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Presentation on theme: "第二部份「長篇閱讀」."— Presentation transcript:

1 第二部份「長篇閱讀」

2 1. General Articles 世界變小了 (The World Seems Smaller Now)
It used to take a long time (1) to get news from one part of the world to another. Now it only takes one or two seconds to send a message around the world. Today, people living in different countries can work together by using the Internet. It used to take a long time to travel around the world. People spent many weeks and months to (2) travel across the ocean on a ship. Today, you can fly around the world in a big, comfortable, fast airplane. Before airplanes, telephones and computers were invented, (3) the world seemed very big. Now it seems quite small.

3 1. General Articles (1) It used to take a long time to… 以前要花比較長的時間…
在文章裡說到 ‘It used to take a long time to…’,在此處的‘used to’ (過去習慣於…,但是現在已經不是如此了。) ,如例句‘I used to drink coffee in the morning.’ (我以前早上都會喝咖啡。但是現在不喝了。)。而‘It takes…’ 在此解釋為「某件事要花某人多少時間」,如‘It takes me 30 minutes to get to school from my house.’ (我從家裡到學校要花30分鐘。) (2) People spent many weeks and months to… 人們花好幾個星期或幾個月 在文章裡說到‘People spent many weeks and months to…’在此處的‘spend’(花時間或花錢),其主詞部分需是人。如例句‘I spent $500 on my new skirt.’(我花了500元買這件新裙子。) ﹔‘I spent two days cleaning my new apartment.’(我花了2天時間清理我的新公寓。) (3) Before airplanes, telephones and computers were invented… 在飛機、電話和電腦發明之前… 在文章裡說到‘Before airplanes, telephones and computers were invented…’在此處與文章前面的‘Today, you can fly around the world in a big…’(你可以搭乘巨大且…翱翔天空)作比較,意指現在人因為飛機等其他科技發明,而感覺世界比較小。相較之下,以前因為科技和各方面都沒現在發達和便利,所以感覺世界比較大。

4 1. General Articles 世界上的森林 (Forests in the World)
The forests in the world are getting smaller. Once, forests covered a large part of the Earth (1). People used to live in the forests. The forest provided everything people needed to live. Then, people became farmers. They cut down (2) the forests. They built farms and villages. With more food came more people. With more people came more farms and towns. Today, there are many large cities in the world, but not many forests.

5 1. General Articles (1) Once, forests covered a large part of the Earth. 曾經有一度,森林覆蓋了整個地球的大部分。 ‘once’有曾經…或一度…之意,代表與現在的情況已經不同了。所以根據文章內容:曾經有一度,森林覆蓋了整個地球的大部分,但是因為人類的砍伐,地球上被森林覆蓋面積已經越來越少。 (2) cut down 砍下、削減 在本文裡的意思為「砍伐」。此外‘cut down’還可以當減少之意,如例句﹕‘He tried to cut down on smoking but couldn’t make it.’(他試圖少抽煙,但沒成功。)

6 2. Personal Letters and Emails
Dear Jan, I'm writing to let you know that we are going to the beach on Saturday. Please meet us at Kunyang MRT Station at 9:00 and Bill will give us a ride (1) in his car. We will drive to Green Palm Beach, so it will take about 1 hour to get there. Please bring some lunch and snacks so we can have a picnic (2) in the park. We will return at around 4:00 p.m. and should be back at Kunyang Station at 5:00 p.m. See you soon, Betty

7 2. Personal Letters and Emails
(1) give us a ride 載我們一程 ‘give someone a ride’的意思為搭載某人一程,其中‘ride’可解釋為搭乘。例句‘I am on my way to work. Do you need me to give you a ride? (= Do you need a ride?)’(我要去上班的途中,需要我載你一程嗎?) (2) have a picnic 野餐 當天氣好的時候,朋友或家人就會相約到公園或戶外野餐。慣用語即為 ‘have a picnic’ 或 ‘go on a picnic’ (野餐)。例句 ‘It’s a beautiful Sunday morning. Let’s have a picnic in a park. / Let’s go picnic in a park.’ (這星期天早上天氣真好。我們去公園野餐吧。)

8 2. Personal Letters and Emails
私人電子郵件 (Personal )

9 2. Personal Letters and Emails
(1) Thank you for… 謝謝你… 在文章裡說到﹕‘Thank you for the support and friendship you have shown me throughout this difficult time.’(謝謝你們在我最艱困的時候所給我的支持和友情。),在此處的‘Thank you for…’通常用在感謝對方給予的幫忙或善意的舉動,也可以用‘Thanks for…’。如例句‘Thank you for letting me use your computer.’(謝謝你讓我用你的電腦。)‘Thanks for your help.’(謝謝你的幫忙。) 等。 (2) It is easy to… 做…很容易 在文章裡說到‘It is easy to be a friend in good times …’(成為一同享樂的朋友很容易。)‘It’s easy to…’的用法很廣,如例句‘It’s easy to study English if you use the right method.’(假如你用對了方法,學英文就很簡單。)

10 2. Personal Letters and Emails
(3) remind (v) 提醒、使想起 我們常用‘remind某人of某事’的用法來表達「提醒某人某事」,如例句﹕‘I reminded my brother of his promise.’(我提醒我弟弟他曾許下的諾言。) (4) the most valuable thing in the world 世上最寶貴/有價值的東西 在文章裡說到﹕‘…I still have the most valuable thing in the world – your friendship.’ (我仍然擁有世上最重要的東西 – 你們的友誼。)‘value’的原意為價值或重要性,而‘valuable’即為有價值之意,所以不同的人對於世界上最有價值的東西認知不同。有人認為是親情(family)、愛情(love)、友情(friendship)、金錢(money)、健康(health) 等。

11 3. Business Letters and Emails
Dear Ms. Chang: We are pleased to inform you that (1) we have accepted your application to work for our company (2). You will work as a cashier (3) in the Men’s Wear Department. Your working hours will be from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., from Mondays to Saturdays. Also, please wear the uniform and high heels to work. If you have any questions, please call Ms. Kelly Wang at (02) Sincerely (4), Joan Chen General Manager (5), SoSo Department Store

12 3. Business Letters and Emails
(1) We are pleased to inform you that… 我們很高興通知你… 在某些商業書信或電子郵件的開頭看到這一句話,用意在告知對方,之前他所做的請求或要求的服務已經獲准。如例句‘We are pleased to inform you that the book you ordered has arrived.’(我們很高興通知你,你之前訂的書已經送達。)、‘We are pleased to inform you that you are hired.’(我們很高興通知你,你已經被錄用了。) (2) we have accepted your application to work for our company 我們已錄用你到本公司上班 根據本文的內容,收信者被通知她已經被錄取到這家公司上班。而這句話‘We have accepted your application to…’(我們已經通過了你的申請…),我們可以在某些通知書信或電子郵件上看到。例如貸款申請通過、入學申請許可等申請書通過通知。如例句‘We have accepted your application to our school.’(我們很高興通知你,你已經獲准入學。)

13 3. Business Letters and Emails
(3) You will work as a cashier. 你將會擔任出納員一職。 ‘as’在此為當…的身分。而‘work as +職業名’,則代表將以何種身分來工作,如例句‘My father works as a lawyer at this company.’(我父親在這家公司擔任律師一職。) (4) Sincerely 誠摯地 商業書信中常用的結尾語例如 : Yours truly, Sincerely yours, Sincerely, Best Regards, Regards等。結尾語中第一個字的第一個字母要大寫,第二個則不必,而結尾語之後要加逗號。 (5) General Manager 總經理 ‘Manger’為經理之意,‘General Manager’則為‘總經理’,而董事長為 ‘President’。

14 3. Business Letters and Emails
商業電子郵件 (Business s)

15 3. Business Letters and Emails
(1) Please have these desks and chairs sent to us sometime next week.請把我們要的桌子和椅子在下禮拜送過來。 ‘Please have…to / for us …’(請把…給我們)的句型,使用的機會很廣泛,通常用來表達「請別人把…準備好給你」。例句‘Please have the files ready sometime next Monday.’ (請在下星期一把檔案準備好給我們。) (2) Let us know if you have any questions. 若有任何疑問請告知我們。 這句話常出現在書信的內文最後一句話,用意在告知對方若有任何疑問,我方可以隨時提供協助。

16 4. Cards 母親節卡片 (Mother’s Day Cards)

17 4. Cards (1) get ready for… 準備好…
我們可以用‘get ready for’後接名詞、或‘get ready to’後接原形動詞來表示「準備好要…」。如例句‘I am ready for the test.’ (我準備好參加考試了。)、‘We are ready to go swimming.’ (我們準備好要去游泳了。) (2) while Dad and I make you breakfast, lunch and dinner 同時讓我和爸爸幫你做早餐、午餐和晚餐 ‘while’後面所連接的2個子句,代表2個句子中的動作同時進行。以本文卡片內容來說,女兒辛蒂要媽媽好好放鬆一下,同時讓她和爸爸幫媽媽做早餐、午餐和晚餐。而句中另外一個重點則為「做(煮)三餐」的用法為﹕‘make breakfast / lunch / dinner’。 (3) throw the garbage out 丟垃圾 throw out 為丟掉/棄之意,所以在此為把垃圾丟掉。如‘Please throw out your old magazines.’ (請丟掉你的舊雜誌。)

18 4. Cards 聖誕卡片 (Christmas Cards)

19 4. Cards (1) We wish you… 我們祝福你…
一般我們要給予對方我們的祝福,我們可以用‘I / We wish you…’(我祝福你…),例句如‘I wish you happiness.’ (我祝你幸福。)、‘We wish you a Merry Christmas.’(我們祝你聖誕快樂。) (2) look(ing) forward to… 期待… 我們可以用這慣用法來表達我們對某人、事、物的期待,如例句‘We look forward to seeing you again.’(我們期待再與你相見。)、‘I am looking forward to our dinner tonight.’(我期待我們今晚的晚餐約會。) (3) resort (n) 渡假聖地 (4) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 聖誕快樂並祝新年愉快! 雖然‘merry’跟‘happy’都有歡樂的、愉快的意思,但是一般慣用法為 ‘Merry Christmas’ (聖誕快樂) 和 ‘Happy New Year’ (新年愉快),而不是用 ‘Happy Christmas’ 或 ‘Merry New Year’。

20 5. Notices Notice 道路啟示 (Road Signs)
The bridge will be closed for repairs (1) from 6 a.m.– 6 p.m. on August 22. Please use the River Road Bridge if you want to go to North City or the Blue Bay Bridge if you are traveling to South City. We apologize for any inconvenience (2) caused during this time. If you have any questions, please call us at (08)

21 5. Notices (1) The bridge will be closed for repairs… 這座橋將因整修而關閉…
我們會在路上或建築物前看到‘…will be closed for repairs’(…將因整修而要關閉)的標示,意思就是某地方因為要整修所以要關閉。如例句‘The Department Store will be closed for repairs.’ (本百貨公司因整修而暫停營業。) (2) We apologize for any inconvenience… 不便之處,敬請見諒… 這句話常出現在因為某些原因,而造成使用者不便的告示牌中。同時在商業書信中的內文的最後一句話也常會看到。其中‘apologize’ (v) 為道歉之意,而‘inconvenience’(n) 為不方便之意。所以整句話的意思就是:造成不便,敬請見諒。

22 5. Notices 圖書館公告 (Library Notices) Dear computer user,
Because the use of our Internet computers is becoming more and more popular, we have to put a time limit on users. That means that each person can only use the computer for 30 minutes at a time. However (1), if no one is waiting for the computer when you finish your 30 minutes, you can continue to use the computer for another 30 minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience. Yours sincerely, Library Staff (2)

23 5. Notices (1) However 然而 ‘However’(然而)在句子中被用來連接2句話,且前後2個句子的語意轉折或相反。在本文中首先提到‘…each person can only use the computer for 30 minutes at a time.’(每個人一次只能使用30分鐘。)之後又說‘if no one is waiting for the computer when you finish your 30 minutes, you can continue to use the computer for another 30 minutes.’(假如30分鐘後沒有其他的人要使用電腦網路,你可以再繼續使用30分鐘。) 所以在此用‘however’來連接這2句話。 (2) Library Staff 圖書館員工 ‘staff’為(全體)職員或(全體)工作人員之意。如例句‘The staff of this airline is / are excellent.’(這家航空公司的全體員工都很優秀。)

24 6. Advertisements Talent Wanted (1) 徵人廣告 (Job Openings)
Singers, dancers and magicians for a new amusement park (2). Hours: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. Wednesday to Sunday. Pay will depend on (3) experience and talent. If you are interested, please your resume to (4) Mr. Sam Tseng at or visit our website at (5)

25 6. Advertisements (1) Talent Wanted 徵才
我們常在求才廣告中看到‘…Wanted / Needed’(徵求…的人才),如 ‘Foreigner Teachers Wanted’(徵求外籍教師)、‘Part Time Assistant Needed’ (誠徵兼任助理)等。而‘talent’除當才華或才藝之外,也可當人才之意。 (2) amusement park 遊樂場 / 園 台灣比較有名的‘amusement park’如北部的六福村、中部的九族文化村或劍湖山等。 (3) depend on 依據、依賴 例句如‘Health depends on fresh air, good diet and enough sleep.’(健康依靠的是新鮮的空氣、良好的飲食和充足的睡眠。)

26 6. Advertisements (4) If you are interested, please your resume to… 意者請把履歷表寄給… 這句話表示任何對本職缺有興趣的人士,都可以把履歷表 (resume)寄到以下某處來應徵。 (5) visit our website at… 上我們的網站查詢… 在此的意思為請上我們的網站 (website)參觀或拜訪 (visit)。

27 6. Advertisements 傢俱特賣 (Furniture for Sale)

28 6. Advertisements (1) Furniture for Sale 傢俱特賣
我們常看到廣告傳單上寫著‘…for / on sale’,即…特賣或大拍賣之意。如‘Used Car for Sale’(二手車拍賣)、‘Computers on Sale’ (電腦大特賣)等。 (2) Everything must go before Sep. 1st 9月1日前所有東西都要出清 有些商店要結束營業或遷移店址時,就會舉行所謂的出清大特賣。即在某一特定日期前,所有店內的東西都一件不留,這個時候通常就是消費者撿便宜的時候了。 (3) coffee table 茶几 雖然‘coffee’是咖啡的意思,但是在此並不翻成咖啡桌,而是放在客廳的茶几。 (4) armchair 扶手椅 ‘armchair’跟一般椅子不同,它是2邊都有扶手的椅子,另外若我們夠買整組沙發,一般都有3人座椅(couch / sofa)、2人座椅(love seat)和單人座椅(armchair)。

29 7. Promotional Flyers 演唱會宣傳 (Concert Ticket Promotions)

30 7. Promotional Flyers (1) Rock and Roll Concert 搖滾樂演唱會
‘rock and roll’為搖滾樂,常見音樂會或演唱會的音樂類型,除了搖滾樂之外,還有pop music (流行音樂)、jazz (爵士樂)、古典樂 (classical) 等。 (2) Black Bean is Coming to Taichung!! 黑色豆豆到台中了!! ‘…is coming to…’(…即將到…)在此是指黑色豆豆這個樂團即將到台中開演唱會。而我們也可以用這樣的用法來表達…即將到某處表演。如例句 ‘Magic Show is coming to Taipei soon.’(魔術秀即將到台北表演。)

31 7. Promotional Flyers 展覽會宣傳 (Fair Promotions)

32 7. Promotional Flyers (1) International Food Festival 國際美食節
‘festival’有節慶或慶祝活動之意,在此接近‘exhibit’(展覽)之意,且表示本活動將展出世界各地的多國美食。 (2) cuisine 菜餚 一般我們要表達食物可以用‘food’,但是如果我們要講的是菜色的種類,則用‘cuisine’。 (3) cooking demonstrations 烹飪示範 ‘demonstration’在口語常簡稱為‘demo’,表示示範之意。所以在此可稱為‘cooking demo’(烹飪示範)。 (4) all over the world 全世界 全世界的表達方式除了‘all over the world’之外,還可以用‘all around the world’或‘worldwide’來表達。

33 8. Menus and Recipes 菜單 (Menus)

34 8. Menus and Recipes (1) Starter 開胃菜
通常開胃菜會出現在菜單的第一項,讓點菜的人可以先開胃一下,或先填一下肚子,所以份量上不會很多。開胃菜的說法除了有 ‘Starter’,還可以用‘Appetizer’來表達。 (2) Caesar Salad 凱薩沙拉 此為常見的沙拉中的一種。這款沙拉是誕生於1924年,因為所用的羅蔓生菜(Romaine)清脆甜美,用橄欖油、蛋、鯷魚、大蒜打的沙拉醬濃郁夠勁,再用香酥的麵包丁放在最上層,增加嚼勁。而在發音上,字母‘c’發 /s/ 而非發 /k/ 的音。 (3) Vegetarian Pizza 素食披薩 ‘Vegetarian’一字來自‘Vegetable’(蔬菜),意思為素食主義者的或吃素的,所以‘Vegetarian Meal’就是給不吃葷的人吃,即不含肉類、魚類等食材。

35 8. Menus and Recipes 食譜 (Recipes)

36 8. Menus and Recipes (1) Ingredients 食材、原料
(2) lettuce (n) 萵苣 蔬菜的一種,通常為生菜沙拉的主要材料。 (3) Tear the lettuce into pieces. 把萵苣撕成一片一片的。 ‘tear… into pieces’的意思,即為「把…撕成碎片或一片一片的」,如例句‘She tore her ex-boyfriend’s photos into small pieces.’ (她把她前男友的照片撕成碎片。)

37 8. Menus and Recipes (4) slice tomatoes 把蕃茄切成薄片
‘slice’ (v) 把...切成薄片,所以這裡的意思為把蕃茄切成一片片的薄片。 (5) Ready to serve. 可以上菜了。 ‘serve’有供應之意,所以‘ready to serve’,在這裡的意思就是菜已經做好了,準備可以上桌或食用了。

38 9. Forms 工作申請單 (Job Application Forms) 24 Hour Convenience Store (1)
Part Time Job Application Name: Jason (First / Given) Teng (Last / Family) ID No. (2): F Date of Birth: Feb M D Y Place of Birth : Taipei Home Add: 2F, No 169, Shin-Yi Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei Home No: (02 ) Mobile Phone No. (3): Educational Background: College V High School Name of School: Da-An High School Available Time: Morning Afternoon Evening V Full day Date: 7/15/ Signature: Jason Teng

39 9. Forms (1) 24 Hour Convenience Store 24小時便利商店
在台灣,像7-Eleven、全家、福客多等,皆為全年無休的24小時營業的便利商店。 (2) ID No. 身分證字號 ‘ID’來自‘identification’ (辨認或身分證之意),所以 ID No. 即為身分證字號。通常我們在填寫許多申請表格時,如到銀行開戶、填寫履歷表、填寫其他個人資料等,都會需要填寫身分證字號,以確認身分。 (3) Mobile Phone No. 手機號碼 手機或大哥大又可以叫做 ‘cell / cellular phone’,在台灣最有名的幾家電信服務即為中華電信、台灣大哥大、遠傳、大眾(PHS)電信等。

40 Discovering Science Magazine
9. Forms 雜誌訂閱單 (Magazine Subscriptions) Discovering Science Magazine V 12 Issues for NT$980 (1) Issues for NT$1800 Name: Mr. / Ms. Mei-Li Tseng Date of Birth: Nov M D Y Payment: Credit Card ( V Visa Master) Card Holder: Mei-Li Tseng Card No: Expiry Date (2): Aug M Y Signature: Meili Tseng Mailing Address: 11F, 216, Fung-Hsin N. Rd., Taipei Billing Address: 11F, 216, Fung-Hsin N. Rd., Taipei Tel: (02) Mobile: Customer Service:

41 9. Forms (1) 12 Issues for NT$980 12期台幣980元
‘issue’在此的意思為雜誌的‘期數’,所以如果是每月出刊的雜誌,在左或右上方出現‘Issue 5’,則是指這本為第五期雜誌。有的雜誌的期數算法是,每一年的1月就是第一期,如‘Issue one of 2006’,而有的雜誌則是從創刊號一直累積下去算。 (2) Expiry Date 到期日 在此解釋為信用卡的使用期限。此外,我們也可以在會員卡、食物、飲料或藥品等標籤上看到‘Expiry Date’,顯示該事物的有效期限到何時終止,之後就不能使用、食用、飲用或服用了。

42 Thank you for your attention

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