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2008年中国时间利用调查介绍 2008 TIME USE SURVEY IN CHINA 国家统计局社科司 刘 巍 Liu Wei National Bureau of Statistics, China

2 调查的组织实施 THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION 时间:2008年5月 范围:10省(市) 样本: 城镇和农村住户调查样本 户中15-74岁人口 Time of the field interview: May 2008 Coverage: 10 Provinces Sample: Samples of household survey Residents Aged 15-74

3 调查的组织实施 THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION 规模:共调查37142人 其中: 城镇 / 农村 19621 / 17521 男性 / 女性 18215 / 18927 Size: interviewees Among which: Urban / rural 19621 / 17521 Male / female 18215 / 18927

4 日志表 使用开放式日志表 间隔为10分钟 日志表项目 主要活动 次要活动 地点或交通方式  活动开始时和谁在一起  The Diary Open diary with intervals of 10 minutes Items in the Diary: Main activity Secondary activity Location or means of transit  With whom when the activity starts 

5 日志表附加问题 谁填的日志(调查对象自己,其他家人,调查员) 怎么填的日志表(随时记录,当天晚上记录,第二天补录) Two additional questions Who filled in the diary ( interviewee, other family member, interviewer) How the diary was filled in. (just after or during the activity, the evening of the diary day, the next day) 每个被调查对象填写两份日志表(工作日和休息日) Every respondent was asked to fill in two diaries, one for weekday, and one for weekend day.

6 问卷中的个人特征信息 性别 年龄 婚姻 受教育程度 职业 收入 住家与工作地点的距离。 Individual Characteristics Gender Age Marriage Occupation Education Income The distance between home and work place

7 日志表填写 谁填的日志 调查对象自己 56% 其他家人 % 调查员 % 怎么填的日志表 随时记录 % 当天晚上记录 46% 第二天补录 % 其他时间 % Mode of filling in the diary Who filled in the diary Interviewee % Other family member 20% Interviewer % How the diary was filled in Just after or during % the activity The evening of % the diary day Next day % Other time %

8 The Classification of Activities
The activity classification for this survey includes 9 categories 61 groups 113 classes 活动分类 此次时间利用调查的活动分类分为 9个大类 61个中类 113个小类 9 大类 0- 个人活动 1- 正规就业 2- 家庭初级生产 9 Categories: 0- Personal activity 1- Formal employment 2- Household primary work

9 9 大类 3- 家庭制造与建筑活动 4- 家庭服务经营活动 5- 为自己和家人最终消费提供的无酬劳动 6- 照顾家人和对外提供帮助 7- 学习培训 8- 娱乐休闲和社会交往 9 Categories 3- Household manufacture and construction work 4- Household service 5- Household domestic work 6- Caring for families and volunteer activity 7- Study 8- Social life and leisure time

10 产出 对主要活动时间进行汇总的三个指标: 平均时间 参与率 参与者平均时间 所有数据均分性别汇总, 按被调查者的个人信息特征制表 Output Three indicators are used for measuring main activities: Average time Participation rate Average time of participants All data are calculated by gender and are tabulated by individual characteris-tics (age, marriage, etc.)

11 主要调查结果 General Result 合计 Total 男 M 女 F 合计 (分钟)Total (minutes) 1440
SNA生产活动 SNA activities 311 360 263 非SNA生产活动 Non-SNA activities 164 91 234 学习培训 Study and training 33 34 31 用餐 Meal 100 104 96 看电视 Watching TV 126 131 121 其他休闲活动 Other leisure activities 107 120 94 睡觉及其他个人活动 Sleeping and other personal activities 600 Sources: 2008 time use survey in China

12 Compilation and Publication Data Compilation on 2008 Time Use Survey
资料集和出版物 2008年时间利用调查资料汇编 2008年时间利用调查数据摘要 Compilation and Publication Data Compilation on 2008 Time Use Survey ( Chinese ) Abstract of the 2008 Time Use Survey

13 活动分类研究 STUDY IN CLASSIFICATION The purpose of the study is to find out regularity of time-use activities of Chinese residents by analysing the total records of activities in this survey according to activity content, frequency and description. This is a preparation for constructing official classification of time use activities. 通过对本次调查全部活动记录的分析,找出中国人的活动内容、发生频率和描述方式。为修改建立正式的中国时间利用活动分类做准备。


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