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Counting before numbers

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1 Counting before numbers
More practice Counting before numbers

2 Brainstorming Before numbers, what did ancient people use to count things a long time ago? abacus ['æbəkəs] 算盘 finger ['fiŋɡə] 手指 mark [mɑ:k] 符号 token [‘təukən] n. 标记,代币 toe [təu] 脚趾


4 Counting before numbers
Read the online article and then complete the flow chart about the development of counting methods. Counting before numbers

5 1 2 3 4 5

6 their fingers and even their toes
small marks on sticks and bones tokens made from clay or small stones systems of written marks the Hindu-Arabic system

7 use…to do… in this way begin to do …. the number/amount of so that …
Important Phrases use…to do… in this way begin to do …. the number/amount of so that … develop into … lead to … 用… 做… 以这种方式 开始做 … 的数量 以便 发展成 导致

8 Language points in this way by the way in a way all the way
1. However, they could only count small numbers in this way. in this way 以这种方式:_____________________ 顺便说一下:____________________________ 在某种程度上:_________________________ 自始至终:______________________________ 在去…的路上:__________________________ by the way in a way all the way on one’s way to… in a way Electricity flows through wires. It’s like water, _____________. ________________, what do you think of our new classmate? My father is ____________________ to Nanjing. We got there by driving slowly _____________________. You are right _________________. By the way on his way all the way in a way

9 Language points They used them to count things like the days of the month, the amount of food and the number of animals they had. 人们利用它们来数数,像每个月的天数,食物的数量还有他们所拥有的牲畜的数目。

10 the amount of + 不可数名词 the number of + 可数名词 降雨量影响农作物的生长。 The amount of rain affects the growth of crops. 在过去的五十年里,老虎的数目锐减。 The number of tigers has reduced sharply in the last fifty years.

11 a (great / large) amount of + 不可数名词
a (great /large) number of + 可数名词复数 “大量;许多”, 一大笔钱花在了购买图书上。 A large amount of money was spent on books. 很多人造卫星现在正环绕地球飞行。 A number of satellites are now circling the Earth.

12 Language points 3. They often put the tokens on pieces of string so that they could carry them around easily. so that (以便) + 目的状语从句 so…that… (如此…以致于…)+ 结果状语从句 The man gets up early _____ _______ he can catch the first bus to work. He was ______ angry _______ he could not say a word. so that so that

13 ... and this led to the Hindu-Arabic system (0-9).
……然后这最终形成了阿拉伯数字系统。 lead to 可表示: (1) (道路)等通往……。例如: 条条道路通罗马。 All roads lead to Rome. (2) 引起(结果等);导致。常见搭配:lead to + n. / v.-ing。 那场大雨引起水灾。 The heavy rain led to a flood. 懒惰导致考试的失败。 Laziness leads to failing the exam. 注意以下搭配: lead sb to some place 把某人带到某地 lead sb to do sth 带领某人做某事

14 根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。
Too much work and too little rest often _____ _____ illness. 2. 我认为这事不会有什么好结果。 I _____ _____ it _____ _____ ____ a good result. 3. 这条街能直通动物园吗? _____ this street _____ right _____the zoo? 4. 旅馆服务生把我们带到了我们的房间。 The bell boy _____ _____ _____ our rooms. lead to don’t think will lead to Does lead to led us to

15 Exercise 1. At weekends, I usually help my mum ________ some housework. A. to doing B. do C. does D. for doing 2. I have many hobbies________ singing, playing chess and so on. A. are like B. like C. for example D. look likes

16 3. The old farmer are counting ________ money and _________ animals he had.
A. the amount of; the number of B. the amount of; the amount of C. the number of; the amount of D. the number of; the number of

17 After dinner, he ______ ________ _______ his homework.
4. 吃完晚饭后,他开始做作业了。 After dinner, he ______ ________ _______ his homework. 5. 《中国好声音》以这种方式吸引越来越多的观众。 Voice of China attracts more and more audience _______ _______ ______. 6. 他这次小小的错误引起了巨大的损失。 His mistake _______ ________ a big loss this time. started to do in this way led to

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