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查字典教學活動設計 龍山國中詹麗馨老師.

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1 查字典教學活動設計 龍山國中詹麗馨老師

2 查字典教學 字典學習活動,使學生從使用字典的活動裡 「親近字典、了解字典,進而愛用字典」。

3 學習如何學習 一個人會放棄一門學科,感到困惑或無法繼續下去的 唯一原因,是因為他跳過一個不了解的字。 The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is because He has gone past a word that was not understood.

4 龍山國中七年級查字典比賽

5 查字典教學

6 查字典教學 Warm-up Exercise Put the following words in alphabetical order. 1. form forgive fork 2. plural plunge plug 3. bonus bond bold 4. homework horrific hose 5. queen quiet quote

7 查字典教學

8 查字典教學

9 查字典教學 Tim: Can you see what the ______ is?
Ann: Oh, it’s “r.” The word is “ring.” (A) idea (B) lesson (C) letter (D) sound (95-1)

10 查字典教學 Parts of Speech (辭類) 1. noun (名詞) 2. pronoun (代名詞) 3. verb (動詞)
4. adjective (形容詞) 5. adverb (副詞) 6. conjunction (連接詞) 7. article (冠詞) 8. preposition (介系詞) 9. interjection (感歎詞)

11 查字典練習 標示下列各句中字詞的詞類 【例】 She stayed at home. 代 動 介 名
1. Sarah waited about ten minutes. 2. I love my parents. 3. Spring is a wonderful time for a picnic. 4. Mary dances beautifully. 5. Bill and John are good friends. 6. Jack is sitting on the chair. 7. The dog is running fast. 8. Ouch, that hurt! 9. Wow! We finally made it! 10. Are they playing or singing?

12 查字典教學 一字多義練習單

13 查字典教學 查字典,找答案

14 查字典教學 Frindle (我們叫它粉靈豆)

15 查字典教學 How to Use a Dictionary

16 查字典教學 Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary 牛津高階英漢雙解詞典

17 查字典教學 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Updated Edition (with CD-ROM)

18 查字典教學 Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary 5/e (with CD-Rom)

19 查字典教學 Macmillan English Dictionary for advanced learners (with CD-ROM)

20 查字典教學 文馨新觀念英漢辭典

21 開啟學習語言的寶藏箱──字典教學活動設計

22 查字典教學 「愛它,就要用它!」 將字典視為學習語言的寶藏箱,時時翻閱,進一步懂得 珍惜字典豐富的資源。

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