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新标准大学英语视听说教程经验交流 山东大学 曹庆华.

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Presentation on theme: "新标准大学英语视听说教程经验交流 山东大学 曹庆华."— Presentation transcript:

1 新标准大学英语视听说教程经验交流 山东大学 曹庆华

2 Content 1 授课对象和课程总体安排 课程内容简介 2 授课内容安排 3 问题与建议 4 3

3 一. 授课对象和课程总体安排 1.授课对象 本次经验交流的具体案例是山东大学二级班理工科10级学生 相对水平相差小,分组相对公平
一. 授课对象和课程总体安排 1.授课对象 本次经验交流的具体案例是山东大学二级班理工科10级学生 相对水平相差小,分组相对公平 竞争意识更强 扩大朋友圈

4 2. 分课型授课 大学英语综合课 大学英语视听说 大学英语网上自主学习

5 3. 周学时为4+2课时 课堂面授: 2学时视听说+2学时综合 网上自主学习:2学时

6 二 课程内容简介(Unit 6 Book 1) Starting point Inside view Talking point
Outside view Listening in Presentation skills Pronunciation Unit task Unit file

7 总体内容分配安排 第一周的两个课时 第二周两个课时的安排 Starting point Inside view Pronunciation
(Talking point) 第二周两个课时的安排 Outside view Listening in Presentation skills (Unit file)

8 三 授课内容具体安排与实施 第一周的两个课时 Unit 6 Shop till you drop Book 1 Starting point
Inside view Pronunciation Assignment

9 Ⅰ Starting point: 1 问题/活动多样,贴近生活 2 紧扣主题,益于热身 3 适时根据课文内容引入跨文化交际话题
1 问题/活动多样,贴近生活 2 紧扣主题,益于热身 3 适时根据课文内容引入跨文化交际话题 活动或问题的设计要有真实性和目的性,做到让学生有话可讲,有话想讲,能够让课堂氛围被调动起来。

10 famous national brands and their mainstream products?
Starting point 1. Look at the following picture. Say which brands you recognize and where you can buy them. p62 Can you name some famous national brands and their mainstream products?

11 2. Which brand is your favorite brands? p62
2. How many international brands do your know?

12 Ⅱ Inside view 1 2 1 读生词,讲生词 2 看视频(实景拍摄),做练习(简答,选择,填空p64,对错,编对话,排序)
3 讲文化背景知识,加深文化对比,增强跨文化交际意识 教师一定要让学生做好课前预习,尽量完成练习(时间不够可以有适当取舍),课上只是回顾视频内容,深挖文化背景知识,检查练习,查缺补漏。老师要附加一些与内容相关的问题,防止有些同学仅仅抄袭其他同学的练习答案。

13 Language and culture(3): Name the following men’s shirts
Inside view Language and culture(3): Name the following men’s shirts dress shirt windshirt T shirt Polo shirt Not hooded sweatershirt Hooded sweatershirt 13

14 Language and Culture: Women’s sizes
Inside view Language and Culture: Women’s sizes Here are the tables of women’s clothes sizes. UK 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 US 6 Europe 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 UK Sizes: centimetres size 8 10 12 14 16 18 Chest 81 85 89 93 97 102 Waist 61 66 71 76 86 Hips 96½ 101½ 106½ 112 Judge and tell in pairs which you take in UK sizes. 14

15 Credit card consumption 2


17 Student A You want to buy some clothes.
Inside view 6. Work in groups of three and make a dialogue based on the cues with the help of the functional expressions on next page. Student A You want to buy some clothes. Student B Suggest a good shop where Student A can buy some clothes. (later in the shop) Student C You’re a shop assistant. Ask if you can help the customers. Student A Say what you’re looking for. Student C Show Student A something suitable. Student B Say you don’t like the colour / it’s too small / it’s too big.

18 Student A Ask if they have it in another colour / size.
Inside view Student A Ask if they have it in another colour / size. Student C Show Student A another one. Student B Say that it suits / fits Student A really well. Student A Buy the clothes. Ask if you can pay by credit card / cheque. Student C Say how Student A can pay for the clothes.

19 Please refer to the functional expressions in the box.
Inside view Please refer to the functional expressions in the box. Offering help in a shop Can I help you? What size do you take? Would you like to try it on? Making payments Can I pay by credit card? Please enter your PIN. Here’s your receipt. Shopping for clothes We’re just looking. Do they have it in other colours? Do you have this in a larger size? It (really) suits you. It doesn’t (really) fit (me). It’s a bit tight / loose / large / small / short / long / … I’ll have this, please. OK, I’ll leave it. Checking: One or two pairs will act out your dialogues to the class.

20 Talking point Think what you like best among what you have bought (clothes, shoes, books, computer, cell phone, stationary, etc.). Get prepared to talk about it by answering some of these questions.

21 How does it make you feel? Where did you buy it?
Talking point What is it? What does it look like? What does it feel like? Why do you like it? How does it make you feel? Where did you buy it? When did you decide to buy it? How much did it cost? Who was with you when you bought it? How often do you wear / use it? When was the last occasion you wore/used it?

22 Checking: Two pairs of you will role play your dialogues
Talking point 2. Work in pairs and make a telephone conversation based on the following situation. Suppose you just went shopping with your best friend. On returning to dormitory, you can’t help but calling your mother immediately and telling her about what you’d just bought. (Please use questions in Activity 1 as clues.) Checking: Two pairs of you will role play your dialogues to the class.

23 What is your shopping phylosophy?
Explain your reasons and give examples

24 变换方式,强化训练 1.听音注音 2.朗读听音对比 3.听音复述 4.跟读模仿背诵 Ⅲ Pronunciation :

25 Eg. 1. Listen and repeat St Petersburg vodka caviar matrioshka doll kiosk Hermitage Museum backgammon board sheesha Cairo Venice Murano Accademia Bridge Rialto Bridge 注音,跟读,朗读听音对比 (意思)

26 Janet OK, Kate. Now it is time to find something
2. Listen and notice how the speaker links the underlined words. Janet OK, Kate. Now it is time to find something for you. What about this dress? Kate Hey, that’s lovely. Janet Would you like to try it on? Kate Yes, OK. Where are the changing rooms? Assistant Just behind you. Kate Thank you. … What do you think? Janet Well, it really suits you, but ...

27 Any questions??? Ⅳ Assignment
1. Practice pronunciation part and the role-play of conversation 2 in Inside View 2. Finish exercises in Outside View and Listening In online. 3. Group presentation on two international brands and one national brands main history logo main products Any questions???

28 除了让学生了解文化背景知识,还要让学生学会一些口语中地道的用法和表达方式(Everyday English),以编对话的形式尝试应用,在做角色扮演时提醒学生注意语调,语气,肢体语言等。添加一些有趣味的讲解—— Who are you?几种语气中的几种意思。 以上是第一周两个课时的安排。

29 第二周两个课时的安排 Evaluating pronunciation practice and role-play Outside view Listening in Presentation skills Assignment

30 Ⅰ 检查语音练习,角色扮演,内容回顾问题 给出评价 (风趣幽默的评价会活跃课堂气氛,降低焦虑情绪的消极影响), 打分 及时纠正错误
给出评价 (风趣幽默的评价会活跃课堂气氛,降低焦虑情绪的消极影响), 打分 及时纠正错误 Gibbs &Simpson(2004, p4) 指出对学生学习影响最大的不是教学手段,而是教学评定。因此一定要发挥评价和评估的导向性,催进学生的学习。 What influenced students most was not the teaching but the assessment (Gibbs and Simpson, 2004, p4)

31 Ⅱ Outside view Ⅲ Listening in 这两部分要求学生自主学习时在网上完成,课堂对学生所做答案进行抽查,抽查形式最好提前告诉学生。由于这两部分的设置高于学生当前水平,应该要求学生在课下多听几遍,教师以检查和答疑的方式来进行比较好。

32 Ⅱ Outside view Do you think shopping online will ever become more popular than shopping in a mall? (Critical Thinking: open question, debate, group presentation ) 回顾视频公布练习答案,如果同学有疑问课再观看视频评讲。 同时认真设计思辨性活动,激发学生兴趣,促进学生思辩能力的发展。 Taobao VS Ebay

33 Developing critical thinking
Outside view Developing critical thinking 1 Do you think shopping online will ever become more popular than shopping in a mall? 2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online? 3 Can you think of ways to avoid the disadvantages? 4 What might happen to shopping malls and high street shops if shopping online becomes even more popular? Work in groups and answer the questions. Procedures

34 Debate : Positive:Online shopping will replace shopping in the mall.
Negative: Online shopping will not replace shopping in the mall.

35 Group presentation 1 2 3 The research on students’ online shopping
Design your own questionnaires Create at least 20 questions either in English or Chinese Find at least fifty eligible replies Analyze your data and make your conclusion

36 Ⅱ Outside view Listen to natural English: recognizing the speaker’s attitude Jessica: Great. Well, let’s do it! This is great. This is cute. Lisa: Hm mmh Jessica: Oh, I love this one. Let’s post this one. You know, Lisa, this is perfect summer dress.

37 Ⅲ listening in 增加词汇的输入 加强学生对不同口音能力的适应 增加文化背景知识的输入 适应多种听力练习形式 这个部分相对较难,可以想让学生课下听,然后到课堂上问问题p69。

38 Ⅳ Presentation skills 1 提前预习 2 范例讲解 3 结合主题或unit task 教师可以要求所有小组准备一个相关的presentation,然后让两组课上做,然后学生和老师结合课本所述技巧共同点评,从而达到理解,学习和应用的目的。

39 Group presentation on two international brands and one national brands.
main history main products

40 Ⅴ Unit file 1 大声朗读 2 理解意思 3 回顾用法 Any Questions???

41 Ⅳ Assignment Pronunciation of Unit 7
Preview Inside View and Pronunciation of Unit 7 “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” ------Benjamin Franklin

42 四 有待解决的问题与建议 1. 材料新,背景新,对教和学的要求都高 集体备课,统一制作课件,灵活运用教材.加强教师间的经验交流和探讨。 一定做好学生课前预习的督促工作 由于教材信息量大,生词和练习都比较多,没有预习,仅靠上课时间是远远不够的。

43 Teaching should be full of ideas instead of stuffed with facts.
2.班级人数多,参与面受限 如果班级较大,且学生水平弱,可以加大课堂听和看的比例,加强学生的理解和知识的输入。 如果班级大,且水平较好,可以加大说的比例,参与形式可多样,比如:课上发言,提交有声或视频作业。 打破坚冰,创造快乐幽默的课堂气氛,降低学生的焦虑情绪。 活动设计要多样,多与学生沟通,了解他们,理解他们。 Teaching should be full of ideas instead of stuffed with facts.

44 3. 学生的时间投入有限 4. 学生的学习目的不正确 及时实时的讲解学习英语的长远效益,促进学生形成正确的学习英语的价值 观。 利用好评估的杠杆。加强反思性学习。

45 A bad teacher is not prepared; a good teacher is well- prepared and the best teacher is half-prepared. Thank you

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