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LSVT companion speech rehabilitative treatment.

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Presentation on theme: "LSVT companion speech rehabilitative treatment."— Presentation transcript:

1 LSVT companion speech rehabilitative treatment

2 帕金森氏症 parkinson's disease

3 LSVT-LOUD 傳統療程 病症出現 療程 重新適應 Lee Silverman Voice Treatment 習慣音量 肌肉發力
harsh vocal quality reduce stress Monoloudness imprecise consonants 療程 加大音量 加大音調變化 誇張的發音 單音、詞、短句、短文 重新適應 習慣音量 肌肉發力 維持言語功能 減緩退化 傳統療程 音質嘶嘎聲(harsh vocal quality)、重音不足(reduce stress)、音量變化不足、(monoloudness)與聲母構音不清晰(imprecise consonants)

4 issue Potential problem Clinicians insufficiency
urgent need of solution issue Clinicians insufficiency Sustained treatment is required lacking of treatment accessibility

5 LSVT Companion Auto-diagnosis system
automatically collecting and analyzing voice data Support practice at home increase accessibility by home edition




9 探索性資料分析 細項不列 無遺失值問題 heatmap

10 Athanasios Tsanas, Max A. Little, Cynthia Fox, Lorraine O. Ramig
Find top 10 informative variables goal Objective automatic assessment of rehabilitative speech treatment in Parkinson’s disease Athanasios Tsanas, Max A. Little, Cynthia Fox, Lorraine O. Ramig

11 Find top 10 informative variables

12 LDA

13 LDA 15 27 73 80% accuracy 11

14 資料中為「unacceptable」的資料佔了𝟐/𝟑

15 unbalanced

16 Find top 10 informative variables


18 LDA

19 origin smote

20 LDA 18 108 119 90% accuracy 7

21 conclusion

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