哀傷輔導工作坊 19/12/2009 prepared by Mok Ping Kan

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Presentation on theme: "哀傷輔導工作坊 19/12/2009 prepared by Mok Ping Kan"— Presentation transcript:

1 哀傷輔導工作坊 19/12/2009 prepared by Mok Ping Kan
香港神託會 社會服務部 哀傷輔導工作坊 19/12/2009 prepared by Mok Ping Kan

2 People’s painful experience
Loss of health Loss of relationship Loss of job

3 People’s painful experience
Loss of friends Loss of life Loss of autonomy

4 Psychological Fear Anger Guilt depress Uncontrollable helplessness
Desperate Loneliness

5 What we do ? Clarification 澄 清
鼓勵受輔者接觸自己的真實感受及經驗。 避免干擾及分散注意 e.g. ‘Can you tell me more about this?’ 講俾我知多些關 於… Words that trail such as ‘and…’or ‘and then’ 跟縱性詞彙 : 同埋 / 或者 / 之後就 / 咁即係 e.g. 你可唔可以講俾我聽你唔開心D乜嘢呀?

6 Discretionary- allowing silence 容許沈默 / 安靜
讓案主表達內在經歷多於說話表達 輔導員不需負責保持自己或受輔者經常說話 有時侯不一定要有眼神交流,反而给予對方空間 當受輔者正在思考時,此時,沉默是最有用的工具

7 Passive - Empathy 同理心 Carl Rogers: ‘The ability to experience another person’s world as if it were one’s own, without losing the ‘as if’.’ 經歷對方的內心世界,猶如自己的遭遇,但不失本位。 Join the client + separate from the client’s experience 融入案主的內心世界及分清這是案主的經驗。

8 Validating 肯定 Validate his effort 功勞 / 努力 Validate the resource 資源
Validate the good motivation 良好動機 Validate and normalize the feeling 感覺是正常的 Validate his yearning 有渴求是可以的

9 What they need ? Accompany, pace Respect Security Care, Trustful

10 What they need (2) ? Sense of control Sense of successful
Be acceptance Be understand

11 What they need ? (3) Sense of Self-worth Sense of Life-value Peace with Self , with others, and Spirit.

12 The dying and family members
Death as punishment ? Death as transition ? Death as an organizer of time – time till death Death as a natural process

13 Meaning of Life 不枉此生 死亡亦是人生旅程的畢業禮 深表同情共感 心靈深處的相遇

14 For family members 生死分離,死者永別,迎接死亡 醒覺陪伴的需要 感激的需要 放手的需要 (尊重對方的意向)

15 Interviewing skills Prepare Yourself:
Externally and internally in a grounded congruent place. Make contact and build rapport: Be accepting, open, non-judgmental and trustworthy.

16 Hear the presenting problem :
Explore the impact problem in the person’s coping; Transform the problem into positively directional goal. Use process questions : Tap unmet expectation and yearnings; Tap resources to support make changes and life energy for healing.

17 一致三贏 Congruent self others context Self- do I feel O.K.? Other – How
does she feel? context What is / is not appropriate ?

18 Congruence Be myself ? What is my feeling right now?

19 Learn through interaction
感受 feeling 觀念 perception 期望 expectation 感受 feeling 觀念perception 期望expectation 語言 情感

20 Helpful Not helpful 鬥 爭 competition 尊 重 respect 平 等 equality
澄 清 clarification 能 力 resources 選 擇 choices 過 程 process 成 長 growth 鬥 爭 competition 階 級 hierarchy 判 斷 judgment 問 題 problems 強 制 control 結 果 result 解 難 problem Solving

21 Home works: 認定你的存在為要做甚麼! 要愛誰!及被誰所愛! 學會受苦!

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