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 週刊表示是手機行員工洩的密 The magazines' staff said that the employee of  the  cellular phone company let the cat out of the bag.  

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Presentation on theme: " 週刊表示是手機行員工洩的密 The magazines' staff said that the employee of  the  cellular phone company let the cat out of the bag.  "— Presentation transcript:

1  週刊表示是手機行員工洩的密 The magazines' staff said that the employee of  the  cellular phone company let the cat out of the bag.  

2 我對這個消息是半信半疑 I took this news with a grain of salt.

3 有些聲音說這是林志玲為了宣傳她的書而捏造的
Some said that Lin pulled this news out of her hat just because of the propagation of her autobiography.

4 告密者要價五十萬元,此行徑真是無法無天 It really runs completely wild that the informer had requested five hundred thousand dollars for selling Lin's picture.

5 男女感情本來就是正常的事,也不用這麼大驚小怪
There's no need to be fuss about the love affair, it's a natural behavior.

6 狗仔隊常讓藝人們的生活雞犬不寧 Paparazzi always throw the artists' life into great disorder . =

7 這些問題是三言兩語也說不清的 These questions can’t be explained clearly in a few words.

8 我們還是別多管閒事 We don't have to get involved in it.

9 畢竟,好奇心惹禍端 After all, curiosity killed the cat.

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