张Andy http://www.tronest.cn Handling New Words 张Andy http://www.tronest.cn 创思英语:http://www.tronest.cn.

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1 张Andy http://www.tronest.cn
Handling New Words 张Andy 创思英语:

2 Warm-up Questions How do you cope with new words?
Why do you ignore some of the new words? When do you guess the word meaning? How do you guess the word meaning? 导入问题lead-in 热身问答warming up 课前讨论 pre-class discussion 创思英语

3 OUTLINE Compound Formation Derivative (affix+root)
Definition, example, restatement, Compare, contrast, etc. Context Context: 语境,上下文,discourse that surrounds a language unit and helps to determine its interpretation; Words of text that occur prior to and following a particular group of words. General knowledge Background knowledge Knowledge

4 1 Formation China, is the most populous state in the world.
人口众多的,人口稠密的 Reading is a means of language acquisition. 获得,得到,习得 In this case, we often have to come up with a word in the timeframe of milliseconds. 时间段,时间范围内;毫秒

5 2 Context Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices you pay for things you buy. 通货膨胀 I am a resolute man. Once I set up a goal, I won’t give it up easily. 坚决的,刚毅的

6 2 Context She is studying glaucoma and other diseases of the eye.
青光眼,绿内障 The snow was falling. Big flakes drifted with the wind like feathers. 碎片,薄片,雪花

7 2 Context Jane was talking with others while Eliza remained reticent all the time. 不轻易暴露思想或感情的;有保留的 Petra has so many friends because she is a gregarious person. 爱交际的,合群的

8 3 Knowledge The door was so slow that I hit my head on the lintel.
楣,过梁 In India, the parents of a girl must come up with a respectable dowry. If a good dowry is not made, the girl is unlikely to have a "good" match. 嫁妆

9 Exercises Jane is indecisive, that is, she can’t make up her mind.
犹豫不决的,不明确的 He had a wan look. He was so pale and weak that we thought he was ill. 单词猜义练习 猜生词意思巩固练习 从上下文推测词义 苍白的, 病态的,虚弱的, 憔悴的, 暗淡的

10 Exercises Most of us agreed; however, Bill dissented.
不同意,持异议 “She went to school for 12 years and she can’t write a sentence?” Tim said. “They made an illiterate out of my daughter!” 单词猜义练习 猜生词意思巩固练习 从上下文推测词义 文盲,无知

11 Exercises Carbon monoxide (CO) is a noxious gas which can cause death.
有毒的,有害的 Select any of these periodicals: Reader’s Digest, Time, Newsweek or The New Yorker. 单词猜义练习 猜生词意思巩固练习 从上下文推测词义 期刊

12 Exercises The hot-air balloon took off. It was buoyant in the air as a cork (软木塞) in water. 有浮力的,开朗的,乐观的 Mark got on the motorbycle. I sat behind him on the pillion. 单词猜义练习 猜生词意思巩固练习 从上下文推测词义 (摩托车等的)后座

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