Vocabulary and Grammar(1). 1. (all) kinds of ideas 2. explain things to us 3. never show off 4. bring balloons of all colours 5. play his CDs for us 6.


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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary and Grammar(1)

1. (all) kinds of ideas 2. explain things to us 3. never show off 4. bring balloons of all colours 5. play his CDs for us 6. give each of us two presents 7. eat the whole birthday cake 8. patient enough / generous enough 9. enough food 10. enough women teachers

11. be energetic enough to be a leader 12. be creative enough to be a writer 13. at all times 14. It is nice of you to bring me the newspaper. 15. It’s silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes. 16. Amy is outgoing enough to make friends easily. 17. Simon is generous enough to buy gifts for all of us.

im-,in- 表示 “ 不,反面 ”, e.g. impolite 不礼貌的, impatient 急躁的,没耐心的, inactive 不活跃的 un- 表示 “ 动作的反向 ” e.g. unfair 不公平的, uncomfortable 不舒服的 有些形容词的反义词只须通过在原有词或词根的 基础上加前缀就可构成。常见的这样的前缀有:

试着写出下列单词的反义词: clean _______ important ___________ possible __________ correct ___________ unimportant unclean impossible incorrect

反义词 active→ proud→ selfish→ hard-working→ strong → patient→ fair→ shy→ silly→ easy-going→ lively→ happy→ inactive modest generous lazy weak impatient unfair outgoing clever stubborn quiet unhappy

褒义类贬义类 energetic 精力充沛 的 active 积极的 patient 耐心的 outgoing 外向的 confident 自信的 modest 谦虚的 lazy 无精打采的, 懒惰 的 inactive 不积极的 impatient 急躁的 shy 怕羞的 unconfident 缺乏自信 的 proud 骄傲的 性格词汇大集合

Brainstorm 说出尽可能多的描述人物特征的形容词 good kind nice clever wise foolish stupid right wrong careful careless selfish thoughtful silly generous honest rude polite friendly helpful …

Say out these sentences: It’s kind of you to say so. kindto say so nicetalk to me about that question cleverwork out the hard problem goodcome to school on time politesay hello to your teacher carelessmake so many mistakes

It is + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 当形容词是用来描述后面宾语的性质和特征时, 多用 of 。 It was careless of you to mistake me for your uncle. = You were careless to mistake me for your uncle.

It is nice of you to bring me the newspaper. It is silly of him not to forgive others for their mistakes. You are nice to bring me the newspaper. He is silly not to forgive others for their mistakes.

1._____ thoughtful of Andy to play his CDs for us. 2.It is clever of Amy_________ the birthday cards. 3.It is wise____ Suzy to bring balloons of all colors. 4.It is __________ of Sandy________ each of us two presents. 5.It is_______ of Eddie__________the whole birthday cake. 6. It is kind of your mum and dad______________this party for us. Millie and Daniel are having a birthday party together at Daniel’s home.What are they talking about? generous it is of selfish to eat to give to make to organize It is to make of generous to eatselfish to give to organize

句型句型特点常用形容词可替 换句 型 It is/ was + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 这里形容词 是对人的品 质、特征等 的修饰、说 明 good, kind, nice, clever, right, careful, wise, foolish, selfish, careless, wrong, silly, generous sb. is +adj. to do sth.

句型句型特点常用形容 词 可替换 句型 It is/was + adj. + for sb. to do sth. 这里形容 词是对做 的事的好 坏等性质 的修饰、 说明 hard, difficult, easy, important, interesting, necessary, possible, impossible doing/ to do sth is + adj

be + adj. enough to do sth “…… 是足够地 …… 而可以做某事 ” , 其中 enough 用作副词修饰前面的形容 词。

Use the words to make sentences: 1.to/Daniel/at all times/is /help his friends/enough/kind 2.to be/Andy/a leader/is/enough/energetic 3.friends/Amy/enough/is/to make/easily/outgoing 4.is/enough/Peter/to be/a writer/creative 5.to/Simon/buy gifts/enough/is/for all of us/generous Daniel is kind enough to help his friends at all times. Andy is energetic enough to be a leader. Amy is outgoing enough to make friends easily. Peter is creative enough to be a writer. Simon is generous enough to buy gifts for all of us.

注意点: 1 )有时可以与 It is + adjective + of… + to do sth. 相 互转换。 She is clever enough to learn all the subjects well. → 2 )有时可以与 so…that 句型相互转换。 Katy is imaginative enough to catch up with all kinds of good ideas. → It is clever of her to learn all the subject well. Katy is so imaginative that she can catch up with all kinds of good ideas.

3 )、这个句型的否定结构有时可与 too…to 结构相互转换。 Mr. Wang is not young enough to carry on with his work. → Mr. Wang is too old to carry on with his work.