Welcome to Praxair 2012 Campus Recruitment

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1 Welcome to Praxair 2012 Campus Recruitment
June, 2012 Shanghai, PRC 2012年6月, 上海 In NAIG we take strategic thinking very seriously We take the time to plan ahead We have done an outstanding job in operational excellence We have clear ideas of the key focus points to deliver our plan …but there are some real challenges ahead due to the slowing economy and increased focus of our competition.

2 Praxair at a Glance 公司概况
A US Fortune 300 company with 2010 sales of $10 billion 美国财富三百强企业,2010年销售额100亿美元 One of the largest industrial gases companies worldwide and the largest in North and South America 全球最大工业气体公司之一,北美、南美洲最大工业气体公司 Operations in more than 30 countries 在30多个国家运营业务 26,000 employees 全球员工26,000名 One million customers worldwide 全球客户逾一百万 Above 3,000 active patents 三千多项专利技术

3 A Sterling Reputation 屡获殊荣,名至实归
In 2011, be awarded as “The Best Employer – the best companies to work for in China” 2011年- 荣获“卓越雇主-中国最适宜工作的公司”的殊荣; Among 2011 Forbes list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies 名列2011年《福布斯》杂志“全球最佳创新企业” A component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for 9 consecutive years 迄今连续9年入选“道琼斯可持续发展指数”成员企业 Among the Top 3 in Fortune Magazine’s list of America’s Most Admired Chemical Companies in 年荣登《财富》杂志“全美最受推崇化工公司”前三名 Regularly rated among the most shareholder-friendly chemical companies (Institutional Investor) “最为股东利益着想的化工企业” 榜单名列前茅(金融机构投资者杂志)

4 2011 Best Employer in China Praxair China ranks among the 2011 Best Employers of China by Fortune China magazine Fortune China Sep edition published a feature article on us The award is based on employee engagement survey results

5 Position Information 职位信息-亚洲区
编号 部门 岗位名称 人数 学历 专业要求 工作地点 1 工程部 工艺工程师实习生 2 硕士/本科 低温控制专业; 化工工程类专业; 上海 ACS 工程师实习生 3 设备工程师实习生 机械工程类专业; 4 电气设计工程师实习生 电气工程类专业; 5 仪器工程师实习生 仪器仪表类专业; 控制系统仪表类专业; 6 管道工程师实习生 7 IT硬件实习生 计算机类专业 化工类专业; Please send your CV to before June 25th as the format of: 申请职位+学校+专业+姓名. Thanks!

6 Position Information 职位信息-亚洲区
编号 部门 岗位名称 人数 学历 专业要求 工作地点 8 制造部 制造工程师实习生 2 硕士/本科 机械工程类专业; Yanda workshop 9 项目部 项目工程师实习生 1 工程类专业; 上海 企划工程师实习生 化工工程类专业: 10 11 项目控制工程师实习生 12 安全工程师实习生 电气工程类专业; Please send your CV to before June 25th as the format of: 申请职位+学校+专业+姓名. Thanks!

7 Making Our Plant More Productive 普莱克斯,增辉地球
谢 谢 Welcome to Join Praxair! Deadline: June 25th, 2012.

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