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主詞動詞一致性 黃勇仁.

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Presentation on theme: "主詞動詞一致性 黃勇仁."— Presentation transcript:

1 主詞動詞一致性 黃勇仁

2 一致性 單數主詞需要單數動詞;複數主詞需要複數動詞 My brother is  a nutritionist. My sisters are mathematicians.

3 單複數的一致性 none 這個不定代名詞可為單數或複數都沒關係,除非句子中有別的人事物來決定它的數 None of you claim responsibility for this incident? None of the students have done their homework.

4 單複數的一致性 不定代名詞 anyone, everyone, someone, no  one, nobody 永遠是單數 Everyone has done his or her homework. Somebody has left her purse. 若干不定代名詞 (如 all, some) 為複數或單數 -- 視其所指的名詞為可數或不可數而定 Some of the beads are missing. Some of the water is gone.

5 單複數的一致性 together with, as well as 和 along with 等片語與 and 並不相同 The mayor as well as his brothers is going to prison. The mayor and his brothers are going to jail.

6 單複數的一致性 neither 和 either 這兩個代名詞永遠是單數,即使就某一方面來說它們似乎是指兩樣事物。 Neither of the two traffic lights is working. Either suit is fine with me.

7 單複數的一致性 在使用 or 或 nor 的場合,比較接近動詞的主詞決定了動詞的數 Either my father or my brothers are going to sell the house. Neither my brothers nor my father is going to sell the house. Are either my brothers or my father resposible? Is either my father or my brothers responsible?

8 單複數的一致性 there 和 here 永遠、絕對不是主詞。 There are two reasons for this. There is no reason for this. Here are two apples.

9 單複數的一致性 there 和 here 永遠、絕對不是主詞。 There are two reasons for this. There is no reason for this. Here are two apples.

10 單複數的一致性 第三人稱、單數主詞 (he, she, it) 的現在式動詞以加 s 做結尾
有時修飾語是放在主詞和動詞之間,但這些修飾語不應混淆主詞及其動詞之間的一致性 The mayor, who wears red clothes, is finally going to jail.

11 單複數的一致性 第三人稱、單數主詞 (he, she, it) 的現在式動詞以加 s 做結尾
有時修飾語是放在主詞和動詞之間,但這些修飾語不應混淆主詞及其動詞之間的一致性 The mayor, who wears red clothes, is finally going to jail.

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