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Chaijing(January )is a compere and journalist widely recognized.

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Presentation on theme: "Chaijing(January )is a compere and journalist widely recognized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chaijing(January 1976--)is a compere and journalist widely recognized.

2 柴静:—个永远站立说话的人 Introduction Character Quotations Ending

3 Introduction Early life and education:
Chaijing was born in Shanxi province in In 1991 Chaijing started her college life in Changsha University. After graduated,she went to Communication University of China to get a Art Master degree.

4 Early career: 1994至1998年:在湖南文艺广播电台任主持人,主持《夜色温柔》;
1994至1998年:在湖南文艺广播电台任主持人,主持《夜色温柔》;    1998至2001年:北京广播电视学院进修电视编辑,湖南卫视《新青年》节目主持人;    2001年:在《东方时空·时空连线》担任主持人(10月);   

5 2003年:央视《新闻调查》出镜记者,同时也是第一个“零距离”报道“非典”的记者(4月);  
2009年:离开《新闻调查》,担任新闻频道《24小时》主播。新闻频道《面对面》主持人   2011年:主持《看见》周末版, 重拳出击,打响央视节目内容 调整的第一炮。

6 The prises ★ 2003年:获年度风云记者,全国抗击非典优秀新闻工作者。
★ 年:获年度风云记者,全国抗击非典优秀新闻工作者。 ★ 年:荣获东方卫视评选的2007年度感动中国绿色人物。 ★  2009年:首都女记协演讲大赛中柴静以《认识的人,了解的事》演讲荣获特等奖 ★  2009年:获得央视2009年度“优秀播音员主持人”乙等 ★ 年:作品《认识的人,了解的事》高点击率,获得土豆节金镜头奖 ★ 2010年:柴静当选央视年度“十佳主持人”

7 character integrity(正直) humility(谦逊) civility (涵养)

8 integrity events: The first “zero distance” report “SARS”. she deeps into the front line, and interviews seven patients with SARS. 2003年:央视《新闻调查》出镜记者,第一个“零距离”报道“非典”,非典肆虐时。她深入到一线,七次与非典病人面对面。

9 She was repeatedly asked Wang 's consumption figures on public
She made the survey of mine accidents and exposed the lies one by one which try to hide something. 曾进行矿难的真相调查,揭露一个个欲盖弥彰的谎言。 She was repeatedly asked Wang 's consumption figures on public funds, and she had faced the underworld threat herself. 她曾经故意在节目中反复询问王锡锌关于 公款消费的数字,她曾经一人独面黑社会 的威胁。

10 Even in the earthquake in Wen chuan, she went to the scene.
汶川大地震,她去现场报道现场抢救,呼吁救死扶伤。 ChaiJing always stands besides the news recently , where she insisted to be a good journalist with her sharp eyes . 柴静始终站在离新闻最近的地方, 她以她的犀利和敏锐、坚定与坚持 ,最终历练成为一名优秀的新闻工 作者。

11 ChaiJing 's figure always appears on the first line of the news.
She interviewed the ADIS, the suicide children, the drug abuse girls, the earthquake and the event of the land acquisition . 采访艾滋病人、自杀儿童、吸毒女、地震、奥运、征地,柴静的身影总出现在新闻的第一线。 It was concluded that in these programs, 62% of the time,Chaijing is to stand up and battle the forces of darkness, 38% of the time to listen to the complaints of the weak . 有人总结,在这些节目里,镜头中的柴静62%的时间挺身而出与黑暗势力交锋,38%的时间低下身去倾听弱者的申诉。 (视频2)

12 Humility When she began to preside the Oriental Horizon, she has a hard time because she is not graduated from the prestigious and she hasn't the journalism background. 柴静刚到央视主持《东方时空·时空连线》时, 在没有名校的学历背景、不是新闻专业出身 的情况下,度过了一段痛苦的适应期 。

13 face to difficulties She said that she makes every effort to learn
from the basic. She made the plan by herself and she observed the programs of her peers. She stayed up almost every night.. 柴静说自己从蹲马步开始学起基本功,流汗流血、风吹日晒。她曾经采用最笨拙的办法,像蚂蚁一点一点地搬运食物一样,竭尽全力地去学习。自己做策划,观摩同行的节目,上机编节目,熬夜到凌晨三四点。

14 Face to honours Face to respondents
Even though she had already won the Golden Prize, she still feels regret that she lacks of the experiences in the news post. 但是即使得了金奖,她也没有摆脱沮丧和不安。柴静当时的遗憾是自己没有在一线当过记者,缺乏在新闻岗位打磨的历练。 Face to respondents ChaiJing respect her respondents, she thinks interview "is just a kind of knowing". 柴静尊重她的受访者,她认为采访“只是一种懂得”。

15 曾有人统计在柴静400次的采访中,有231次她身体与地面呈45°夹角,靠近受访者,最近的一次是靠近受访者10厘米。

16 Civility attitude to life
In spare time, Chai Jing likes to travel, to hike alone. She also enjoys photography, reading and writing. 业余时间,柴静喜欢旅行,她喜欢独自爬山,除了旅行,她还喜欢摄影、阅读和写作。

17 Attitude to rumours When rumours were around her,
she still continue to be calm and smile. 在谣言四起时,她仍然一如既往豁达平静的微笑着。 2009年7月、2010年10月,柴静曾两次被同一个人诬陷,收受纺织业某厂长100万贿赂,并被检察院带走审查,她被推倒了舆论的风口浪尖。 然而面对质疑,她只是以寥寥数字的微博澄清,其中并未对造谣者进行任何指责,表现出了她豁达的态度。当被问及该问题时,她也只是微微一笑说:“呵呵,不用管它。”

18 Quotations(语录) 与其诅咒黑暗,不如点亮灯火。
记者不仅是我的职业身份,做新闻也是我生存的一种方式,记者的天职就是调查事实的真相。 通往人心的道路是最艰难的道路, 一个记者可能要付出生命才能得到 别人的信任,但是你又必须在这个 职业当中恪尽职守。

19 Wise 睿智 Calm 冷静 have thought 有思想 Determinated 坚毅 courageous 勇敢

20 In the Program , she is the calm and objective, she has a hot heart to support the weak .
“我是柴静,火柴的柴,安静的静” 她好像一根火柴在沉静地燃烧, 安静而又热烈, 气质优雅,而又锋芒毕露

21 she deserves being loved forever.

22 A ship sailing alone at sea, it neither seek happiness, nor avoid happiness. It just sailed onward. Below is the silent and blue sea, while the head is a golden sun. 一只船孤独地航行在海上,它既不寻求幸福,也不逃避幸福。它只是向前航行,底下是沉静碧蓝的大海,而头顶是金色的太阳。 ——莱蒙托夫

23 thank you

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