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第 2 版 · 新 GRE verbval 160+ 词汇 发布会 & 阅读系列课程 5 —— 维 C 上校 ( 特种部队 )— 新浪微博 维 C 上校微信: vcalive1203.

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Presentation on theme: "第 2 版 · 新 GRE verbval 160+ 词汇 发布会 & 阅读系列课程 5 —— 维 C 上校 ( 特种部队 )— 新浪微博 维 C 上校微信: vcalive1203."— Presentation transcript:

1 第 2 版 · 新 GRE verbval 160+ 词汇 发布会 & 阅读系列课程 5 —— 维 C 上校 ( 特种部队 )— 新浪微博 维 C 上校微信: vcalive1203

2 Tonight--just sharing… 今晚所说的一切只是 -- 分享 …. 既然有些事情是无可避免的,比如说备考托福, 雅思或者 GRE ,一个有担当的人,就应该懂得去 努力把那些人生里无可避免而又不得不面对的事 情好好努力,学会从中得到快乐,而不是痛苦, 消极备考 … -- 维 C 上校

3 10.07.2016 新 GRE verbal 160+ 必备词汇发布会 一定要先背:新 GRE 最难核心词汇 -- 逆序的 -- 这部分词汇是任何一本 GRE 词汇书里,最难背下的词汇 List 1 【 66words 】 patina 外表、 ( 由内而外散发的 ) 氛围,气场 synergic 合作的 vitriolic ( 言辞 ) 刻薄的 polemic n 争执 anemic a, 缺乏力量、活力、精神的 laconic 简洁的 chronic 经常发生的,复发的 / 习惯性的,不可能改变的 choleric 易怒的,暴躁的 / 生气的 mesmeric 催眠的,催眠术的 / 令人着迷的,难以抗拒的 esoteric 深奥难懂的 / 少数人知道的

4 10.07.2016 新 GRE verbal 160+ 必备词汇发布会 基于陈圣元填空的词汇:一定要 一边做题一边背  第二版 对陈圣元填空一书共 88 个 section 全部生词  一个个去查,整理给大家!!!  所有英文意思来自韦氏大学字典或者美国传统字 典,还有常考同义词。  不得不说陈琦的 3000 里面多余的同义词反义词太 多了... !!

5 10.07.2016 新 GRE verbal 160+ 必备词汇发布会 新 GRE 易混词表 ver  aver 声称为真 state as a fact usually forcefully  aversion 非常讨厌,极厌恶 / 令人厌恶的事物  veracious 诚实的,说实话的 / 精确的,准确的  verdant 翠绿的,郁郁葱葱的  verisimilar 似乎真的  f/veig feign to give a false appearance of 制造假象,装出... 的样子 surfeit to feed or supply to excess ( 使 ) 过量, ( 使 ) 饮食过度 inveigh to protest or complain bitterly or vehemently 激烈抗议,表示强烈不满 inveigle to win over by coaxing,flattery,or artful talk 诱骗 fei forfeit 罚金

6 10.07.2016 新 GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验.

7 10.07.2016 新 GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验.

8 10.07.2016 新 GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验.

9 10.07.2016 新 GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验.

10 10.07.2016 新 GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验.

11 10.07.2016 新 GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验.

12 10.07.2016 新 GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验.

13 10.07.2016 新 GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验.

14 复习一下:文章特点. 题材广泛:人文类, 自然科学类, 社会科学类和生物科学类 套路固定:一般来说 GRE 文章分为五种类 型:现象解释,问题解决,新老对比, 论点说明,评论作品 风格鲜明: 1 作者一贯反对 Darwin 及其进 化论 2 喜新厌旧 3 体恤弱势群体 4 阅读文章 的作者通常避免绝对的正评价或负评价 题材广泛:人文类, 自然科学类, 社会科学类和生物科学类 套路固定:一般来说 GRE 文章分为五种类 型:现象解释,问题解决,新老对比, 论点说明,评论作品 风格鲜明: 1 作者一贯反对 Darwin 及其进 化论 2 喜新厌旧 3 体恤弱势群体 4 阅读文章 的作者通常避免绝对的正评价或负评价

15 15 新老对比 文章主题 [topic words] : kwo[has been,traditionally, until recently, frequently,widely, many , most scientists believed, usually argued, commonly view] kwn[ however recently; however now ] 全文结构 [development]: kwo,a,b,aw-,kwn,x,y 态度变化 [attitude words]: 老:否定或次要;新:正评价 中心句 [TS]: 新观点 基本逻辑结构基本逻辑结构

16 新老对比文章的重点: 1 分析文章的结构, 找新老观点对立内容 — 一般在转折词后面。 2 不去关注文章的细节,通过逻辑结构关系把 握句子的重点 3 找论点与论据的逻辑等价词,体会文章内容 之间以及文章与正确答案间的同义改写

17 新旧观点对比文章 3^^ Traditional research has confronted only Mexican and United States interpretations of Mexican-American culture. Now we must also examine the culture as we Mexican Americans have experienced it, passing from a sovereign people to compatriots with newly arriving settlers to, finally, a conquered people—a charter minority on our own land. When the Spanish first came to Mexico, they intermarried with and absorbed the culture of the indigenous Indians. This policy of colonization through acculturation was continued when Mexico acquired Texas in the early 1800’s and brought the indigenous Indians into Mexican life and government. In the 1820’s, United States citizens migrated to Texas, attracted by land suitable for cotton. As their numbers became more substantial, their policy of acquiring land by subduing native populations began to dominate. The two ideologies clashed repeatedly, culminating in a military conflict that led to victory for the United States. Thus, suddenly deprived of our parent culture, we had to evolve uniquely Mexican-American modes of thought and action in order to survive.

18 Traditional research has confronted only Mexican and United States interpretations of Mexican-American culture. Now we must also examine the culture as we Mexican Americans have experienced it, passing from a sovereign people to compatriots with newly arriving settlers to, finally, a conquered people—a charter minority on our own land. 1. The author’s purpose in writing this passage is primarily to (A) suggest the motives behind Mexican and United States intervention in Texas (B) document certain early objectives of Mexican-American society (C) provide a historical perspective for a new analysis of Mexican- American culture (D) appeal to both Mexican and United States scholars to give greater consideration to economic interpretations of history (E) bring to light previously overlooked research on Mexican Americans 原文题目

19 Traditional research has confronted only Mexican and United States interpretations of Mexican-American culture. Now we must also examine the culture as we Mexican Americans have experienced it, passing from a sovereign people to compatriots with newly arriving settlers to, finally, a conquered people—a charter minority on our own land. 2. The author most probably uses the phrase “charter minority” (lines 6-7) to reinforce the idea that Mexican Americans (A) are a native rather than an immigrant group in the United States (B) played an active political role when Texas first became part of the United States (C) recognized very early in the nineteenth century the need for official confirmation of their rights of citizenship (D) have been misunderstood by scholars trying to interpret their culture (E) identify more closely with their Indian heritage than with their Spanish heritage 题目原文

20 When the Spanish first came to Mexico, they intermarried with and absorbed the culture of the indigenous Indians. This policy of colonization through acculturation was continued when Mexico acquired Texas in the early 1800’s and brought the indigenous Indians into Mexican life and government. In the 1820’s, United States citizens migrated to Texas, attracted by land suitable for cotton. As their numbers became more substantial, their policy of acquiring land by subduing native populations began to dominate. 3. According to the passage, a major difference between the colonization policy of the United States and that of Mexico in Texas in the 1800’s was the (A) degree to which policies were based on tradition (B) form of economic interdependency between different cultural groups (C) number of people who came to settle new areas (D) treatment of the native inhabitants (E) relationship between the military and the settlers 原文题目

21 When the Spanish first came to Mexico, they intermarried with and absorbed the culture of the indigenous Indians. This policy of colonization through acculturation was continued when Mexico acquired Texas in the early 1800’s and brought the indigenous Indians into Mexican life and government. In the 1820’s, United States citizens migrated to Texas, attracted by land suitable for cotton. As their numbers became more substantial, their policy of acquiring land by subduing native populations began to dominate. 4. Which of the following statements most clearly contradicts the information in this passage? (A) In the early 1800’s, the Spanish committed more resources to settling California than to developing Texas. (B) While Texas was under Mexican control, the population of Texas quadrupled, in spite of the fact that Mexico discouraged immigration from the United States. (C) By the time Mexico acquired Texas, many Indians had already married people of Spanish heritage. (D) Many Mexicans living in Texas returned to Mexico after Texas was annexed by the United States. (E) Most Indians living in Texas resisted Spanish acculturation and were either killed or enslaved. 题目原文

22 新旧观点对比文章 4^^ Throughout human history there have been many stringent taboos 【 concerning watching other people eat or eating in the presence of others 】. There have been attempts to explain these taboos in terms of inappropriate social relationships either between those who are involved and those who are not simultaneously involved in the satisfaction of a bodily need, or between those already satiated and those who appear to be shamelessly gorging. Undoubtedly such elements exist in the taboos, but there is an additional element with a much more fundamental importance. In prehistoric times, when food was so precious and the on- lookers so hungry, not to offer half of the little food one had was unthinkable, since every glance was a plea for life. Further, during those times, people existed in nuclear or extended family groups, and the sharing of food was quite literally supporting one’s family or, by extension, preserving one’s self.

23 Undoubtedly such elements exist in the taboos, but there is an additional element with a much more fundamental importance. In prehistoric times, when food was so precious and the on- lookers so hungry, not to offer half of the little food one had was unthinkable, since every glance was a plea for life. Further, during those times, people existed in nuclear or extended family groups, and the sharing of food was quite literally supporting one’s family or, by extension, preserving one’s self. 1. If the argument in the passage is valid, taboos against eating in the presence of others who are not also eating would be LEAST likely in a society that (A) had always had a plentiful supply of food (B) emphasized the need to share worldly goods (C) had a nomadic rather than an agricultural way of life (D) emphasized the value of privacy (E) discouraged overindulgence 原文题目

24 Undoubtedly such elements exist in the taboos, but there is an additional element with a much more fundamental importance. In prehistoric times, when food was so precious and the on-lookers so hungry, not to offer half of the little food one had was unthinkable, since every glance was a plea for life. Further, during those times, people existed in nuclear or extended family groups, and the sharing of food was quite literally supporting one’s family or, by extension, preserving one’s self. 2. The author's hypothesis [concerning the origin of taboos against watching other people eat ]emphasizes the (A) general palatability of food (B) religious significance of food (C) limited availability of food (D) various sources of food (E) nutritional value of food 原文 题目

25 Undoubtedly such elements exist in the taboos, but there is an additional element with a much more fundamental importance. In prehistoric times, when food was so precious and the on-lookers so hungry, not to offer half of the little food one had was unthinkable, since every glance was a plea for life. Further, during those times, people existed in nuclear or extended family groups, and the sharing of food was quite literally supporting one’s family or, by extension, preserving one’s self. 3. According to the passage, the author believes that past attempts to explain some taboos concerning eating are (A) unimaginative (B) implausible (C) inelegant (D) incomplete (E) unclear 原文 题目

26 Throughout human history there have been many stringent taboos 【 concerning watching other people eat or eating in the presence of others 】. There have been attempts to explain these taboos in terms of inappropriate social relationships either between those who are involved and those who are not simultaneously involved in the satisfaction of a bodily need, or between those already satiated and those who appear to be shamelessly gorging. Undoubtedly such elements exist in the taboos, but there is an additional element with a much more fundamental importance. In prehistoric times, when food was so precious and the on-lookers so hungry, not to offer half of the little food one had was unthinkable, since every glance was a plea for life. Further... 4. In developing the main idea of the passage, the author does which of the following? (A) Downplays earlier attempts to explain the origins of a social prohibition. (B) Adapts a scientific theory and applies it to a spiritual relationship. (C) Simplifies a complex biological phenomenon by explaining it in terms of social needs. (D) Reorganizes a system designed to guide personal behavior. (E) Codifies earlier, unsystematized conjectures about family life. 原文 题目

27 更多的例子.. 下次公开课见...^^

28 内容总结 1 重点把握文章中的新老观点,快速读完文章 中其他的论据句。 2 留意具有特殊逻辑关心的论据句,不需要去 具体翻译每句话的内容,位置 > 细节,有题 目出现之后我们回到原文定位解答就可以 了。 3 读文章的时候,注意那些关键词,比如说: have been,many,Initially,widely…

29 这两本资料足够了 … 因为已经包括所有的真题了 所有的老 G 阅读真题 — 之所以还推荐老 G 的阅读,是因为,新 G 的阅读很 多和这本书里的阅读一模一样。 新 G 的所有真题: 搜索帖子《新 GREverbal 160+ 阅读必备绝杀技》 维 C 上校微信: vcalive1203


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