Understanding EQ and Emotion

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding EQ and Emotion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding EQ and Emotion
Yip sir (葉錦熙)

2 Schedule of Lesson One Course schedule
Warm up games: “Crow & Tortoise” Small group sharing & introduction Names, departments, frequent hobbies Colour your emotion (15 min.) Merit building (5 min.) Course expectation, name one (10 min, group rep. present.) EQ Framework

3 Course schedule: 13 lessons
Lesson 1 & 2, lectures by tutor Lesson 3 – 12, presentations by students Lesson 13, round up & sharing (mini-presentation) by the whole class

4 Assessment (1) Participation 25% 3 sessions absent → fail
sign you names, not  readiness to disclose effort made no answering mobile calls in class

5 Assessment (2) Facilitation 25% 10 small groups, three students each
1.5 hour facilitation (presentation) with games, exercises, psy. tests, group discussion and sharing, briefing and debriefing, conclusion. concise handouts structure: Present + Q & A + Conclusion

6 Assessment (3) Round up 25% Case presentation
Ways to enhance and impede personal growth 5 minutes: case presentation 5 minutes: Q & A 5 minutes: recommend solutions concise handouts required

7 Assessment (3) Written reflection 25% 1200 words in English
inspiration, implication, positive changes in your personal growth knowledge (facts, theories & definitions) ≤ 30% analysis and reflects ≥ 70% due by 3:30p.m. on 25/11/05

8 Schedule of Lesson One Course schedule
Warm up games: “Crow & Tortoise” Small group sharing & introduction Names, departments, frequent hobbies Colour your emotion (15 min.) Merit building (5 min.) Course expectation, name one (10 min, group rep. present.) EQ Framework

9 情緒是…… 我們對外在或內在環境的轉變而產生的反應 這反應包括: 主觀感受 (嬲怒、悲傷、快樂) 生理反應 (心跳、頭痛、出汗)
行動反應 (退縮、攻擊、逃走)

10 EQ 是… 認知及管理自己的情緒 認知及管理別人的情緒

11 What’s the difference between feeling and emotion?

12 What’s the difference between feeling and emotion?
Feeling: physical sensory in nature, uniform reaction, no significant role in the cognitive process

13 正面自我激勵 認識 自己 情緒 控制 負面 情緒 EQ是什麼? 認知和管理 他人情緒 建立融洽 人際關係

14 認識自己情緒 情緒詞語 (情緒識字率) 情緒 → 思想、情緒、行為、表現 事件 → 情緒 (情緒的由來) 個人內省能力↑

15 情緒反應的類別 強烈的 (興奮的) 快樂、興奮、雀躍、充滿信心...... 憤怒、敵對、痛恨....... II I 負向的 正向的 III
IV 乏味、失意、無助、 抑鬱...... 安靜、 舒服、滿足 微弱的 (消沈的)

16 情緒週期

17 正面自我激勵 高期望 → 高堅持 / 支持 → 高成就 追求快樂 vs 擁抱挑戰 愉快學習 vs 磨練學習 知識 vs 創意

18 調節負面情緒 壓力 焦慮 緊張 憤怒 挫敗 無價值 停 → 靜 → 想

19 身心鬆弛 (即時紓緩法)

20 身心鬆弛 (長期紓緩法)

21 身心鬆弛八大法 呼吸鬆弛法 音樂鬆弛法 肌肉鬆弛法 遊戲鬆弛法 自律鬆弛法 (內察) 意像鬆弛法 (外察) 自我催眠法
(內察 + 外察 + 精神標語植入 + 提示離開) 冥想

22 EQ四步曲 認識情緒 表達情緒 調節情緒 尋找解決問題之道

23 天氣報告 1 分 分 圖畫 分數 (1-10分) 情緒詞語 (如微笑、疲倦、憤怒、平靜….) ??? 原因 / 事件

24 認知及管理他人情緒 情緒敏悅 同理心

25 建立和諧人際關係 Social Exchange Equity & Emotion Cognitive Dissonance
Communication skills Assertiveness skills Relating Skills Leadership skills Conflict Management skills

26 The End

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