Further Development Translation 来自 创思英语 http://www.tronest.cn Grammar.

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1 Further Development Translation 来自 创思英语 Grammar

2 Translation 中国队在最近的比赛中都赢了日本队。
The Chinese team won out over the Japanese in all recent games/matches. 计算机系最终赢得了这次篮球比赛的胜利。 The computer department won the basketball match at last.

3 Translation 科学发现经常被应用工业生产。
Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production. 这种新成分的发现被应用于防癌药品中。 The discovery of the new element is applied to medicines against cancer.

4 Translation 有些老年人觉得难以与年轻一代沟通。
Some old people think it is hard to connect with the younger generation. 员工们觉得新来的经理很容易沟通。 The employees think it is easy to connect with the new manager.

5 Translation 所有这些事件最终导致了他生意的失败。
All these events finally led up to the failure of his business. 他的粗心导致了他这次英语考试不及格。 His carelessness led up to his failure in this English exam.

6 Translation 这是一条迂回曲折的路。 This is a road with many twists and turns.
通往成功的道路上充满了迂回曲折。 There are many twists and turns on the way to success.

7 Translation 我将注意收集你所需要的资料。
I’ll be on the lookout for the data you want. 我会在新公司注意自己的言行。 I will be on the lookout for my personal behavior in the new company.

8 Translation 他正忙于一项研究工作。 He is involved in a research project.
去年他被卷入了一场经济纠纷中。 He was involved into an economic dispute last year.

9 Translation 这件事情还可以再讨论。 This matter is still open to discussion.
到现在为止,这份合同还有可争议的空间。 Till now, this contract is still open to dispute.

10 Grammar 让步状语从句 让步状语从句除了可以用“unless、even though”这些词引导以外还可以用其他的连词或连词性用法的短语引导。 要注意的是在n. + as 的结构里,名词必须用“光头”名词,也就是没有任何修饰成分。

11 Grammar Further practice
1) _____ difficult it is, I will manage to pass the PRETCO B. A. Whatever B. Whoever C. How D. However 2) _____ as he is, he can speak two foreign languages. A. A clever child B. A child C. The child D. Child 3) Poor _____ he is, he is honest. A. though B. how C. however D. as

12 Grammar Further practice 4) _____,we are prepared for it.
A. What happen B. Whatever happened C. No matter what D. No matter what may come 5) Say what you _____, I won’t change my mind. A. might B. could C. will D. would 6) _____ expensive it is, I will buy this ring for my wife. A. How B. However C. Whatever D. No matter

13 Grammar Further practice
7) _____as I like this movie, I won’t go to see it again. A. Good B. Much C. Although D. Well 8) _____ as I have, I am not confident to pass the exam. A. Try B. Tried C. Trying D. Done 9) _____ I will be, I will never forget you. A. Whatever B. Who C. Wherever D. Whenever 10)______ you do, I’ll appreciate it. A. Whenever B. Wherever C. What D. Whatever

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