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Grammar The Passive Voice.

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1 Grammar The Passive Voice

2 语态也是动词的一种形式,英语有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,而被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。
1)We use electricity to run machines. (主动语态) 2)Electricity is used to run machines. (被动语态)

3 一、被动语态的定义: 语态是动词的一种形式,用以表示主语和谓语之间的关系。当主语是谓语动作的执行者,则为主动语态;当主语是谓语动作的承受者,则为被动语态。 被动语态由助动词be+过去分词构成,时态通过be表现出来。

4 表格:被动态基本结构 时态 被动语态结构 一般现在时 一般过去时 现在进行时 过去进行时 一般将来时 过去将来时 现在完成时 过去完成时
am/is/are done was/were done am/is/are being done was/were being done shall/will be done would be done have/has been done had been done

5 二、何时使用被动语态呢? 一)、行为主体不明确,不必说出或者无法说出动作的执行者时。例如: Football is played all over the world. 二)、不易找到或根本就不可能找到动作的执行者时。例如: My bike was stolen.我的自行车被盗了。

6 三)、汉语中含有“据说”、“据悉”、“有人说”、“大家说”等时。例如:
It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house and …… It was reported that her mother died of SARS. 众所周知… … It is well known that … 据推测说… … It is supposed that …

7 四)、汉语中含有“被”、“由”等词时。 例如: Wei Hua is asked to come by Lin Tao. 魏华是被林涛叫来的。

8 五)、某些句子习惯上用被动语态。例如: He was born in October,1989. 六、表示礼貌时。例如: You are friendly invited to come to our English party at 8:00p.m.tomorrow.敬请您明天晚上8:00光临我们的英语晚会。

9 三、在什么情况下不能使用被动语态呢? 1.表示状态的动词,如have,cost,fit,last, own,hold,become等往往不能用于被动语态。例如: 【正】The shirt fits him very well. 【误】He is fitted very well by the shirt.

10 2.祈使句一般没有被动语态。例如: 【正】Look at the blackboard,please. 【误】The blackboard is looked at by you.

11 3.某些及物动词的宾语表示处所、地点、组织时不能用于被动语态。例如:
【正】He joined the League in 1998. 【误】The League was joined by him in 1998.

12 4.由“动词+名词”构成的英语习语(如make faces,make friends,take place等)一般不可改为被动语态。例如:
【正】The boy make faces in class. 【误】Faces are made by the boy in class. Great changes have taken place in Jinan since last year.

13 5.反身代词在句中作宾语时,不能用被动语态。例如:
【正】You must look after yourself. 【误】Yourself must be looked after

14 几种特殊情况: 1. 若宾语补足语是不带to 的不定式,变为被动语态 时,该不定式前要加“to”。此类动词为感官动词: feel, hear, listen to, look at, observe, see, notice, watch; make, let, have等。(巧记:这些动词真奇怪,主动句中to 离开,被动句中to回 来。)(  .

15 eg The teacher made me go out of the classroom
eg The teacher made me go out of the classroom. --> I was made to go out of the classroom (by the teacher).   We saw him play football on the playground. --> He was seen to play football on the playground

16 2. 情态动词+ be +过去分词,构成被动语态。    Coal can be used to produce electricity for agriculture and industry.
3. 短语动词的被动语态 短语动词转换为被动语态时,通常被看作是一个动词,后面的介词或副词不能拆开或省略。例如: 1)All the rubbish should be got rid of. 2) This is a photo of the power station that has been set up in my hometown.  3) My sister will be taken care of by Grandma.    4) Such a thing has never been heard of before..

17 4. 不用被动语态的情况 1) 不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态: appear, die, disappear, end (vi
4. 不用被动语态的情况    1) 不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态: appear, die, disappear, end (vi. 结束), fail, happen, last, lie, remain, sit, spread, stand break out, come true, fall asleep, keep silence, lose heart, take place…  eg: After the fire, very little remained in my house.

18 比较: rise, fall, happen是不及物动词;raise, seat是及物动词。     The price has been risen.  The price has risen.
The accident was happened last week.     The accident happened last week.  The price has raised.            The price has been raised.  Please seat.               Please be seated. (F) (T) (F) (T) (F) (T) (F) (T)

19 5 用谓语动词主动形式表示被动含义 (1.) 动词 (表示主语的属性特征) + 副词 (well/ badly /easily/smoothly),用主动式表被动义。 (read, write, sell, wash, clean, wear, open, eat, lock...) The pen writes smoothly (2 .)表示状态特征的连系动词+adj./n.,用主动式 表被动义。 (look ,sound ,feel ,smell ,taste, prove ,make,...) The steel feels cold.

20 ( 3.) 表示“开始、结束、运动”的动词用主动式表被动义。
(begin,open,start,stop,end, finish,shut, move ,run...) The shop opens at 6 am. every day.

21 6 用非谓语动词的主动形式表示被动 1) want/need/require作“需要”讲时后接动名词作宾语时,用主动式表被动义;当然也可接不定式的被动式作宾语。 Your jacket needs washing/ to be washed 2). be worth 后常接动名词,用主动表示被动义. The book is worth reading.

22 3).不定式在某些形容词后作状语,且和句子的主语(或宾语)构成动宾关系时,用主动式表被动义。
(difficult, easy, hard, fit, pleasant ,good, light, comfortable, safe) The book is difficult to understand 4.)不定式作后置定语,与被修饰的名词构成动宾关系,又和该句主语(或宾语)构成主谓关系时,用主动式表被动义。 I will give him something to drink

23 表示状态特征的连系动词+adj./n.,用主动式表被动义。
5.) 不定式 to blame, 表示“应受批评,责备”,用主动式表被动义。 The boy is to blame for what he has done 6.) 在There be 句型中修饰主语的不定式用主动形式或被动形式 There are many things to do/ to be done. 表示状态特征的连系动词+adj./n.,用主动式表被动义。

24 Quiz 1 Quiz 1 1. The steel _____ cold. A. is felt B. was feeling C
C. feels D. is being felt 2. His plan _____ good. A. has sounded B. is sounding C. is sounded D. sounds Quiz 1 C D

25 Quiz 2 Quiz 2 The shop _____ at 6 am. every day. A. opens B. opened A
C. is opened D. is opening Work _____ at 7 pm. every day. A. ends B. ended C. was ended D. had ended Quiz 2 A A

26 Quiz 3 The pen ______ smoothly. A. was wrote B. writes
C. has writing D. is written This coat _____ easily. A. has washed B. was washed C. washes D. is washed B C

27 Quiz 4 washing Your jacket needs ________(wash).
The house requires ________(repair). repairing

28 Quiz 5 to eat The meat is not fit _______(eat).
We find English difficult _________ (learn). to learn

29 Quiz 6 I have much homework ______(do). to do
I’ll give the boy some books _______(read). to do to read

30 Quiz 7 to do to be done There are many things ______(do).
The boy is ________(blame) for what he has done. 口语中常用主动式 to blame

31 Correcting mistake 2.Correct the mistake(s) in each sentence if any:
1)Two boys hurt while playing a ball. 2)The singer lived in London until he was sending to university. 3)How long do you think the meeting will be lasted? Correcting mistake were hurt was sent will last

32 4)A fire was broken out last night.
5)He had to travel by bus as his car was damaged in an accident a few days before. 6)The large building that is now built will be a hospital. broke out had been damaged is now being built

33 7)Class is begun at 7:30 every day.
8)His plan is sounded good. 9)Your coat needs being washed. begins sounds to be washed / washing

34 B 主动式表被动义 C D 1.The books ____ well. A. were sold B. sell
C. have sold D. are being sold 2.The soup ____ nice. A. has tasted B. was tasted C. tastes D. is tasted 3.The shop ____ at 6 p.m. every day. A. closed B. close C. is closing D. closes 4.The dress needs______________ (wash) 主动式表被动义 C D washing/to be washed

35 5.The book is worth ________( read) .
6.We found it easy _______( learn) . 7.The article is difficult___________ (understand). 8.Black people had no right_______( vote) 9.I have a lot of homework ______(do). 10.There are many jobs_______(do). reading to learn to understand to vote to do to do

36 Thank you

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