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2012 EFCI Co-worker Training-2 愛恩台福教會年中事工評估

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Presentation on theme: "2012 EFCI Co-worker Training-2 愛恩台福教會年中事工評估"— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 EFCI Co-worker Training-2 愛恩台福教會年中事工評估

2 2012六大牧區 “6 Shepherd Zone” Children0-12 EM 13-50 1.5G 16-39 40-64 N.人數
Mandarin 26-64 Taiwanese 40-64 Taiwanese 65+ N.人數 100 90 110 80 70 Caring 關懷 牧養 團契 小組 ? Tim Wu Deacon T.Leader HN Lin Paul Shaw Counselor Chin-Lu P. Chen Joe Hsu Amy Wang Andy Fang P. Hu Josef Lo Tony Liu P. Lin Chris Kuo Carol Taylor W. Z. Leader Worship Erinn Herald Andy C Shelia Michael S. Li-H Education Peter C Awana Peter G Albert C Max Lin Joseph C Jenny Mission Sharon H James W Alex Tu Joe

3 今日計畫Plan for Today 9:10-10:10 How to design a seeker Sensitive Service 設計一個敏於慕道友需要聚會 10:10-11:00 分組討論與記錄 Small group Discussion & Report by 5 Group Leader 11:00-11:20 Break休息 11:20-12:20各組報告、問題解答Report by 5 Group Leader, suggestion, Q&A by Pastors 12:30-1:30 Lunch & follow up

4 一、2012三大重點3 Major target 提升主日崇拜品質 To enhance Sunday Service Quality
鼓勵參加主日學、裝備課程To encourage to join Sunday School or Training course 參與一項新事工Serving a New ministry →請掛名牌Name tag for serving people ($5) →成為一個敏於慕道友需要的教會Become a Seeker Sensitive Service Church(2013, EFCI)

5 事工生命週期Ministry Life Circle
Entered the downhill Rapid growth Bottleneck recession Peak 2 3 4 1

6 事工生命週期Ministry Life Circle
1.快速增長Rapid Growth 2.巔峰狀態Peak 3.瓶頸遲滯Bottleneck Recession 4.步入下坡Entered the Downhill Where目前? Why? How為何,如何?

7 事工生命週期Ministry Life Circle
步入下坡 快速增長 瓶頸遲滯 巔峰狀態 2 3 4 1

8 解答Solution: What Would Jesus Do

9 成為一個敏於慕道友需要教會 Become a Seeker Sensitive Service church
凡勞苦擔重擔的人可以到我這裏來,我就使你們得安息。 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (太Matthew11:28) 正如人子來,不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人,並且要捨命,作多人的贖價。 “ just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”(太Matthew20:28)

10 耶穌的心Jesus Target-All People!

11 往社區發展Welcome & go to them

12 如何開始How to Start?

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