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丹麥華語中心設立 第八組:陳宛妤、廖柔雅、于子萱、吳穎琪、高韻婷、盧靖珺.

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Presentation on theme: "丹麥華語中心設立 第八組:陳宛妤、廖柔雅、于子萱、吳穎琪、高韻婷、盧靖珺."— Presentation transcript:

1 丹麥華語中心設立 第八組:陳宛妤、廖柔雅、于子萱、吳穎琪、高韻婷、盧靖珺

2 華語中心創立源起

3 創立目的 北歐某些知名大學在校內開設了華語課程,但相較於其他華語教育發展較高的國家來說仍顯不足 北歐境內並沒有一所正規的華語中心

4 目標市場 幼兒、青少年與成人

5 設立於丹麥的原因 丹麥語言中心林立 與歐洲大陸的關係較為密切,可吸引鄰國的學生來學習華語

6 設立於丹麥的原因 國家圖書館於丹麥設立 ——「臺灣漢學資源中心」 → 國圖在北歐,也是在丹麥設立的第一個 「臺灣漢學資源中心」

7 設立於丹麥的原因 丹麥的中華文化機構 ——哥本哈根中國文化中心 → 注重於跨文化之間的交流,並沒有提供專業 的華語教育系統

8 華語中心定位與課程規劃特色 主題式引導 → 在課程前後穿插著不同的漢文化主題 實作重於聽講 → 課程強調學生的摸索與體驗重於聽講

9 華語中心定位與課程規劃特色 因材施教,小班制度 樂中學,學而樂 → 針對不同年齡、不同程度、不同性質的學生 開設不同型態的課程
→ 以小班制度(10人左右)為主 樂中學,學而樂 → 搭配著課程的漢文化主題,定期舉辦該文化 的體驗活動

10 主要課程類型 成人 兒童 下午班 商業華語 (商業文化) 遊戲華語 文化體驗

11 訪談

12 Q: Where are you from? A: My name is Niklas Martinsson and I’m from Gothenburg, the second largest city in Sweden.

13 Why did you come to study in Taiwan?
Q: Why did you come to study in Taiwan? A: After finishing my undergraduate degree, I applied for the Huayu enrichment scholarship offered by the Taiwanese government and was offered a 9 month scholarship studying mandarin in Taiwan. I picked Taiwan because I have friends who are from here and also relatives who have previously been working here, who both recommended me to go to Taiwan.

14 Also, before coming to Taiwan I had previously studied mandarin in both Sweden and Shanghai, and there was a noticable difference in learning speed when doing it in Shanghai, thanks to the fuller immersion of the language and culture. Knowing this, choosing between studying mandarin in Taiwan or Sweden was not a difficult choice.

15 Q: Does your country have Chinese Language Centre? If yes, what courses do they provide? A: I don’t think they are very common, not as common as in Taiwan at least. Because Sweden’s education system and culture differs a lot from Taiwan’s. So the ones we do have are mostly run by the government and mainly focus on teaching middle- and high school children their parents native language free of charge (except Swedish of course). Because studying in Sweden is free, so another big difference is that we don’t have 補習班, and overtime is less common in Sweden due to strong union laws. 

16 So the working/studying overtime culture is not very strong in Sweden
So the working/studying overtime culture is not very strong in Sweden. I believe this is partly due to not having the prestige culture that is common in east Asian countries and the competition for attending university is not as strict. Due to us having multiple opportunities to attend university, as well as having multiple ways of doing it, it takes away the pressure of the university entrance exam that is used in Taiwan, and in turn also takes away the need for 補習班 to prepare for this. 

17 In Sweden we do have “Popular Education” (普通教育) though, and through this we have several study organizations that offers tuition fee based courses, usually in the evenings. These study organizations however, are not just for studying Chinese, they offer courses on all kinds of subjects. The Chinese courses these organizations offers vary in topics and it can be anything from a standard proficiency course to more topic specific Courses, but they are not pure language center.

18 Q: If we want to open a Chinese Language Centre in your Country, can you give us some suggestions to make this centre more attractive? A: I would focus on evening courses due to people working during the day and also have courses with topics besides the standard proficiency courses, e.g. business Chinese, culture course or other topics that can be applied to peoples professional life. 

19 Because I think if people want to learn mandarin fulltime, they will either take Courses at a language centre in a  Chinese speaking country where they can be immersed in the language and culture, or take classes at university in Sweden (both of these are based on my own experience). Because we don’t have tuition fee for university in Sweden, so trying to compete with that might be tough and also the university courses gives you university credits that can be used to pursue a degree. However, I think the interest for learning mandarin is increasing, due to Swedish companies increased interest in China, not just a production base, but also due to the growing middle class

20 and the rapidly developing consumer market
and the rapidly developing consumer market. Thanks to this, I think more and more people are starting to see the benefits of knowing mandarin, so connecting the courses to business life might be a good idea, e.g courses on Chinese business culture is quite popular for companies who work a lot with China and frequently send people there on assignments.

21 Thanks for Listening

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