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Welcome to our class.

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1 Welcome to our class

2 used as adverbials in writing 非谓语动词作状语在写作中的应用
Non- finite Verbs used as adverbials in writing 非谓语动词作状语在写作中的应用

3 Sharing & Guessing 1) It is a popular reality show (真人秀) in China.
2) Five Star-dads take their young children on an overnight trip without the company of moms. Do you know what it is?

4 How many actors are there in the show?
Who are they?

5 爸爸: 林志颖 儿子: 小小志 (Kimi) 爸爸: 王岳伦 女儿: 王诗龄 (Angela) 爸爸: 郭涛 儿子: 郭子睿 (石头) 爸爸: 张亮 儿子: 张悦轩 (天天) 爸爸: 田亮 女儿:田雨橙 (Cindy)

6 unforgettable moments?
Watching this TV show, we had a lot of fun. Do you remember some unforgettable moments?

7 When they had a birthday party for Kimi, kids are happy and excited.
Having a birthday party for Kimi ________________________________, kids are happy and excited.

8 As long as she saw a camel, Angela would touch it immediately .
Seeing a camel ___________________________, Angela would touch it immediately.

9 Tian Tian was criticized by his father, so he looked unhappy.
_________________________, Tian Tian looked unhappy.

10 Although he was a little boy, Kimi helped others with some housework.
Being a little boy _________________, Kimi helped others with some housework.

11 They got some food for dinner by catching fish in the lake.

12 Lin Zhiying broke the egg and made Cindy cry.
making Cindy cry

13 恰当地使用非谓语动词可以使表达更简洁 Kimi hoped to play with Cindy, so Kimi asked Angela to help him take care of his sheep. Hoping to play with Cindy ______________________, Kimi asked Angela to help him take care of his sheep. To play with Cindy ______________________, Kimi asked Angela to help him take care of his sheep.

14 (连词成句)--正确运用分词作状语 Task 2:Making sentences according to key words
Use non-finite to describe these pictures (连词成句)--正确运用分词作状语

15 1) Seeing Xiao Huang taken away, Kimi felt heart broken.
1. doing 和done作时间状语 1) Seeing Xiao Huang taken away, Kimi felt heart broken. 1) Kimi, see Xiao Huang taken away, feel heart broken. 2) the toy dog Xiao Huang, take away, by the crew, put into a bag 2) Taken away by the crew, the toy dog Xiao Huang was put into a bag.

16 2) Given more chances, children can perform better.
2. doing 和done作条件状语 1) Turning to the left, they will find the path to the farm. 1) they, turn to the left, find the path to the farm 2) Given more chances, children can perform better. 2) children, give more chances, can perform better

17 1) Being such a brave girl, Cindy is my favorite kid among them five.
3. doing 和done作原因状语 1) Being such a brave girl, Cindy is my favorite kid among them five. 1) Cindy, is such a brave girl, is my favorite kid among them five. 2) Cindy, encourage, by her father, decide to slide on sand herself. 2) Encouraged by her father, Cindy decided to slide on sand herself.

18 4. doing 和done 作伴随状语 1) Standing in front of the bed, Angela was having lunch. 1) Angela, stand in front of the bed, have lunch. 2) Comforted by her father, Angela stopped crying. 2) Angela, comfort, by her father, stop crying.

19 2) Tian Tian, guide, by his father, slide on sand
5. doing 和done作方式状语 1) Tian Tian showed his love for his mother, sending her a flower. 1) Tian Tian, show his love for his mom, send her a flower 2) Tian Tian, guide , by his father , slide on sand 2) Guided by his father, Tian Tian slided on sand. 2) Tian Tian, guide, by his father, slide on sand

20 1) Shi Tou, break his arm, cause him to use only one hand.
6. 1)doing作结果状语,表自然而然的结果。 1) Shi Tou, break his arm, cause him to use only one hand. 1) Shi Tou broke his arm, causing him to use only one hand. 2) Shi Tou hurried to the kitchen, only to find there is no water for cooking. 2) Shi Tou, hurry to the kitchen, find there is no water for cooking. 2).only to do 作结果状语,表意料之外的结果。

21 7. to do作目的状语 。 five star-daddies, build up a better relationship with their kids, decide to join the TV show To build up a better relationship with their kids, five star-daddies decided to join the TV show.

22 1.Seeing Xiao Huang taken away, Kimi felt heart broken.
2. Turning to the left, they will find the path to the farm. 3. Being such a brave girl, Cindy is my favorite kid among them five. 4.Tian Tian showed his love for his mother, sending her a flower. 5. Guided by his father, Tiantian slided on sand. 6. To build up a better relationship with their kids, five star-daddies decided to join the TV show. Summary: 1.写作中一句话中包含多个动词要点时可考虑使用使用非谓语动词。 2.下笔前要先明确句子的主语 、谓语、非谓语。主要动作为谓语,次要动作为非谓语。

23 Task 3: The use of non-finite in writing task 非谓语动词在基础写作中的应用

24 (2012·广东) 你接受了一项写作任务,要为英语校报写一篇人物介绍。 【写作内容】 请根据以下信息,介绍一位传奇人物。
姓 名:Allan Stewart 国 籍:澳大利亚 出生日期:1915年3月7日 世界纪录:2006年获硕士学位*时年龄最大 学习态度:挑战自我,永远为时不晚。 第一个学位:1936年获得 第二个学位:医学博士** 第三个学位:80多岁时决定学习法律,2006年获得硕士学位。 第四个学位:2012年通过网络学习获得,善于合理安排学习时间,受到老师表扬。 *硕士学位:master’s degree; **博士doctor Born on Mar.7th,1915, Allan Stewart , an Austrian, is the eldest person to get… Gaining his first degree in 1936, he continued …and got … Deciding to … , he gained


26 你接受了一项写作任务,要为英语校报写一篇时事快讯。
(2013·广东) 你接受了一项写作任务,要为英语校报写一篇时事快讯。 [写作内容] 请根据以下信息,写一篇关于移民火星的快讯。 志愿者的选拔 到2015年,在全球选出约30名去火星的志愿者 志愿者的条件 至少18岁 做好不回地球的准备 愿与他人保持良好的关系… 要成为一名志愿者,你至少应该是18岁,并且做好准备你有可能不会回到地球一旦移民到火星。 To become a volunteer, you have to be at least 18 years old, and have the preparation that you may not be bale to return to the earth once immigrating to the Mars.

27 2014广一模 2.最早出现于北宋时期,白茶,中国六大茶类之一,主要种植于福建和台湾。
(中国六大茶类之一) 主要产地:福建,台湾 历 史:最早出现于北宋 1.主要种植于台湾地区,白茶,中国六大茶类之一,最早出现在北宋。 Mainly grown in Fujian and Taiwan ,White tea,one of the six major Chinese tea types, first appeared in Beisong Dynasty. 2.最早出现于北宋时期,白茶,中国六大茶类之一,主要种植于福建和台湾。 First appearing…, White Tea, one of…, is mainly grown.... 3 .被认为是中国六大茶类之一,白茶,主要种植于福建和台湾并且最早出现于北宋。 Regarded as one of …, White Tea, is mainly grown...and first appeared in…

28 Tips: Using the non-finite verbs is an efficient way of conveying ideas, but it is not the only way. When you write your own passage in 5 sentences, make sure that they are accurate, consistent and varied as well.

29 Homework- rewrite the passage (至少用1-2个非谓语的形式)
人物:英国人查理德·阿维斯(Richard Avis) 出生日期:1974年12月1日 时间:2011年开始在世界各地寻找同年同月同日生的人 目的:理解不同文化中成功人生的含义 相关信息: 借助当地媒体寻找 迄今找到32名,其中男性17名,女性15名,来自13个国家 职业包括政府官员、运动员、司机、教师、艺术家等 计划40岁生日前找到40位同年同月同日生的人 打算根据此经历写一本书 同年同月同日生的人:time twin [写作要求] 只能用5个句子表达全部内容 [评分标准] 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。

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