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Anping Fort 安平古堡.

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1 Anping Fort 安平古堡

2 安平的歷史History of Anping Fort
安平古堡,古稱奧倫治城、熱蘭遮城(Zeelandia)、安平城、臺灣城,最早建於1624年,是台灣最古老的城堡。Present-day Anping fort was also called Orange City, Zeelandia, Anping city, and Taiwan City. It was first built by the Dutch in 1624 and was the oldest castle (or city) in Tawan. 自建城以來,曾經是荷蘭人統治台灣的中樞、也曾經是鄭氏王朝三代的居城。 Zelandia was the political and economic center during the Dutch occupation. It also served as the residence of Koxinga and his family, including Zheng Jing鄭經, and Zheng Kexuang鄭克塽.

3 History of Anping 1662年,鄭成功攻下「熱蘭遮城」,順利將荷蘭人驅逐出台灣,建立了台灣歷史上第一個漢人政權。鄭氏同時也將該城改為「安平城」,這就是現今「安平古堡」這個名稱的由來。鄭氏王朝三代統治者均駐居此城,故又叫「王城」。 In 1662, Koxinga defeated the Dutch armed forces and took over Zeelandia, and then built the first Han government in Taiwan. Zeelandia was renamed Anping City (literally meaning security and peace) by Koxinga.

4 熱蘭遮城的遺跡Remaining wall of Zeelandia

5 熱蘭遮城遺跡的特色Features of the construction of Seelandia
磚頭的接著劑是用糯米汁,蔗糖漿,牡蠣灰混合而成,竟也屹立不搖將近400年。 The bricks were held together with a mixture of sticky rice juice, cane syrup, and ground oyster ash. Amazingly, parts of the walls still stand tall.

6 紅磚牆為日據時代所建, 這滿數的白花叫做雞蛋花。請注意,雞蛋花很香,可是有讀(屬夾竹桃科)
The brick walls surrounding the fort was built by the Japanese. The elegant tree in full bloom is called plumeria, Ji Dan Hua (egg flower) in Chinese.

7 圍牆

8 白色瞭望塔是日後增建的。可遠眺台南市全景與海岸線。 The white watch tower was added later on, and it offered a nice view of Tainan City and the coastal line.

9 Neighboring Tian Hou Temple 安平古堡邊的天后宮
Tian Hou Temple 安平古堡邊的天后宮 is famous and attracts many religious people. Tian Hou 指得是媽祖, 林默娘。 You can ask your students to give you a brief story of her. Basically Lin Muo Ninag was born to a fisherman’s family and legnd has it that she saved many fishermen while they were caught in the storm on the sea. Currently, there are hundreds of temples dedicated to Her in Taiwan.

10 The museum and souvenir shop安平古堡內的小博物館和紀念品販售處
In the museum, on display are the everyday objects, military equipment and sculptures of Koxinga and Coyett (then Dutch governor).

11 Sculptures of Koxinga and Coyett 當時荷蘭總督揆一與國姓爺的雕像

12 安平古堡內的博物館 Another newly-built museum in Anping Fort.

13 老街附近的摊贩Some vendorers
Locally-grown peaches.

14 Ou bing, ice cream made with taro
To make buying taro ice cream more exciting. Buyers are invited to turn the wheel, on which different numbers and prizes are marked. For example, for those who are extremely lucky, they can get five scoops or more for NTD10.

15 Shrimp Crackers 虾饼蝦餅 A kind of deep-fried shrimp cracker. Yum yum but a little bit oily. One of the must-eat local food.

16 The oldest street developed by settlers開台第一街
IT is the oldest developed by settlers in Taiwan (the Han Settlers) and was cut short because of road expansion in 1994.

17 延平街The oldest street in Taiwan
You can enjoy local food and play with traditional toys there.

18 周氏蝦捲Zhous’ shrimp rolls
周氏蝦捲, 安平區的美食之一。採用剁碎的鮮蝦,絞肉與蔬菜跟調味料,再油炸,充分展現海洋的滋味。 The Zhous’ shrimp roll, one of the must-eats in Anping, the earliest developed district in Tainan City, is made with fresh minced shrimp, pork, vegetables and seasoning. After being deep-fried, the shrimp roll gives a fresh taste of the ocean.

19 檳榔攤Betel nut Stand 街頭巷尾隨處可見的檳榔攤
One of the common stands on the street, the betel nut stand. Before the betel nut was nicknamed Taiwan’s local chewing gum; however, it is not really something Taiwan can be proud of since chewing it can cause oral cancer and other diseases.

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