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 The Concept of Professionalism To be a professional or a professor was to profess to be an expert in some skill or field of knowledge 。 And he claims that for today’s teachers, professionalism is interpreted in terms of what extent the teachers outcome the difficulties and what extent they are able to use their skills and experiences related to their profession. Baggini (2005) 专业教师的理解

朱利安 巴吉尼 哲学家(英)

1 ,课题研究的难易程度 2 ,知识能力运用的范围 3 ,专业领域的经验值

专业化是教师作为提高自身行为与态度的关键标准。 专业化是衡量一个教师的最好、最高的标准

International Professionalism Rubric  Professional Growth and Learning  Use of Data  School and Community Involvement  Leadership

 Uses feedback from observations and self-assessment to significantly improve performance in identified areas of need. 利用听课反馈及课后自我评价找出不足  Engages in evaluation process with eagerness by seeking out feedback from both supervisors and colleagues. 多听课,多学习  Consistently self-reflects on evidence of instruction, accurately matching evidence to the rubric both in areas of strength and areas of growth. 坚持对教学的自我反思,迅速成长  Professional Growth and Learning 专业化学习

 Use of Data 评估总结 The teacher systematically and consistently utilizes formative and summative school and individual student achievement data:  To analyze the strengths and weaknesses of all his/her students. 分析学生强、弱项  Plan, implement, and assess instructional strategies to increase student achievement and decrease achievement gaps between subgroups of students. 计划、实施和评估教学策略提高成绩和减少差距  Plan future instructional units based on the analysis of his/her students’ work. Reflect on personal instructional strategies that led or impeded student learning. 个体差异

 School Involvement 学校工作  Regularly organizes and leads school activities and events that positively impact school results and culture. 定期组织参加学校各项活动,并起到积极作用  Always adheres to school policies and as a leader and model for others. 认同学校理念,遵守学校知道,起到带头作用  Regularly works with peers to contribute to a safe and orderly learning environment. 工作中与同事相互配合创造安全有序的学习氛围

 Leadership 领导力 Actively and consistently contributes to the school by assisting and/or mentoring others, including successful engagement in three or more of the following:  Collaborative planning with subject and/or grade level teams 协同计划  Actively leading in a Professional Learning Community 积极参与教研  Coaching/mentoring 辅导  Leading professional development 倡导专业化发展