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Presentation on theme: "篇章问答."— Presentation transcript:

1 篇章问答

2 目录 问题与动机 技术路线 例子

3 问题与动机 问题:涉及时空、因果、S/R clause的篇章问答 动机:

4 技术路线 尝试从事件角度对文本建模 关键问题:事件抽取、事件间特定关系(时间、因果)识别 Example Query:
IS e1 AFTER e9? LIST BEFORE e1? When e9

5 例子-1 1: Where did the princess wander to after escaping? A) Mountain
*B) Forest C) Cave D) Castle S1: The princess climbed out the window of the high tower and climbed down the south wall when her mother was sleeping. S2: She wandered out a good ways. S3: Finally she went into the forest where there are no electric poles but where there are some caves. Temporal relation: climbed  wandered  went into the forest

6 例子-2 What did Samantha do after Jane dropped her? *A) Cry B) Talk
C) Run D) Listen S1: She came down, dropping Samantha on the floor, and broke Samantha. S2: Jane whispered the secret word, but Samantha didn't awake. S3: Samantha's powers were gone. S4: She couldn't walk, run, talk, or listen. S5: Jane hurt her the one person she could trust the most. S6: Then, Samantha moved, looked at Jane, and a tear came from her eye. S7: Samantha's eyes closed, and she was without life. S8: She cried no more.

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