1 、腊八节的来历1 、腊八节的来历 2 、腊八节的传说2 、腊八节的传说 3 、腊八粥3 、腊八粥 4 、腊八粥的做法4 、腊八粥的做法 5 、 腊八粥的风俗5 、 腊八粥的风俗 6 、腊八粥的营养价值6 、腊八粥的营养价值 7 、腊八蒜7 、腊八蒜 8 、腊八节诗歌8 、腊八节诗歌 9 、结束9.


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Presentation transcript:

1 、腊八节的来历1 、腊八节的来历 2 、腊八节的传说2 、腊八节的传说 3 、腊八粥3 、腊八粥 4 、腊八粥的做法4 、腊八粥的做法 5 、 腊八粥的风俗5 、 腊八粥的风俗 6 、腊八粥的营养价值6 、腊八粥的营养价值 7 、腊八蒜7 、腊八蒜 8 、腊八节诗歌8 、腊八节诗歌 9 、结束9 、结束

In ancient Greece and wax refers to the winter after the harvest the god ancestor worship activities. Because of this winter ritual activities held in December, so I called for the twelfth month of December. The original wax offering no definite date. \"Rites\" said, \"laba\", some say eight wax offering god, some explanation to the wax offering eight square god. Later became the day festival, on the one hand, is the result of the buddhist faith, on the other hand stems from a misreading of \"laba\" directly. 上古的腊和蜡是指丰收后的冬季祭神祭祖活动。因为这种冬季祭 祀活动多在十二月举行,所以便称十二月为腊月。 最初的蜡祭并无确定的日期。《礼记》说 “ 天子大腊八 ” ,有的说 是蜡祭八位神,有的解释为蜡祭八方神。后世腊月初八成为节日, 一方面源于佛教徒的信仰,另一方面直接源于对 “ 大腊八 ” 的误读。 The origin of the laba festival

Since the pre-qin, the laba festival is used to worship our ancestors and gods, pray for a harvest and good luck. The laba festival in addition to the activities of ancestor worship god, people also have to disease. This activity is derived from the ancient nuo (ancient spirits off ceremony). Prehistoric times one of the medical treatment method of the spirits to treat disease. 腊八节的来历 The origin of the laba festival 从先秦起,腊八节都是用来祭祀祖先和神灵,祈求丰收和吉 祥。腊八节除祭祖敬神的活动外,人们还要逐疫。这项活动 来源于古代的傩(古代驱鬼避疫的仪式)。史前时代的医疗 方法之一即驱鬼治疫。

腊八节的传说一 The legend of the laba festival Founder of Buddhism sakyamuni Buddha dharma mountains, sit for six years, hungry gaunt, had to give up asceticism, and when a shepherdess, chyle sent him, him eat hunkered in under the bodhi tree, attained enlightenment on the day of December 8, shixing in honor of the "Buddha into the festival". From religious believers in China, hence with "LaRi", is "the laba festival", and also held a grand yili activities. 佛教创始人释迦牟尼修行深山,静坐六年,饿得骨瘦如柴, 曾欲放弃苦行,恰遇一牧羊女,送他乳糜,他食罢盘腿坐 于菩提树下,于十二月初八之日悟道成佛,为了纪念而始 兴 “ 佛成道节 ” 。中国信徒出自虔诚,遂与 “ 腊日 ” 融合,方 成 “ 腊八节 ” ,并同样举行隆重的仪礼活动。

腊八节的传说二 The legend of the laba festival Emperor built the Great Wall, migrant workers were ordered from all over the world, can't go home, ChiLiang rely on the family. Some migrant workers, home every other mountains, food can't send, causing many migrant workers starve they site. Food for one year, the day without a migrant workers of the partnership product for a couple of the grain, put in the pot boil congee, each drink a bowl of, finally starved to death under the Great Wall. In order to mourn starved to death in the Great Wall site of migrant workers, people every day to eat "laba porridge", to commemorate. 秦始皇修建长城,天下民工奉命而来,长年不能回家,吃粮靠家里人 送。有些民工,家隔千山万水,粮食送不到,致使不少民工饿死于长 城工地。有一年腊月初八,无粮吃的民工们合伙积了几把五谷杂粮, 放在锅里熬成稀粥,每人喝了一碗,最后还是饿死在长城下。为了悼 念饿死在长城工地的民工,人们每年腊月初八吃 “ 腊八粥 ” ,以资纪念。

The laba festival for people to yearning of yue fei. That year, yue fei directed against gold in immortals township, during the winter, YueGuJun and clothing rack, poverty, and all the people have porridge, YueGuJun feast on a people send "thousands of porridge," the victory. The day of December 8. Yue fei died, the people in order to commemorate him, every day, with grains, beans fruit cooked porridge, finally protocols. 腊八节出于人们对岳飞的怀念。当年,岳飞率部抗金于朱 仙镇,正值严冬,岳家军衣食不济、挨饿受冻,众百姓相 继送粥,岳家军饱餐了一顿百姓送的 “ 千家粥 ” ,结果大胜 而归。这天正是十二月初八。岳飞死后,人民为了纪念他 ,每到腊月初八,便以杂粮豆果煮粥,终于成俗。 腊八节的传说三 The legend of the laba festival

腊八节的传说四 The legend of the laba festival Laba rice porridge saved zhu yuanzhang When zhu yuanzhang victim suffered in prison prison, when the sees, cold and hungry of zhu yuanzhang unexpectedly from the rat hole prison find some red beans, rice, jujube and other seven or eight kinds of grain. Zhu yuanzhang took these things was tried porridge, because it is the day that day, zhu yuanzhang is called its this pot grains porridge is laba rice porridge. 腊八粥救了朱元璋 当年朱元璋落难在牢监里受苦时,当时正值寒天,又冷又 饿的朱元璋竟然从监牢的老鼠洞刨找出一些红豆、大米、 红枣等七八种五谷杂粮。朱元璋便把这些东西熬成了粥, 因那天正是腊月初八,朱元璋便美名其曰这锅杂粮粥为腊 八粥。

Laba porridge is also called "qibao mixed porridge". The history of the drink laba rice porridge in China has more than one thousand years. The first started in the song dynasty. Every laba that day, whether the court, and the rulers, temple or oh off the laba rice porridge to do. In the qing dynasty, drink the customs is more prevalent laba rice porridge. 腊八粥也叫 “ 七宝五味粥 ” 。我国喝腊八粥的历史,已 有一千多年。最早开始于宋代。每逢腊八这一天,不 论是朝廷、官府、寺院还是黎民百姓家都要做腊八粥 。到了清朝,喝腊八粥的风俗更是盛行。

中国各地腊八粥花样 争奇竞巧,品种繁多

腊八粥的做法 The practice of laba rice porridge In Beijing's most exquisite, made with items in white rice is more, such as red jujube, lotus seeds, walnuts, chestnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, longans etc.by, grape, gingko, water chestnut, moss, rose, red beans, peanuts... A total of more than 20 kinds. People in the evening, the 7th day begin to busy, washing rice, fruit, then skin, go nuclear, picked in started to cook in the middle of the night, and then use small fire stew, stew until the second day of early morning, laba rice porridge is ok. 以北京的最为讲究,搀在白米中的物品较多,如红枣、莲子、核桃、栗子、 杏仁、松仁、桂圆、榛子、葡萄、白果、菱角、青丝、玫瑰、红豆、花生 …… 总计不下二十种。人们在腊月初七的晚上,就开始忙碌起来,洗米、泡 果、拨皮、去核、精拣然后在半夜时分开始煮,再用微火炖,一直炖到第二 天的清晨,腊八粥才算熬好了。

More cultured family, but also the fruit first carved into human, animal, pattern, and then put the pot boil. Compare distinctive is the "fruit lion" in laba rice porridge. If the lion shape is made of several kinds of fruit, with picking a handful of dried CuiZao as a lion, half walnuts as a lion, peach kernel, as a lion, sweet almond used to do the lion's tail. Then use sugar together, in the porridge in the bowl, acting like a lion cub. If the bowl is bigger, can be put on double lion or four lion cub. More exquisite, is to use jujube paste, red bean, yam, haw jelly, etc have all sorts of color of food, molded into the eight immortals, better, arhats. 更为讲究的人家,还要先将果子雕刻成人形、动物、花样,再放在锅中煮。比较 有特色的就是在腊八粥中放上 “ 果狮 " 。果狮是用几种果子做成的狮形物,用剔去 枣核烤干的脆枣作为狮身,半个核桃仁作为狮头,桃仁作为狮脚,甜杏仁用来作 狮子尾巴。然后用糖粘在一起,放在粥碗里,活象一头小狮子。如果碗较大,可 以摆上双狮或是四头小狮子。更讲究的,就是用枣泥、豆沙、山药、山楂糕等具 备各种颜色的食物,捏成八仙人、老寿星、罗汉像。

In northern shaanxi plateau, laba day congee in addition to using a variety of rice, beans, also have to join all kinds of nuts, tofu and mixture cooked meat. Usually boiled in the morning, or sweet or salty, according to people tastes are optional for discretion. If is at noon to eat, but also in the porridge cooked some noodles in the whole family reunion dinner.After eating, try to make porridge with outside the door, on the hearth, and the trees, with evil, to meet agricultural harvest in the coming year. 陕北高原在腊八之日,熬粥除了用多种米、豆之外,还得 加入各种干果、豆腐和肉混合煮成。通常是早晨就煮,或甜 或咸,依人口味自选酌定。倘是午间吃,还要在粥内煮上些 面条全家人团聚共餐。吃完以后,还要将粥抹在门上、灶台 上及门外树上,以驱邪避灾,迎接来年的农业大丰收。

Zhejiang people cook laba rice porridge with walnut, pine nuts, Gordon euryale seed, lotus seed, red jujube, longan pulp, litchi meat, sweet taste, eat pray for long life. 浙江人煮腊八粥一般都用胡桃仁、松子仁 、芡实、莲子、红枣、桂圆肉、荔枝肉等 ,香甜味美,食之祈求长命百岁。

腊八粥的风俗 The custom of laba rice porridge Shanxi Province in many places people pay attention to eating laba rice porridge on the mountain the sun before. Students, who this day to give Mr Laba rice porridge. Shaanxi house with a big pot of congee, do more, much more so with the more is the symbol of good harvest next year eat not to finish. Sit and rob to do early, catch to eat and the tradition of giving laba rice porridge to each other. 晋北许多地方人们讲究在太阳出山之前吃腊八粥。学生家这天要给先 生敬送腊八粥。 陕西家家用大锅熬粥,做得多就剩的多,剩的多即是来年五谷丰登吃 不完的象征。西府地区还有抢早做、赶早吃和相互赠送腊八粥的习俗。

腊八粥的营养价值 Laba rice porridge nutritional value "Laba porridge" of the main raw material for grains, commonly used with japonica rice, glutinous rice and coix seed. Japonica rice contain protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other ingredients, with fill in tomifying qi, spleen and stomach, and five zang-organs, except vexed enfold, yi jing etc. Function. Glutinous rice have the function of the spleen and replenishing qi wen, suitable for the spleen and stomach function of low consumption. “ 腊八粥 ” 的主要原料为谷类,常用的有粳米、糯米和薏米。粳米含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物 、钙、磷、铁等成分,具有补中益气、养脾胃、和五脏、除烦止渴、益精等功用。糯米具有温 脾益气的作用,适于脾胃功能低下者食用。

腊八粥的营养价值 Laba rice porridge nutritional value "Laba porridge" of the main raw material for grains, commonly used with japonica rice, glutinous rice and coix seed. Japonica rice contain protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other ingredients, with fill in tomifying qi, spleen and stomach, and five zang-organs, except vexed enfold, yi jing etc. Function. Glutinous rice have the function of the spleen and replenishing qi wen, suitable for the spleen and stomach function of low consumption. “ 腊八粥 ” 的主要原料为谷类,常用的有粳米、糯米和薏米。粳米含蛋 白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、钙、磷、铁等成分,具有补中益气、养脾 胃、和五脏、除烦止渴、益精等功用。糯米具有温脾益气的作用,适 于脾胃功能低下者食用。

And for cold discharge, virtual irritated thirsty, urination, etc have auxiliary therapy effect. TCM holds that semen coicis is building up, the function of the lung, clear heat and moisture penetration, regular consumption of chronic enteritis, indigestion and so on also has a good effect. The coix seed is rich in dietary fiber can prevent hyperlipidemia, hypertension, stroke and cardiovascular disease. 而且 对于虚寒泄利、虚烦口渴、小便不利等有一定辅助治 疗作用。中医认为薏米具有健脾、补肺、清热、渗湿的功 能,经常食用对慢性肠炎、消化不良等症也有良效。富含 膳食纤维的薏米有预防高血脂、高血压、中风及心血管疾 病的功效。

Beans is "laba porridge" ingredients, commonly used there are soy, rice bean. Soya bean protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, nutrition is very rich, and have lower blood cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular disease, inhibit a variety of malignant tumors, the prevention of osteoporosis and other health functions. 豆类是 “ 腊八粥 ” 的配料,常用的有黄豆、赤小豆。黄豆含蛋 白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、粗纤维、钙、磷、铁、胡萝卜素 等,营养十分丰富,并且具有降低血中胆固醇、预防心血管 病、抑制多种恶性肿瘤、预防骨质疏松等多种保健功能。

Rice bean contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., TCM believes that this product has the function of spleen dry wet, water swelling for pixu (spleen deficient) diarrhea and edema have auxiliary therapy effect. 赤小豆含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物 、粗纤维、钙、磷、铁等,中医认为 本品具有健脾燥湿、利水消肿之功, 对于脾虚腹泻以及水肿有一定的辅助 治疗作用。

walnuts, gas, educational brain and the role of strong muscle strong bone, also can increase appetite, wu must germinal, walnut kernel contains vitamin E is the medical profession recognized anti-aging drugs. 核桃仁具有补肾纳气、益智健脑、强筋壮骨的作用,还能够增 进食欲、乌须生发,核桃仁中所含的维生素 E 更是医药学界公认 的抗衰老药物。

腊八蒜 Laba garlic Actually the laba festival in addition to the laba rice porridge, and laba garlic. Old Beijing people, once in the day, the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year better than day by day, most areas of north China in the day the day useful vinegar bubble is the custom of garlic, called "laba garlic. 其实腊八节除了腊八粥,还有腊八蒜。 老北京人家,一到腊月初八,过年的气氛 一天赛过一天,华北大部分地区在腊月 初八这天有用醋泡蒜的习俗,叫 “ 腊八蒜 ” 。

腊八节诗歌 唐 · 杜甫 —— 《腊日》 腊日常年暖尚遥,今年腊日冻全消。 侵凌雪色还萱草,漏泄春光有柳条。 纵酒欲谋良夜醉,还家初散紫宸朝。 口脂面药随恩泽,翠管银罂下九霄。

宋 · 陆游 —— 《十二月八日步至西村》 腊月风和意已春,时因散策过吾邻。 草烟漠漠柴门里,牛迹重重野水滨。 多病所须惟药物,差科未动是闲人。 今朝佛粥交相馈,更觉江村节物新。
