12/05 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)

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1 12/05 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)
I can speak, read and understand Lesson 3 Dialogue 1. I can do Lesson 3 Workbook exercises on Page 47 using 还是 . Quiz: Wǒmen míngtiān wǎnshàng jiàn A: 我们明天晚上见! See you tomorrow night!

2 A: 我们明天晚上见! See you tomorrow night! B: 明天晚上见! See you tomorrow night!
12/5 小考 xiǎo kǎo (Quiz) Wǒmen míngtiān wǎnshàng jiàn A: 我们明天晚上见! See you tomorrow night! míngtiān wǎnshàng jiàn B: 明天晚上见! See you tomorrow night!

3 Tài hǎo le! Xièxie, xièxie!
12/6 小考 xiǎo kǎo (Quiz) Q: 我请你吃饭,怎么样? Wǒ qǐng nǐ chī fàn zěnmeyàng How about, I treat you to a meal? A: 太好了!谢谢,谢谢! Tài hǎo le! Xièxie, xièxie! That’s great! Thank you, thank you!

4 Tài hǎo le! Xièxie, xièxie!
Q: 我请你吃饭,怎么样? Wǒ qǐng nǐ chī fàn zěnmeyàng How about, I treat you to a meal? A :太好了!谢谢,谢谢! Tài hǎo le! Xièxie, xièxie! That’s great! Thank you, thank you!

5 eat chī

6 meal; (cooked) rice fàn

7 meal; have a meal chī fàn

8 Time to eat! chī fàn le 了 !

9 我请你吃饭。 Wǒ qǐng nǐ chī fàn。 I treat you to a meal.

10 Multiple functions of 请 (please, may I…?)
请问 (May I ask…?) 我请你。 (Be my guest. I’ll treat you.) 我请你吃饭。(I’ll treat you to a meal.) 我请你吃中国饭/菜。

11 我 请 你 Pivotal sentence Sub. V. Obj. Sub. V. Obj. 你 吃 饭
我 请 你 Sub. V. Obj. 你 吃 饭 Sub. V. pivot V. Obj. Lead students’ attention to the “Pivot” point. 我 请 你 吃 饭

12 xǐ huān 喜欢 to like 59

13 中国菜 cài

14 美国菜 cài

15 hái shì 还是 or

16 hái shì 还是 or

17 hái shì 还是 or

18 Your number is larger or less than mine?
大还是 小? Your number is larger or less than mine?

19 还是 háishì (or ) Q: 你喜欢吃中国菜,还是美国菜?
Nǐ xǐhuān chī Zhōngguó cài, háishì Méiguó cài. Do you like Chinese food or American food?

20 都喜欢 dōu xǐhuan (like both )
wǒ xǐhuan chī Zhōngguó cài. A2: 中国菜、美国菜我都喜欢。 Zhōngguó cài, Měiguó cài wǒ dōu xǐhuan. I like both Chinese food and American food.

21 可是 kěshì (but; however )

22 可是 kěshì (but; however )
Wǒ shì yīngguórén, kěshì wǒ xǐhuān chī Zhōngguó cài. 我是英国人,可是我喜欢 吃 中国菜。 中国菜 cài 美国菜 cài 日本菜 rì běn cài

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