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四级辅导作文II 文法,语法.

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1 四级辅导作文II 文法,语法

2 Be coherent:流畅(衔接、连 贯) Be correct
怎样写好四级作文 Be Brief:简洁( 清晰、明了) Be coherent:流畅(衔接、连 贯) Be correct

3 1.Be brief 1. 减少there be句型的使用
There are widespread rumours of job losses. 可以改写为: Rumours of job losses abound.

4 There were more foreign students in the classroom than the natives.
可以改写为: Foreign students outnumbered the natives in the classroom.

5 2使用介词短语 (1) When they arrived at the police station, they were taken to an interview room. (2) I'll call you when I arrive. 可以改写成:  (1) On arrival at the police station, they were taken to an interview room. (2) I'll call you upon arrival.  

6 3.省略关系代词 From childhood, he had an instinct that made him excited and interested in all things which were electronic. 可以改写成: From childhood, he had an instinctive feel for all things electronic. 这里将关系代词 which 以及 that 省略,并且原句中 made him excited and interested in 语义重复,可以使用 instinctive feel 来代替。

7 An Ideal Husband is a film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's play that tells the story of a popular politician who was involved in a scandal that led to his downfall. 句子可以改写成: An Ideal Husband is a film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's play that tells the story of a popular politician brought down by a scandal.

8 用过去分词结构代替定语从句 这些被定为学习较差并且分到差班的学生一生将活在这个 阴影之中。 Those students who are identified academically “inferior” and divided into a lower-level class might live their entire lives in this shadow. Those students identified academically “inferior” and divided into a lower-level class might live their entire lives in this shadow.

9 用过去分词结构代替定语从句 Part of the radio waves which are emitted by a cell telephone are absorbed by the human head. Part of the radio waves emitted by a cell telephone are absorbed by the human head.

10 用过去分词结构代替定语从句 配有手机的孩子就有可能和他们的父母保持联系。 It is possible for youngsters equipped with cell phones to stay in touch with their parents.

11 用现在分词代替定语从句 Americans who visit foreign countries are shocked to find that it is common to see people chomping hot dogs or fish-and-chips. Americans visiting foreign countries are shocked to find that it is common to see people chomping hot dogs or fish-and-chips.

12 incompetent adj. 无能力的, 不称职的, 不胜任的
用形容词代替定语从句 This practice can turn those students into a complete nerd who are incompetent for even the most basic tasks of daily life. nerd n. 书呆子 incompetent adj. 无能力的, 不称职的, 不胜任的 This practice can turn them into a complete nerd incompetent for even the most basic tasks of daily life.

13 用形容词代替定语从句 For aged viewers or those who are unfamiliar with using a computer, online galleries can even be extremely confusing and difficult to handle. For aged viewers or those unfamiliar with using a computer, online galleries can even be extremely confusing and difficult to handle.

14 用形容词代替定语从句 Those developing countries’ scarce resources are better spent on the literacy necessary for general economic development, rather than on promoting bilingualism.

15 介词代替定语从句 Laws which are against age discrimination may merely lead to old people working more, instead of more old people working. Laws against age discrimination may merely lead to old people working more, instead of more old people working.

16 2. Be coherent Cause and effect 因果关系 标志词
1)表示原因的 because, as, since, due to, owing to 2)表示结果的 hence(因此),thus(因此),therefore(因此),As a consequence,…(作为结果)Accordingly…(相应的),As a result…(作为结果)Consequently…(作为结果) so…that…(如此…以致…) E.g. The ecological problems are being aggravated. Hence, it is imperative that we take measures to curb the pollution of the environment. 生态系统正在急剧的恶化,因此,我们必须采取严厉的措施 遏制对环境的污染。

17 Exemplification 举例关系 …is a case in point.(某人或某事是一个恰当的例 子.)Take…for example.(以…为例) for instance. (比如…) To Illustrate…(例如…) As an illustration…(作为例证…) e.g. The Asian countries are getting westernized at a staggering rate. Take China for example, when youngsters go to the movies, it is standard practice for them to choose Hollywood blockbuster over domestic films. 亚洲国家正以一种惊人的速度变得西方化,以中国为例,当 年轻人去电影院的时候,通常都会选择好莱坞大片而不是中 国电影。

18 Comparison and contrast 对比关系
While …,whereas…,in contrast e.g. Whereas/ while modern man is so rushed and so stressed, our ancestors could often perform their business in a relaxed manner.(对比) 现代人的生活是如此的奔忙与紧张,而我们的祖先却可 以不慌不忙的从事他们的事务。 e.g. The educational and medical facilities in big cities are mostly very advanced. In contrast, their counterparts in the country tend to be of inferior quality.

19 Concession 让步关系 标志词 Despite /in spite of …(后面只能跟名词 名词 词组或者动名词)(尽管有…),albeit…(尽管 ,后面只能跟 形容词或者介词短语), 形容词+as it may be…(尽管, 前面只能加形容词),Nonetheless/Nevertheless,(尽管 如此) e.g. 1 Tough as it may be to get accustomed to a new culture, it will prove very rewarding. 尽管适应新的文化可能很难,但这会被证明是很值得的。 2 The government plays a crucial role in scientific research, Nonetheless, private companies hold certain advantages in conducting scientific research.

20 Definition 下定义关系 A is best characterized by…( A 最明显的特征 是…),A constitutes…(A 构成…) A means…, A consists of …(A 由…组成). e.g. A fine journalist is best characterized by discipline, determination and keen   observations. 一个好的记者最重要的特点是自律,毅力和敏锐的 观察。

21 Supposition 假设论证 标志词 provided that…(如果) given the choice…(如果可以选择的话…)only if…(只 有…)as long as…(只要) if…, suppose that… e.g. Provided that we can minimize the pain of test animals, animal experimentation should be continued. e.g. Given the choice, many people would live in big cities rather than the countryside.

22 Modification 修饰关系 标志词 that, which, who In this day age, we have a proliferation of buildings that look exactly like the buildings our ancestors built. Today, teenage students are under increasingly severe stress in their studies, which has disturbed and alarmed many adults.

23 3. Be correct 主谓不一致,人称与动词不符。例如:
   My sister go to the cinema at least once a wee k. (误)    My sister goes to the cinema at least once a w eek. (正)

24 动词时态、语态的误用,前后不一致。例如:
   I was walking along the road, and there are n ot so many cars on the street. (误)    I was walking along the road and there were n ot so many vehicles on the street. (正)

25  及物动词与不及物动词的误用。例如:    The traffic accident was taken place at the jun ction of two highways. (误)    The traffic accident took place at the junction  of two highways. (正)   发生是一个主动的过程,没有什么事是被发生 的,所以不能用was taken place 。

26 情态动词的误用。例如:   They should spent much time. (误)   They should spend much time. (正)   情态动词后面常常跟动词原形,所以spend要 用原型。

27  句子成分残缺不全,语句不通。例如:    We should read books may be useful to us. ( 误)    We should read books which may be useful to  us. (正)

28 句子成分多余,累赘复杂。例如:    This test is end, but there is another test is w aiting for you. (误)    One test ends, but another is waiting for you.  (正)

29  词类混淆,词性不明。例如:    It is my point that reading must be selectively . (误)    In my opinion, reading must be selective. (正)   这句中,be 后面是形容 reading 的意思,所 以要用到一个形容词,而selectively明显是一个副 词。

30 名词可数与不可数的错误。例如:    In modern society, people are under various pres sures(误)    In modern society, people are under various kind s of pressure. (正)   pressure是一种无形的但是有很多种类的事物, 所以不能直接在后面加复数s,但是要形容他多,各种 各样后面加一个种类kinds of 就正确表达出了复数形 式。

31 动宾搭配不当。    We must pay attention to it and make solutio ns to the problem. (误)    We must pay attention and find a solution to t he problem. (正)

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