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English Pronunciation and Intonation

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1 English Pronunciation and Intonation

2 Syllables 元音是构成音节的主体。 一个音节可以只有元音音素,也可以再加上一个或多个辅音音素。
元音是构成音节的主体。 一个音节可以只有元音音素,也可以再加上一个或多个辅音音素。 音节构成单词。按音节的数目可以划分为单音节词,双音节词,三音节词和多音节词。 单音节词:milk sound great small freeze jump 双音节词:fea-ther en-vious ['en-vɪəs] qua-rrel ['kwɒ-r(ə)l] ge-nius me-rry o-pen 三音节词:ad-ver-tise he-si-tate co-rri-dor['kɒ-rɪ-dɔː] 走廊 fre-quen-cy o-ri-gin fes-ti-val

3 英语单词如果由两个以上音节组成,其中有一个音节要读得重些和长些,叫重读音节(stress)。在左上角用“ ’ ”表示。
Word Stress 英语单词如果由两个以上音节组成,其中有一个音节要读得重些和长些,叫重读音节(stress)。在左上角用“ ’ ”表示。 如果一个单词由多个音节,则除了主重音(primary stress)外,还有次重音(secondary stress),在左下角用“ , "表示。 extracurriculum [,ekstrəkə'rikjuləm]中,重读音为[ri],次重读音为[eks] congratulations [kən,grætjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)ns]中,重读音为[lei],次重读音为[græ]

4 Word Stress 1. The singer wants to re‘cord a new ’record.
2. He in‘sulted me with a rude ’insult. 3. They are going to co’ntest the results of the ‘contest. 4. I love pho‘tography. Do you take a lot of ’photographs? 5. Do you know that ‘family? Yes, they’re fa’miliar to me. 6. Their opinions ‘vary. There is a va’riety of opinions in the room. 7. It is not ‘necessary to do that. I don’t nece’ssarily agree. 8. He likes to com‘pete. He’s always been very com’petitive.

5 有一些双音节词在作名词和动词时的重读音节不同。一般来讲,作名词时,重读音节在前。作动词时重读音节在后。
Word Stress 有一些双音节词在作名词和动词时的重读音节不同。一般来讲,作名词时,重读音节在前。作动词时重读音节在后。

6 有一些双音节词在作名词和动词时的重读音节不同。一般来讲,作名词时,重读音节在前。作动词时重读音节在后。
Word Stress 有一些双音节词在作名词和动词时的重读音节不同。一般来讲,作名词时,重读音节在前。作动词时重读音节在后。

7 在英语句子中有些单词要读得比较响亮,叫语句重音。 有语句重音的词一般为实词:名词,动词,数词,形容词,副词等
Sentence Stress 在英语句子中有些单词要读得比较响亮,叫语句重音。 有语句重音的词一般为实词:名词,动词,数词,形容词,副词等 虚词一般没有语句重音:冠词,连词,介词 My 'mother is a 'doctor. She is 'young and 'beautiful.

8 Sentence Stress 1. That’s good. That’s a good idea. 2. It’s hot.
It’s a hot day. 3. I need it. I need to go. I need to go home. I need to go home at five o’clock. 4. He lost it. He lost the money. I think he lost the money. I think he lost the money again. I think he lost the money that I gave him. He might have lost the money that I gave him. I think he might have lost the money that I gave him.

9 be动词,情态动词和助动词与否定词not构成的否定缩略词必须重读。
Sentence Stress be动词,情态动词和助动词与否定词not构成的否定缩略词必须重读。 You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do. You shouldn't have said that. You can't be serious.

10 be动词,情态动词和助动词一般没有语句重音。但用于简略问答,简略问句,位于句首以及为了加强语气时,都要重读。
Sentence Stress be动词,情态动词和助动词一般没有语句重音。但用于简略问答,简略问句,位于句首以及为了加强语气时,都要重读。 Would you marry me? Yes, I 'do.

11 语句重音还需要根据上下文和说话人要表达的感情来决定。有时候由于重复,实词会失去重音;有时候为了对比,强调,位置等原因,虚词也可以有重音。
Sentence Stress Attention: 语句重音还需要根据上下文和说话人要表达的感情来决定。有时候由于重复,实词会失去重音;有时候为了对比,强调,位置等原因,虚词也可以有重音。 I can speak English. one apple, two apple, three apple.....

12 Practice

13 Homework A: Coming through. This is Officer Mcqwan, we got a 1031.
B: I got him! Officer Hopps. I am in pursue, Woo-Hoo! Uh, I need you to run a plate. C: Flash is the fastest guy in there, he could run the plate like that. B: Wait, they are all sloths? C: What are you saying that because he's a sloth, he can't be fast? Flash, Flash a hundred yard dash. Buddy, it's nice to see you.

14 Homework D: Nice to...see you, too.
B: Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD, how are you? D: I am...doing.... B: Fine? D: Well... D:What... B:Hang in there. D:... can B: Well, I was hoping you could run a pla... D: ...for you... B: Well, I was hoping you... B: Well, I was hoping you could run a plate for us.We are in a really big hurry. D: What's the....plate... B:29

15 Homework D: number? B:29THD03. D:2...9...T.... B:HD03. D:H... B: D03
B:Hum,hum, 03 D:0... B:3. C: Hey, Flash, wanna hear a joke? B: No! D: Sure.

16 Homework C: Well, what do you call a three humped camel?
D: I don't...know. C:Pregnant. C:Hahaha. D:Ha....ha...ha... B:Haha, yes, very funny, very funny. Can you please just focus on this...Wait, wait, wait. D: Priscilla B: Oh, no! E: Yes?Flash. D: B:No! D: you call.... B: a three humped camel. Pregnant! Ok! Great, we got it. Please check! Ah....Hurry! We gotta beat the rush hour and...It's night?!

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