中国区经理 英特尔公司

2 Platform Transformation, Module 3 Intel Confidential
业界趋势 – 仅有性能是不够的 ’60-’70年代 性能 平台 (PLATFORM) 多核微处理器 + 通信功能 + 虚拟化 + 安全性 + 可管理性 +… 针对用途的计算 价格 功能 能耗 ’00年后 ’80-’90年代 工业标准 微处理器 (MHz) 通用计算设备 (One Size Fits All) 性价比 定制的技术 大型机 Opening: We've overshot the market on performance, so we need new vectors. Vectors that get integrated into our platforms to provide capability beyond performance. Key Points: We are moving from one size fits all to usage. Moving to platforms, the value proposition shifts from price/performance to price capability watt. Even "price/performance" will become a commodity, as prices drop. Moving to a usage oriented computing model means we need to consider the capabilities we deliver, not only the price or performance. Capabilities like Virtualization, Security, Manageability then drive the platforms we need to pursue that resonate with end users. Close: As uses for computing and communications devices grow, performance means more than GHz speed 随着计算和通信产品的用途越来越广泛, 主频提升所代表的性能要素已经不能反映用户的整体需求

3 Platform Transformation, Module 3 Intel Confidential
密切关注最终用户的需求 他们今天需要完成什么任务,明天呢? 什么是他们的普遍用途? 有什么要求还没有被满足吗? 怎么能够使用户获得更好的使用体验? AEP Script: Then we go a level deeper. We need to observe the users in their environment. What is it they are trying to accomplish? How do they interact with technology? What can we do to optimize the user experience? Then, identify the business opportunity or potential for innovation. Most people think of technology as a means to an end, not about the technology itself. What is the desired outcome? For example: a parent is not necessarily looking for a PC, but at how to educate their child. End-user focus goes beyond asking users about the features they desire. It’s about the experiences they are having or trying to have. This means observing their total environment. We are changing our approach to the world. From the time we became a microprocessor company until now we developed an ingredient, attached it to subsystems, and then figured out how to sell it, how to make it relevant. That worked well in the 1980’s and ‘90’s. However, the value we sold in the ’80’s and 90’s isn’t valuable by itself anymore. To remain relevant, drive growth, and increase revenue for Intel, our strategy must begin with end-user focus and engage the ecosystem to drive platform architectures, ingredients, technologies and standards critical to delivering value.

4 Platform Transformation, Module 3 Intel Confidential
平台化:三个价值的平衡 业务价值 利润 市场反应 生态价值链 技术价值 可行的 可制造的 成本可控的 业务 技术 优势 平台 使用 AEP Script: Compelling platforms require balance and collaboration between business, technology, and user value. In other words, to be successful, a platform solution must be: useful, usable, and desirable to the end-users. It must be a technology that Intel can invest in and manufacture. And, it has to be profitable and marketable for Intel while leading and offering value for our fellow travelers in the ecosystem. As an ingredient-optimized company, we conducted market and industry research around technology relevant to Intel. We built our business cases, developed the ingredients, and then marketed our products in terms of their capabilities. As discussed on a previous slide, we have done this very successfully in years past. Now we need to develop our end-user focus, and we do this in part by adding new skills, such as: ethnographers, other social scientists, and interaction designers to work collaboratively with engineering and marketing. In addition, we need to collaborate closely with the ecosystem from platform exploration through delivery to ensure all ingredients and demand generation elements are in place. Centrino is an example of how these three elements can work together effectively. The time-to-market was right for Centrino, Wi-Fi technology was emerging as the standard, and wireless technology is desirable and usable for the end-user. 使用价值 有用的 能用的 值得期待的

5 Platform Transformation, Module 3 Intel Confidential
平台化案例:迅驰移动计算技术 业务价值及生态系统 技术 用户 生态价值链 合作和市场推广 性能 用户获得的好处 业界应用 软件开发 电池寿命 大量可用的应用程序 遍布全球的无线网络 无线通信 更多的设计可供选择 延长的电池使用寿命 灵活的性能 通信功能 轻薄设计 芯片组功能 AEP Script: Let’s look at the process we used for Centrino… Within the Discovery phase we researched user desires, the business environment (including the ecosystem), and technology. We looked at what technologies were available in the market, and what we can build on. Our discoveries led to the next phase of the process, Innovate, where we identified the desired features and created the capabilities to drive those value vectors. The capabilities formed categories in which themes, and patterns emerged. From there we moved into the Enable phase. Our chipset group, motherboard group, and Communications group evangelized the capabilities to our ecosystem partners and fellow travelers to make our product successful at the end of the line. And the Integrate phase is where we put all of this into a platform solution. Ultimately, Centrino™ provides user benefits like wireless enabled applications, hot spots through out the world, innovative form factors, and performance capabilities that adapt to the user’s needs and extend battery life with a robust ecosystem supplying ingredients and creating demand. 移动性 处理器功能 需求分析 创新设计 功能开发 标准制定 模块集成

6 Platform Transformation, Module 3 Intel Confidential
平台化 – 中国网吧市场的概念机型 玩家的需求 网吧的要求 网吧管理 快速安装或重装 日常维护 - 状态监控, 防盗 - 恢复, 升级 服务功能键 技术支持 点菜、点饮料 多个音频通道 听 MP3 语言聊天 小型设计 方便维护的机箱设计 更好的散热 AEP Script: The platform Intel designed for the i-cafés is a good example of how we translated end-user needs and desires into a solution that benefited both i-café users and i-café owners. I-café customers wanted high performance, immediate tech support, and to be able to order food and drinks without interrupting their game, or conversation. The solution? The installation of a service call button so they wouldn’t have to leave the PC. There is also button for voice communications. The Multi Audio Channel allows them to listen to their favorite tunes while browsing the internet, or playing games. And users are issued a USB security key that allows them to protect their user accounts on the public PC without having to type in passwords for access. I-café owners needed the ability to shut down and re-boot instantly in a clean state for every customer. The PCs needed to have easy access, and be serviced easily without disrupting customers. And all systems had to have anti-theft capability. The key learning here is that… We did a good analysis up front. We created a platform based on user desires. So users requested it because of its features, which created a draw for the i-café owners. 安全锁 保护用户帐号 USB锁(网络身份, 成绩)

7 网吧管理 – 英特尔®平台管理技术 (Christea)
为网络环境中的计算机管理提供增值服务 由英特尔中国软件实验室针对中国的网吧应用设计 英特尔® 平台管理技术 主板技术 固件层技术 (基于英特尔®EFI平台创新架构) 客户端 服务器端软件 用于开发基于英特尔®平台管理技术应用方案的应用程序接口(API)

8 网吧管理员,业主如是说… 英特尔®平台管理技术使我日常运营维护非常轻松,只要20分钟就可以让所有机器升级到CS新版本,而先前我要花上整整几小时完成一次升级。 -Big Café网吧 虹桥店 网络管理员 吴广铸 英特尔®平台管理技术运行稳定,功能很强,使用起来也很方便,确实帮我们极大地减轻了工作负担。 -Big Café网吧 虹桥店 店长        张青青 在我们网吧里带有英特尔®平台管理技术的电脑比其他电脑更稳定,我们已经改变了游戏软件升级模式:先在带有英特尔®平台管理技术的机器上安装和测试新游戏,然后部署到网吧其他机器。英特尔®平台管理技术已成了我们工作中必不可少的部分。 -Big Café网吧 总经理 David Wang

9 Platform Transformation, Module 3 Intel Confidential
经过一个月的试运行… 带有英特尔®平台管理技术的电脑 Left side: Christea PC Right side: normal PC

10 Platform Transformation, Module 3 Intel Confidential
网吧产业的蓬勃发展 近 20%的中国互联网用户把网吧作为登录上网的首选地点 AEP Script: This is a picture of an Internet café (also referred to as an i-café) in Shanghai. The i-café is quite popular in China and can accommodate a couple hundred users at a time. People spend hours in the i-café using the internet for hosting, browsing, gaming, and many other uses. The i-café presented a unique opportunity with unique needs, right for a “solutions” approach.

11 网吧产业生态系统 政府策略 地方连锁网吧 授权机构 全国连锁网吧 授权机构 公安监察 文化部 正规连锁网吧 自营连锁网吧 松散型连锁网吧
其它形式中小网吧 最终用户及消费者 电信/互联网服务提供商 在线游戏 开发商 互联网 内容提供商 互联网 数据中心 在线游戏 运营商 解决方案/服务提供商 硬件设备 提供商 系统级软件提供商 应用软件 提供商 银行 金融公司 风险投资

12 英特尔及合作伙伴, 合作市场活动,渠道招募,促销
建立商业合作,共赢网吧商机 游戏开发商 英特尔 整体解决方案 游戏运营商 电信运营商 网吧 宽带社区 热点场所 其它 英特尔网吧巡展 校园巡展 高性能PC 英特尔 服务器平台解决方案 英特尔移动平台 解决方案 英特尔及合作伙伴, 合作市场活动,渠道招募,促销

13 小结 仅有性能是不够的, “平台化”设计满足客户不同的需求 英特尔正在国内针对中国网吧市场的需求进行本地化设计

14 谢谢!

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