大熊‧小熊 Big Bears. Little Bears

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1 大熊‧小熊 Big Bears. Little Bears
Seattle public Library: CEN L4780 ©Tsai-En Cheng

2 大冷天的清早,小熊幫媽媽清理窩中的積雪。 「這樣你就多一點地方玩啦。」 熊媽媽說:「你愈來愈大囉。」
One bright cold morning Little Bear helped Mother Bear Scoop snow out of their den. “This will make more room for you to play,” said Mother Bear. “You are getting bigger now.

3 「我要跟媽媽一樣大!」小熊說。小熊站起來,手向上伸,努力想變大。
“I want to be as big as you when I’m grown up,” said Little Bear. He stretched up his arm and made himself as big as he could.

4 熊媽媽站起來,像天一樣高。「你得多吃吃,才會跟我一樣大。」 「等我長大,我們到雪裡玩摔角!」小熊最愛在雪裡玩摔角了。
Mother Bear stretched to the sky. “You’ll have to eat and eat to be as big as I am,” she said. “When I’m big, I’ll wrestle you in the snow,” said Little Bear. Wrestling in the snow was his favorite game.

5 熊媽媽笑笑:「要跟我摔角,你還不夠大喲。」她把小熊按在軟綿綿的雪裡,揉了又揉。 小熊滾來滾去,樂得格格笑。
Photograph by Mauro Mozzarelli You’re not big enough to wrestle me yet,” said Mother Bear, laughing. She rolled Little Bear over and over in the soft snow and Little Bear giggled.

6 小熊抖一抖毛上的雪。 「我長大要跟媽媽跑一樣快!」 熊媽媽說:「你得好好練一練,才會跟我一樣快。」
Little Bear Shook the snow from his fur. “When I’m grown up I want to run as fast as you, Mummy,” he said. “You’ll have to practice if you want to be as fast as I am, “said Mother Bear.

7 小熊使出吃奶的力氣,拼命往前衝… 但是很快就被熊媽媽追上了。「快點!」熊媽媽喊。「不行」,小熊說:「人家還沒長大啦。」
Little Bear darted away and ran as fast as he could… but his mother soon caught up with him. “Run faster!” she called. “I can’t,” said Little Bear. “I’m not grown up yet.”

8 「想知道長大是什麼感覺嗎?」熊媽媽說:「爬上來!」 小熊站在媽媽肩膀上,好像看到了世界的盡頭。小熊把手往上伸,好像摸到了天空。「看,你變大啦。」熊媽媽說。
“I’ll show you what it’s like to be grown up,” said Mother Bear. “Climb on to my shoulders!” When Little Bear stood on his mother’s shoulders he could see to the end of the world, and when he reached up his hands he could nearly touch the sky. “Now you are big ,” said Mother Bear.

9 「我們來跑一跑!」熊媽媽喊,並且愈跑愈快。 風掠過小熊的臉,吹得他的耳朵往後貼。「我長大就會跑這麼快!」小熊喊。
“Let’s run,” cried Mother Bear, and she ran faster and faster. Little Bear felt the wind rushing against his face and blowing his ears back. “This is how I’ll run when I’m grown up,” he shouted.

10 忽然,熊媽媽用力一跳!小熊看 見整個世界在下面飛掠而去。 「我像鳥一樣飛起來啦!」他喊。接著,他看見自己朝著哪裡落下…
disneyearthmovie.com/ Suddenly, Mother Bear leapt into the air. Little Bear saw the world rushing under him. “I’m flying like a bird,” he shouted. Then he saw where they were going to land…

11 嘩啦!熊媽媽跳進冷冰冰的水裡,一邊游,一邊讓小熊趴在背上。「你長大就能這樣游!」小熊仔細看著媽媽怎麼做。「我很快就能這樣游了。」他對自己說。
SPLASH! Mother Bear dived into the cold water and swam along with Little Bear on her back. “This is how you’ll swim when you’re grown up,” she said. Little Bear watched his mother carefully, so she would know what to do next time. “I’ll soon be able to swim like that,” he told himself.

12 熊媽媽爬上岸,小熊緊緊攀在她背上。「我真的會長得跟媽媽一樣大嗎?」「當然囉。」熊媽媽說:「不過,你還不必長那麼大。」 「為什麼?」小熊問。
Mother Bear climbed out of the water with Little Bear still clinging tightly to her back. “Will I really be as big as you when I’m grown up?” asked Little Bear. “Yes, you will,” said his mother “but I don’t want you to grow up yet.” “Why not?” asked Little Bear.

13 「等你長大,就不能站在我背上囉。」熊媽媽說。 她帶小熊回到雪裡的窩。
“You won’t be able to sit on my shoulders when you’re grown up,” said Mother Bear, as she carried Little Bear Back to their snow den.

14 又摔角、又跑、又跳、又游泳, 小熊可累壞了。 「等我長大,媽媽還是可以抱抱我。」小熊一邊愛睏,一邊說: 「不過,媽媽,我還不想長大。」
Little Bear was tired after wrestling, running, flying and swimming. “You can sill cuddle me when I’m grown up.” he said sleepily. “But, mommy, “ he whispered, “I don’t want to grow up yet.”

15 「沒關係。」熊媽媽抱著小熊說:「因為… ……你這樣就很好了。」 冰天雪地的溫暖窩中,小熊依偎在媽媽柔軟的懷抱裡,母子倆一起進入了夢鄉。
“That’s good,” said Mother Bear, holding him close, “because…you’re perfect just the way you are.” Little Bear snuggled into his mother’s soft fur, and they went to sleep together in their cozy den in the snow.

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