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12/04 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)

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1 12/04 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)
I can speak, read and use the Chinese question phrase: 怎么办 zěnmebàn (What to do?). I can speak, read and use the Chinese conjunction: 不但…而且 bú dàn…ér jiě (not only…but also). I can give a weather report. Quiz: A:夏天的天气很热。 Xiàtiān de tiānqì hěn rè It is hot in Summer.

2 Q:夏天的天气怎么样? A:夏天的天气很热。 12/04 小考 xiǎo kǎo (Quiz)
Xiàtiān de tiānqì zěnme yàng How is the weather in Summer? A:夏天的天气很热。 Xiàtiān de tiānqì hěn rè It is hot in Summer.

3 Q:你刚才去哪里?Where did you go (just now)?
12/05 小考 xiǎo kǎo (Quiz) Nǐ gāngcái qù nǎlǐ Q:你刚才去哪里?Where did you go (just now)? Wǒ gāngcái qù bàngōngshì A:我刚才去办公室。 I just went to the office.

4 第十一课 对话一 Yǔ fǎ 语法 grammar

5 怎么办 zěnmebàn (What to do?)
Wǒ kǎoshì kǎo dé bù hǎo, zěnme bàn Q:我考试考得不好,怎么办? I didn’t do well on the exam, what should I do? Huí jiā duō zuò gōngkè ba A:回家多做功课吧! Study more/do more homework at home.

6 怎么办 zěnmebàn (What to do?)
Wǒ zhōngwén shuō dé bù hǎo, zěnme bàn Q:我中文说得不好,怎么办? I didn’t do well on the exam, what should I do? Huí jiā duō zuò gōngkè ba A:回家多练习吧! Do more practice at home.

7 怎么办 zěnmebàn (What to do?)
Q:我约了朋友今天去滑冰。 Wǒ yuēle péngyǒu jīntiān qù huábīng I asked/invited a friend to ice skate today. 今天下雨,怎么办? Jīntiān xià yǔ, zěnme bàn (Today is raining, what to do) A:你们在家看碟吧! Nǐmen zàijiā kàn dié ba How about you just watch DVDs at home!

8 怎么办 zěnmebàn (What to do?)
Q:我女朋友不喜欢我了,怎么办? Wǒ nǚ péngyǒu bù xǐhuān wǒle, zěnme bàn My girlfriend doesn't like me, what should I do? A:凉拌吧!(cold mix) liángbàn ba

9 不但…而且 bú dàn…ér jiě (not only…but also)
他不但很帅,而且很会说中文。 Tā bùdàn hěn shuài, érqiě hěn huì shuō zhōngwén He is not only very handsome, but also speaks Chinese very well. 她不但漂亮,而且很会跳舞。 Tā bùdàn piàoliang, érqiě hěn huì tiàowǔ She is not only beautiful, but also dances very well.

10 不但…而且 bú dàn…ér jiě (not only…but also)
今天不但很冷,而且还会下雪。 Jīntiān bùdàn hěn lěng, érqiě hái huì xià xuě. Today is not only very cold, but also that it is going to snow. 明天不但不会下雪,而且还会暖和一点儿。 Míngtiān bùdàn bù huì xià xuě, érqiě hái huì nuǎnhuo yīdiǎn er Not only will it not snow tomorrow, but it will be warmer.

11 不但…而且 bú dàn…ér jiě (not only…but also)
多、新 a lot, new duō xīn 好看、好用 nice looking, good to use hǎokàn hǎo yòng 男人喜欢、女人喜欢 nánrén xǐhuān nǚrén xǐhuān men like, woman like 大人喜欢、小孩喜欢 dàrén xǐhuān xiǎohái xǐhuān adult like, children like

12 刚才 gāngcái (just now; a moment ago) t
Wǒ gāngcái qù shàng cèsuǒ 我刚才去上厕所。I went to the restroom a moment ago. Nǐ gāngcái qù nǎlǐ Q:你刚才去哪里?Where did you go just now? Wǒ gāngcái qù dǎ diànhuà/ qù bàngōngshì A:我刚才去打电话/去办公室。 I went to make a phone call/ went to the office just now.

13 刚才 gāngcái (just now; a moment ago) t
Gāngcái shì qíngtiān 刚才是晴天。 It was sunny a moment ago. Xiànzài xiàyǔ le 现在下雨了。 It is raining now.

14 约 yuē (to make an appointment) verb
Wǒ yuē le péngyǒu qù kàn diànyǐng. 我约了朋友去看电影。I asked/invited a friend to see a movie. Nǐ yuē le shéi qù kàn diànyǐng Q:你约了谁去看电影?Whom did you ask/invite to see a movie? Wǒ yuē le qù kàn diànyǐng A:我约了__去看电影。I asked/invited __ to see a movie.

15 约 yuē (to make an appointment) verb
我约了朋友去看电影。 I asked/invited a friend to see a movie. 约 verb Wǒ jīntiān yǒu yuēhuì 我今天有约会。 I have a date today. 约会noun date

16 了 le (sentence-final particle)
To indicates a change of status or the realization of a new situation. Gāngcái wǒ hěn gāoxìng 刚才我很高兴。 I was happy a moment ago. Xiànzài wǒ bù gāoxìng le 现在我不高兴了。 Now I am not happy.

17 了 le (sentence-final particle)
To indicates a change of status or the realization of a new situation. Gāngcái xiǎng 刚才我不想吃饭。 I didn’t want eat a moment ago. Xiànzài xiǎng le 现在我想吃饭了。 Now I want to eat.

18 了 le (sentence-final particle)
To indicates a change of status or the realization of a new situation. Xiànzài 现在我喜欢喝咖啡了。 Now I like to drink coffee. yǐqián 我以前不喜欢喝咖啡。 before

19 得 de (structural particle)
Jīntiān de tiānqì bǐ zuótiān de tiānqì 今天的天气比昨天的天气暖和得多。 下雨下得多

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