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Clam Legend 學校:台中市立西苑高中 教師:張慧如.

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Presentation on theme: "Clam Legend 學校:台中市立西苑高中 教師:張慧如."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clam Legend 學校:台中市立西苑高中 教師:張慧如

2 關係代名詞的用法 文法動畫 活動練習 定義說明 牛刀小試 句型介紹

3 One day… Jacky Old George Roger

4 It’s a magic! How huge! Wow! Old George, Jacky, Roger三人發現了一個大蛤仔。

5 I’ll give each of you a wish.
Please let me go. I’ll give each of you a wish. 蛤仔精利誘三人,答應給每人一個願望。

6 I want a house which is the biggest in the town.
解說一 Old George許願說:「我要一棟城裡最大的房子。」

7 and you’ll see the house which you want.
No problem. Go home... and you’ll see the house which you want. 解說二 蛤仔精爽快地答應,結果Old George回家看到…。

8 Everything is burned, so…
城裡的所有房子都被燒成殘骸,獨留Old George家安然存在。

9 The house which Old George wants is the biggest in the town.
解說三 Old George的家就成了城裡最大的房子。

10 I want my wife to become a woman who is the most beautiful in the world.
解說四 Jacky許願說:「我想要我老婆變成世界上最美麗的女人。」

11 and you’ll see the woman who you want.
No problem. Go home... and you’ll see the woman who you want. 解說五 蛤仔也精爽快地答應,結果Jacky回家看到…。

12 The woman who is in Jacky’s house is the most beautiful one.
解說六 他驚訝地看著眼前的女人,有著曼妙身材卻是一顆蛤仔頭。

13 But in the clam’s world. 原來蛤仔精給他的是蛤仔界的第一美女。

14 power… money… I want women…

15 I can’t make up my mind. Roger在「權力」、「金錢」、「美女」間猶豫不定。

16 Shit! 此時Roger和一顆石頭相撞,且痛得喊了一聲「Shit !」

17 The wish which you make is the most creative!
No problem. The wish which you make is the most creative! 解說七 蛤仔精覺得Roger的願望太有創意,於是二話不說就答應了。

18 可憐的Roger變成了一坨蒼蠅四繞的大便。

19 The next one is you…

20 關係代名詞定義 一、定義﹕ 具有「連接詞」和「代名詞」的雙重 作用,既代替前面的先行詞並可引導 一個形容詞子句來修飾這個先行詞。

21 關係代名詞定義 二、 先行詞是人, 則關係代名詞用who; 先行詞是事物, 則關係代名詞用which。

22 關係代名詞句型 一、S+V+O(事物) +which+V…. 先行詞 which+S+V…. 主要子句 形容詞子句

23 關係代名詞句型 二、S(事物) +which+V… +V…. 先行詞 which+S+V… 主要 形容詞子句 子句

24 關係代名詞句型 三、S+V+O(人) +who+V…. 先行詞 who+S+V…. 主要子句 形容詞子句

25 關係代名詞句型 四、S(人) +who+V… +V…. 先行詞 who+S+V… 主要 形容詞子句 子句

26 Monster Hunter People said that there is a monster in the forest.
The monster which has one eye, three tails and four legs eats children. Please help us to find it out.

27 Crazy Dog Wanted Warning! Now we are chasing a dangerous guy,
Crazy Dog, who has a gun in hand. The guy who is wearing a big golden earring, a hunting dress and a clown hat is the one we want.

28 1. Helen has a dog ˍˍˍ likes
eating strawberries. (1) who (2) which

29 2. Ken likes the girl ˍˍˍ he met
in the rain yesterday. (1) who (2) which

30 3. Cindy wants to buy the cell phone
ˍˍˍ can take pictures. (1) who (2) which

31 4. The boy ˍˍˍ is sitting on the
bench is my brother. (1) who (2) which

32 5. The song ˍˍˍ Judy is singing
is very popular. (1) who (2) which

33 解說一 I want a house which is the biggest in the town.
S+V+O(事物) +which+V…. 先行詞 which引導的形容詞子句修飾先行詞 a house

34 解說二 You’ll see the house which you want.
S+V+O(事物) +which+S+V…. 先行詞 which引導的形容詞子句修飾先行詞 the house

35 解說三 The house which Old George wants is the biggest in the town.
S(事物) +which+S+V… +V…. 先行詞 which引導的形容詞子句修飾先行詞 the house

36 解說四 I want my wife to become a woman who is the most beautiful in the world.
S+V+O(人) +who+V…. 先行詞 who引導的形容詞子句修飾先行詞 a woman

37 解說五 You’ll see the woman who you want.
S+V+O(人) +who+S+V…. 先行詞 who引導的形容詞子句修飾先行詞 the woman

38 解說六 The woman who is in Jacky’s house is the most beautiful one.
S(人) +who+V… +V…. 先行詞 who引導的形容詞子句修飾先行詞 the woman

39 解說七 The wish which you make is the most creative!
S(事物) +which+S+V… +V…. 先行詞 which引導的形容詞子句修飾先行詞 the wish

40 真抱歉! 再想一想。

41 YA!YA! 你真是個天才。

42 真抱歉! 再想一想。

43 你答錯了, 再想一想。

44 你答錯了, 再想一想。

45 恭喜你,你答對了。 放鞭炮為你祝賀!!

46 真抱歉! 再想一想。

47 YA!YA! 你真是個天才。

48 恭喜你,你答對了。 放鞭炮為你祝賀!!

49 你答錯了, 再想一想。

50 真抱歉! 再想一想。

51 YA!YA! 你真是個天才。

52 恭喜你,你答對了。 放鞭炮為你祝賀!!

53 你答錯了, 再想一想。

54 真抱歉! 再想一想。

55 YA!YA! 你真是個天才。

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