Nouns 名詞 單數? 複數? 可數! 不可數!.

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Presentation on theme: "Nouns 名詞 單數? 複數? 可數! 不可數!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nouns 名詞 單數? 複數? 可數! 不可數!

2 什麼是名詞? 人、事、物 所有東西的 名稱 guava, fall, boy, shirt, train,tea, rice, Tony,
bird, book, chair, guava, fall, boy, shirt, train,tea, rice, Tony, Taipei…

3 名詞分成兩類 可數名詞(CN) I eat a banana every day. 不可數名詞 (UCN)
I like bananas. 不可數名詞 (UCN) I drink coffee every day. I like coffee.

4 Countable Nouns 可數名詞 (CN)
可以清楚算出數量的名詞 分為 * 普通名詞 * 集合名詞

5 可數名詞 -- 普通名詞 同類的人, 動物, 事物 或 地方 的名稱 girl, movie, apples , eyes 有單複數之分

6 普通名詞 A. 單數名詞 a cute girl an ox this tall tree

7 普通名詞 單數名詞 There’s a tree near here. 單數可數名詞前面一定要加定冠詞(the),
不定冠詞(a/an),所有格,或指示形容詞 (this/that). There’s a tree near here. Please give me that book. This is my sister, Sally.

8 普通名詞 B. 複數名詞 兩個或兩個以上數量的名詞 rats the bad boys my cans

9 普通名詞 B. 複數名詞 字尾要加 s或 es 複數名詞前面可放定冠詞(the), 所有格, 也可以單獨使用
You are my students. The dresses in the store are beautiful. I like bananas. (泛指香蕉這種水果) Elephants are big. (泛指所有的大象)

10 普通名詞 C. 複數名詞的形成 字尾加 -s / -es / -ies / -ves
1. apples / friends / machines / days buses / churches / dishes / classes/ tomatoes ( 字尾: s, x, o, ch, sh ) 3. city  cities /country  countries/ baby  babies (字尾: 子音+ y  去y 加上 ies )

11 普通名詞 複數名詞的形成 不規則變化 child  children foot  feet
wife wives wolf wolves loaf  loaves 不規則變化 child  children foot  feet woman  women mouse  mice tooth  teeth

12 普通名詞 複數名詞的形成 單複數同形 sheep  sheep fish  fish Japanese  Japanese
Chinese  Chinese

13 Try it 寫出複數形 butterfly doctor class toy piano church movie glass
finger knife child doctor toy church glass fox tomato loaf doctors toys church glasses foxes tomatoes loaves butterflies class pianos movies fingers knives children

14 Try it ________ (bird) can fly(泛指).
I need __________ (eraser), not a ruler. Jack can play soccer very well. He is a great soccer ______ (player). I brush __________ (tooth) every morning. Birds an eraser player my teeth

15 集合名詞 指同類的人、事、物所組成的 集合體: family, people, class 表示集合體時,有單、複數形
若用來表示集合體的組成分子,則用 複數

16 集合名詞 Family: My family is a small one.
1. 家庭 (表示集合體, 有單複數之分) My family is a small one. Six families live in the apartment. 2. 家人 (表示組成分子), 本身為複數 My family are tall and thin.

17 集合名詞 Class: 1.班級 (表示集合體, 有單複數之分) The class is at the park.
There is a basketball game between the two classes. 2. 班級裡的學生(表示組成份子), 為複數形 The class are all smart.

18 Uncountable Nouns 不可數名詞 (UCN)
指無法計算的東西 用單數形表達

19 不可數名詞 (UCN) 特性: 前面不可以加 a / an, 和數字。 But,可有 『the』 2. 沒有複數形, 一律視為第三人稱單數
2. 沒有複數形, 一律視為第三人稱單數 3. 有些可用『量詞』來數 a glass of milk two bags of rice four pounds of sugar

20 不可數名詞類別 一.專有名詞: 特定的人,事,物專用的名詞 Tina, Taipei, America,
第一個字母需大寫, 通常不加冠 詞,也沒有複數形 Tina, Taipei, America, Chinese, Mother’s Day

21 不可數名詞類別 二.物質名詞: 表示食物、液體、氣體、材料等. 細碎物品: sugar, flour, rice, hair
液體狀: juice, soup, coke, coffee 無統一單位: beef, pork, bread, butter, air, light, ice, glass(玻璃),paper(紙)

22 不可數名詞類別 三.抽象名詞: weather, friendship(友情), fun, love, beauty(美麗), music,
是沒有形狀,看不到,摸不到的東西 money, time, help, work, weather, friendship(友情), fun, love, beauty(美麗), music, life(生活)

23 Try it!! apple juice help hair men rain
Ted eats five ______ (egg) for his dinner. Mike needs some ___________ (apple juice). Thank you for your ________ (help). Judy has a lot of _______ (hair). There are some young _______ (man) here. We don’t have any ______ (rain) this summer. eggs apple juice help hair men rain

24 Try it!! ___ chicken and tea do we have? (A) How many (B) How much
B B D ___ chicken and tea do we have? (A) How many (B) How much (C) How about (D) How many bags 2. Dad drinks two ____ every day. (A) cups of milks (B) cups of milk (C) cup of milk (D) milk cups 3. Which does the boy like, ___ or ___? (A) coke, a water (B) pizza, apple (C) the flour, the rice (D) chicken, cookies

25 Try it!! B A D B 4. Grandpa doesn’t like ___.
(A) black tea (B) green teas (C) a milk tea (D) the teas 5. I eat ___ for lunch every day. (A) noodle (B) chickens (C) hot dog (D) rice 6. Which does he like, ___ or ___? (A) cake; cookie (B) rice; bread (C) milk; juices (D) tea; a juice 7. Please give me some ___. (A) dollars (B) cards (C) the water (D) minute A D B B

26 Try it!! A C 8. Do you have ___for dinner every evening?
(A) hot dogs (B) noodle (C) cookie (D) a rice 9. Let’s eat some ___ after lunch. (A) orange (B) banana (C) pizza (D) apple 10.We have ___ bowls. We don’t buy any. (A) much (B) any (C) lot of (D) twelve 11. How ___ glasses of ___ does Amy need? (A) many, the juice (B) much, the juices (C) many, juice (D) much, juice C D C The End

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