南宁万达文华酒店 Wanda Vista Nanning. 城市介绍 About Nanning 南宁市,作为广西第一大城市,既是广西壮族自治区的首府,也是北部湾核心城市,同时成为中国东盟博览 会永久举办地,是广西的政治、经济、文化、科教、金融和贸易中心。这座拥有 1700 多年悠久历史的南国 名城,在深厚的文化历史积淀下,以其得天独厚的自然条件,吸引着世人的目光。满城皆绿,四季常青,长.


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Presentation transcript:

南宁万达文华酒店 Wanda Vista Nanning

城市介绍 About Nanning 南宁市,作为广西第一大城市,既是广西壮族自治区的首府,也是北部湾核心城市,同时成为中国东盟博览 会永久举办地,是广西的政治、经济、文化、科教、金融和贸易中心。这座拥有 1700 多年悠久历史的南国 名城,在深厚的文化历史积淀下,以其得天独厚的自然条件,吸引着世人的目光。满城皆绿,四季常青,长 久以来形成了南宁 “ 青山环城,碧水绕城,绿树融城 ” 的城市风格。历史沉淀和珠江水系 - 邕水对南宁市的影响 功不可没,如今这座以壮族为主的多民族的现代化城市,正在生机蓬勃,以其质朴无华的民风和旖旎的风光, 照耀西南大地。 Nanning, the biggest city and capital of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is the political, economic, cultural, educational, financial and trade center of Guangxi. It is also the permanent venue for China- ASEAN Expo. A city with a long history of 1700 years, is attracting the attention of the world for its profound culture, history and nature-endowed natural conditions. Green all year round, the city has developed a city style of “surrounded by mountains, rivers and covered by green trees.” History and the Yongjiang River (part of the Pearl River) have a huge impact on the city. Today, the modern city where the people of several nationalities (mostly Zhuang ethnicity) live together in peace which is full of vitality, shinning in Southwest China with beautiful scenery.

南宁企业 Companies located in Nanning

旅游景点 Tourist Attractions 青秀山 Qingxiu Mountain 云顶观光(地王大厦) Diwang Plaza 加勒比水世界 Caribbean Water World 大明山 Daming Mountain 九曲湾温泉度假村 Jiuqu Bay Resort & Spa 南湖 South Lake

南宁美食 Nanning Foods 老友粉 Laoyou Rice Noodle 柠檬鸭 Lemon Duck 生菜包 Lettuce Roll 卷筒粉 Rice Noodles Noll 脆皮炸猪手 Roasted Pig Trotter 粉饺 Rice Dumpling

真意文华 · 悠然自我 Your Vista of Comfort 个性 /Personality 精致 / Finesse 愉悦 /Bliss 充满东方温情的万达文华酒店,为成功名仕在 每一个中心城市悉心提供私享服务和艺术氛围。 让您的旅途恣意舒展,尽享优雅体验。 Located in premier destinations and overflowing with rich Oriental ambience, Wanda Vista offers its acclaimed guests an extravagant experience of exclusive service and artistry.

文华天使 Vista Angel 文华之床 Bed of Vista 万达文华之旅 Wanda Vista Walker 艺术房卡 Room Card of Fine Art 艺术礼物 Gift of Art 艺术外形 Artistic Grooming 客房管家服务 Butler Service 万达文华特色服务 The Unique Features of Wanda Vista

优越的地理位置 Excellent Location 南宁吴圩国际机场: 45 分钟车程 / 38 公里 Nanning Wu Xu International Airport : 45mins / 38km 南宁火车东站: 10 分钟车程 / 5.5 公里 Nanning East Railway Station: 10mins / 5.5km 国际会展中心: 8 分钟车程 / 3.5 公里 Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center : 8mins / 3.5km

南宁万达文华酒店是万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司旗下的第八家超五星级酒店,拥有城中顶级一流的设 施和热情周到的服务,堪称豪华酒店之典范。置身舒适的客房,饱览邕城的怡人风光;或在典雅的餐厅内 遍尝诱人的美食和当地佳肴;高雅齐全的会议和宴会设施以及一站式会议管家服务,将令您的会议和宴会 圆满成功。 An icon of luxury, Wanda Vista Nanning is the 8 th Wanda Vista hotel owned and managed by Wanda Hotels & Resorts, and welcomes you to the city’s finest facilities and services. Relax in splendor in a room offering panoramic views of the “Green City”, or savor exquisite cuisine in one of the elegant restaurants. This superb experience is complemented by meeting and banquet venues of exceptional finesse, as well as an impeccable range of one-stop event-management services. 酒店介绍 Hotel Introduction

酒店拥有 331 间典雅舒适的客房与套房 : 城市景观房 富有艺术气息的时尚装潢 精美豪华的宾客用品 极致舒适的 “ 万达文华之床 ” “ 妙梦 ” 助眠系列和睡枕菜单 免费的高速有线与无线网络 独立的浴缸和与带有雨林式花洒的豪华盥洗室 电子保险柜 拥有国际卫星频道的 48 寸 LED 高清液晶电视 步入式衣帽间 The hotel comprises 331 luxurious rooms and suites: Panoramic city views available Chic décor Deluxe amenities Ultra-comfortable “Bed of Vista” “Dream Catcher” program including a Pillow Menu Complimentary high-speed internet access Separate bath and rainforest shower Electronic safety box 48 inch LCD TV with satellite channels Walk-in Closet 豪华大床房 Deluxe King Room 客房介绍 Guest Rooms

房型 Room Category 数量 Room Number 面积 Size ( ㎡ ) 房型 Room Category 数量 Room Number 面积 Size ( ㎡ ) 豪华房 Deluxe Room 套房 Junior Suite 高级豪华房 Grand Deluxe Room 3646 豪华套房 Deluxe Suite 3155 行政楼层豪华房 Executive Floor Deluxe Room 2950 总统套房 Presidential Suite 1340

丰富多样的美食佳馔待您畅享 ! “ 品珍 ” 中餐厅呈现粤系美食和桂北佳肴之精髓, “ 美食汇 ” 全日餐厅 以汇聚各国佳肴的自助大餐和别有情调的招牌零点而见长,特色风味餐厅奉上纯正地道的云南风味, 大堂酒廊氛围优雅令商务或聚会两相宜。另有 “24 小时精选 ” 客房送餐服务,随时送上温馨关怀。 酒店的专业茶艺师还将为您精心演绎中华传统茶道 ——“ 茶之旅 ” 。 An array of world-class dining is available in the hotel’s restaurants. ZHEN Chinese restaurant captures the essence of Cantonese and Guangxi cuisine. Café Vista all-day dining restaurant features an extensive International buffet. offers an exciting twist on contemporary Yunnan cuisine. The Lobby Lounge’s stylish environment is the perfect place to relax with live entertainment and the In-room dining's warm and attentive service is available 24 hours a day. Guests will also enjoy Wanda Vista’s signature “Cha Journey” ceremony performed by an expert tea master. 餐饮设施 Food and Beverage 餐厅及酒吧 Restaurants/Bar 品珍 ZHEN 美食汇 Café Vista 大堂酒廊 Lobby Lounge 采云居 Yun 面包坊 Vista Bakery 容纳人数 Capacity / 菜式 Cuisine 粤菜及广西菜系佳肴 Cantonese and Guangxi cuisine 国际零点及自助美味 International a la carte and buffet 饮品与小点 Snacks and beverages 云南风味 Yunnan cuisine 欧式烘焙 European bakery 楼层 Location 六层 6 th F 一层 1 st F 一层 1 st F 一层 1 st F 一层 1st F

尊享顶级会议和宴会设施,以及细心周到的服务: 1,400 平方米无柱式大宴会厅,配备南宁市最大的 100 平方米 LED 显示屏 宴会厅顶高 9 米 6 间精致优雅的多功能厅 一站式会议管家服务 顶级灯光和音响设备 免费的无线网络 Enjoy exceptional facilities and service: The 1,400m2 pillar-free Grand Ballroom with a 100m2 Ultra HD LED screen 9m Ceiling height Six versatile function rooms One-stop event management services by the Executive Meeting Director Sophisticated lighting and audio system Free Wi-Fi 会议和宴会 Meetings and Banquets

多功能厅平面图 Function Rooms Floor Plan

宴会厅平面图 Ballroom Floor Plan

舒展筋骨,放松身心,尽情享受休闲时光 25x7.5 米的室内恒温阳光游泳池 设备齐全的健身房 美容美发沙龙 水疗 Refresh your mind, body and soul: 25 x 7.5 meter indoor heated swimming pool with natural light Fully-equipped gym Beauty Salon SHUI SPA 休闲 Relaxation

尽善尽美 Perfect in Every Detail 万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司拥有的豪华私人会所 “ 名仕会 ” 设立 于南宁万达文华酒店,为城中的至尊精英专设。会所的私人管家服 务,极尽奢华的娱乐设施以及绝佳的城市美妙风景,为贵宾会员专 属提供、私密的商务空间和高端休闲场所,尽显无限尊崇。 “Club Reign” is a private luxury club located in the Wanda Vista Nanning. The butler service, extravagant recreation facilities and wonderful city views create an intimate and exclusive business environment. This, combined with the exciting leisure facilities, generate a profound sense of dignity for VIP members.

南宁名仕会拥有三个品牌 Three Brands are under Club Reign Nanning 水 水疗 SHUI SPA 时空 KTV Universe 星河 BAR Galaxy 星河酒吧, 240 平方米,饱 览南宁新城美景和南湖风光 A 240sqm 2 bar with beautiful views over Nanning and Nanhu Park 6 间顶级奢华 SPA 房间充满异域 风情的 “ 水 ” 水疗,尽享绝妙的城 市风景 Six luxurious spa rooms. Exotic SHUI spa treatments with breathtaking city views 坐落于酒店 28 层, 时空 KTV , 5 间 顶级 KTV 包房,均设有独立调音台, 让您切身感受巨星演唱会的震撼。 Located on the 28 th floor, KTV Universe includes five KTV rooms

万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司为旅客精心打造酒 店忠诚客户计划 “ 万悦会 ” 。酒店客人可免费登记入会; 会员在万达酒店及度假村任何一酒店内的住宿、餐 饮消费均可获得积分,同时没有任何日期限制地将 其兑换成免费客房住宿、免费客房升级或者航空里 程;更可专享万达集团旗下各娱乐、休闲、购物场 所的各类礼券兑换服务和特别礼遇。 Wanda Club loyalty program is designed especially for frequent travelers. After registering for a free membership, enrollees receive points for consumption at any Wanda Hotels & Resorts Hotel on both accommodation and dining. These points can be redeemed for hotel stays, room upgrades or air miles and never expire. Members can also take advantage of the various exclusive gift certificate exchange services and special offers in all recreational, leisure and shopping premises of the Wanda Group. 忠诚客户计划 — 万悦会 Loyalty Program-Wanda Club

免费加入 Free enrollment 适用于所有万达嘉华、万达文华和万达瑞华之品牌酒店 Additional privileges and recognition in all Wanda managed hotels 有效消费 1 元人民币可获的 1 分万悦会积分 Every eligible consumption of RMB1 equals 1 Wanda Club point 积分自由购买、转赠、永久有效 Points can be purchased and transferred, and never expire 轻松达到兑换层级,大幅度额外积分奖励制度 Easy to reach exchange levels and a substantial bonus reward points system 时尚兑换体验 Uncomplicated and enjoyable redemption experience 主账代付可积分 Points accumulate with payment by the main account 48 小时即时订房保证 48 hours reservation guarantee 享受行政楼层待遇 Executive Floor access 忠诚客户计划 — 万悦会 Loyalty Program-Wanda Club

忠诚客户计划 — 万悦会 Loyalty Program-Wanda Club 个人常客计划 Individual Reward 针对个人 For individual guests 有效消费可累计积分,每 1 元有效消费兑换 1 分 Points accumulate through eligible consumption. RMB1 equals 1 point 会议奖励计划 Meeting Reward 针对会议组织者 For meeting planner/organizer 有效会议消费可累计积分,每 5 元有效消费兑换 1 分 Points accumulate though eligible meeting consumption. RMB5 equals 1 point 秘书俱乐部 Secretary Reward 针对公司及企业行政人员 For company administrative assistants 所做的客房预订发生实际入住后,每间夜可获 100 点积分 Receive100 points per room night for reservations resulting in actual stays with eligible rates 企业奖励计划 Corporate Reward 会籍注册名为企业名称 Membership registration is under the company name/account 以合同价入住,企业奖励账户将获得每间夜 50 点积分 Receive 50 points per room night for stays at the company's contracted rate

万达儿童基金是由万达酒店及度假村管理有限公 司创立,与中华慈善总会合作,面向全球推出的 针对儿童的专项公益慈善项目。万达儿童基金将 全心致力于儿童公益慈善事业,全方位关爱儿童, 唤起你我源自内心的美好。万达酒店及度假村旗 下各家酒店邀请每位住店客人每次入住捐助人民 币 5 元以及酒店员工的义卖捐款,汇聚点滴爱心, 来帮助需要帮助的儿童。 Established by Wanda Hotels & Resorts in collaboration with the China Charity Federation, Wanda Children’s Foundation is developing as a special charity program for children across the world. The Wanda Children’s Foundation is devoted to philanthropy, concern and love for children from all parts of the world aiming to arouse inner goodness in everyone. All our hotels are helping children in need by encouraging every guest to donate RMB 5 during each stay. Hotel associates also donate their time for many initiatives throughout the year. 万达儿童基金 Wanda Children’s Foundation

中国广西壮族自治区南宁市东葛路 118 号 青秀万达广场西 5 、西 8 栋 邮政编码 West Wing 5 & 8, Qingxiu Wanda Plaza, 118 Dongge Road, Nanning, Guangxi , P. R. China 酒店电话 /Hotel Telephone: +86 (0) 酒店传真 /Hotel Fax: +86 (0) 名仕会电话 / Club Reign Telephone: +86 (0) 名仕会传真 /Club Reign Fax: +86 (0) 电子邮箱 / sales. 网址 /Website: 南宁万达文华酒店 Wanda Vista Nanning

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