耶稣我们要向祢欢呼 全地都要称颂祢是主 Jesus we shout to You in joy

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1 耶稣我们要向祢欢呼 全地都要称颂祢是主 Jesus we shout to You in joy
Verse 1 耶稣我们要向祢欢呼 Ye Su wo men yao xiang Ni huan hu Jesus we shout to You in joy 全地都要称颂祢是主 quan de dou yao cheng song Ni shi Zhu Proclaiming that You are our Lord 祢是我们的一切 Ni shi wo men de yi qie /9

2 Proclaiming that You are our Lord
Verse 2 全心全意向主祢欢呼 quan xi quan yi xiang Zhu Ni huan hu With all our heart and mind we shout for joy 宇宙万物都称颂祢是主 yu zhou wan wu dou cheng song Ni shi Zhu Proclaiming that You are our Lord 祢是我们的一切 Ni shi wo men de yi qie /9

3 祢是我们的智慧 祢是我们的公义 Jesus You are our wisdom
Chorus 1 祢是我们的智慧 Ni shi wo men de zhi hui Jesus You are our wisdom 祢是我们的公义 Ni shi wo men de gong yi Jesus You are our righteousness 祢是我们的一切 Ni shi wo men de yi qie /9

4 祢是我们的圣洁 我们的救赎 Jesus You are our holiness You are our savior
Chorus 1 祢是我们的圣洁 Ni shi wo men de sheng jie Jesus You are our holiness 我们的救赎 wo men de jiu shu You are our savior 祢是我们的一切 Ni shi wo men de yi qie /9

5 祢是我们的生命 祢是我们的力量 Jesus You are our life Jesus You are our strength
Chorus 2 祢是我们的生命 Ni shi wo men de sheng ming Jesus You are our life 祢是我们的力量 Ni shi wo men de li liang Jesus You are our strength 祢是我们的一切 Ni shi wo men de yi qie /9

6 祢是我们的供应 我们的盼望 Jesus You are our provider You are our hope
Chorus 2 祢是我们的供应 Ni shi wo men de gong ying Jesus You are our provider 我们的盼望 wo men de pan wang You are our hope 祢是我们的一切 Ni shi wo men de yi qie /9

7 Jesus You are our life refuge
Chorus 3 祢是我们的依靠 Ni shi wo men de yi kao Jesus You are our life refuge 祢是我们的盾牌 Ni shi wo men de dun pai Jesus You are our shield 祢是我们的一切 Ni shi wo men de yi qie /9

8 祢是我们的磐石 我们的牧者 Jesus You are our rock You are our shepherd
Chorus 3 祢是我们的磐石 Ni shi wo men de pan shi Jesus You are our rock 我们的牧者 wo men de mu zhe You are our shepherd 祢是我们的一切 Ni shi wo men de yi qie /9

9 独一的真神 The one and only God du yi de zhen Shen Ending 祢是我们的一切
Ni shi wo men de yi qie /9

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