常累及骨关节的风湿免疫病 赵 毅 四川大学华西医院风湿免疫科
Aim 目标: 了解风湿性疾病的定义、范畴和分类 了解常累及关节的风湿性疾病的疾病名称、诊 断、鉴别诊断 了解常累及关节风湿性疾病的常规实验室检查 及意义 了解常累及关节风湿性疾病的治疗药物
INDEX 2.History and Physical examination 1.Introduction 4.Criteria for classification 5.Management 3.Laboratory Findings (tests)
Introduction-key concept 风湿性疾病( rheumatic diseases ,简称风湿病)是 一组以内科治疗为主的肌肉骨骼系统疾病,它包括: 弥漫性结缔组织病( diffuse connective tissue disease ) 及各种病因引起的关节和关节周围软组织,包括肌、 肌腱、韧带等的疾病。
痛风 石
Introduction-clinical features 1. 属自身免疫病-非器官特异性 2. 以血管和结缔组织慢性炎症的病理改变为基础。 3. 病变累及多个系统,临床个体差异甚大。 4. 对糖皮质激素的治疗有一定反应。
1. 属自身免疫病-非器官特异性 2. 以血管和结缔组织慢性炎症的病理改变为基础 3. 病变累及多个系统,临床个体差异甚大 4. 对糖皮质激素的治疗有一定反应 Introduction-clinical features
1. 属自身免疫病-非器官特异性 2. 以血管和结缔组织慢性炎症的病理改变为基础 3. 病变累及多个系统,临床个体差异甚大 4. 对糖皮质激素的治疗有一定反应 Introduction-clinical features
风湿科 骨科皮肤科 眼科 耳鼻喉科耳鼻喉科 口腔科 呼吸内科 循环内科消化内科泌尿内科 神经内科 血液科 妇产科妇产科
风湿病的病变部位 局部的(如滑囊炎) 全身的 (几乎所有的 CTD )
风湿病分类 功能性(纤维肌痛综合征 ) 器质性的(类风湿关节炎 )
1. 属自身免疫病-非器官特异性 2. 以血管和结缔组织慢性炎症的病理改变为基础 3. 病变累及多个系统,临床个体差异甚大 4. 对糖皮质激素的治疗有一定反应 Introduction-clinical features
2.History and Physical examination
Arthralgia vs Arthritis Arthralgia:Joint pain (there may not be any inflammation) Arthritis:Inflammation of the Joint - Pain - Redness - Swelling - Increased warmth - Fluid accumulation (synovial effusion) - Stiffness (especially in the AM)
History and Physical examination 关节炎的鉴别诊断 (differential diagnosis of joint involvement) 起病方式、受累数目、疼痛性质、功能状况。。。 关节外临床表现 (Extra-articular manifestations) 皮肤表现、肌力、眼睛。。。
Acute vs Chronic Inflammatory Arthritis Acute Arthritis Rapid onset (hours or days) Severe symptoms Mediated by components of innate immune response, especially neutrophils (proteases, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, etc.) Can result in rapid joint destruction Can also evolve into chronic disease Examples: Gout and Infectious Arthritis Chronic Arthritis More gradual onset (days to weeks) Symptoms are more moderate, AM stiffness is a prominent symptom Mediated by the adaptive immune response, especially T cells and macrophages - a Th1 disease Cytokines and chronic inflammation lead to joint remodeling and destruction via erosions Examples: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, SLE, Lyme Disease
Pattern of Joint Involvement is Distinct in Different Diseases Monoarticular vs Polyarticular MonoPoly GoutRA InfectionSLE Reactive Joint distribution PIPs and MCPs:RA, SLE DIPs:Osteoarthritis, Psoriatic MTP:Gout Symmetrical vs Asymmetrical Symmetrical:RA, SLE Asymmetrical:Psoriatic, Reactive
是否是关节痛 性别 年龄 起病形式 受累关节数目 受累关节部位 Key point (1)
演变 ( 影响因素、预后) 伴随表现 晨僵 家族史 非关节原因 辅助检查 银屑疹 - 银屑病关节炎 蝶形红斑 - 红斑狼疮 眶周水肿或眼睑发红 - 皮肌炎 皮肤绷紧变硬 - 硬皮病 昼隐夜现的充血疹 - 成人 Still 病 Key point (2)
Lumbar Flexion (Schober) A mark is placed between the anterior and posterior iliac spines, a further mark 10 cm above, the patient bends forward as far as possible, the difference is recorded Result: 0.5 cm (normal > 4 cm) J Brandt, J Sieper
Tragus to Wall Distance Patient stands, heels and buttocks against the wall, the head is placed back as far as possible, keeping the chin horizontal
3.Laboratory Findings (tests)
Laboratory Findings (tests) 诊断或排除诊断 To establish or rule out the diagnosis 判断疾病的活动性和器官受累情况 To follow the course of disease, particularly to suggest that a flare is occurring or organ damage is developing 判断治疗的副作用 To identify adverse effects of therapies
常规、肝肾功 1. 判断受累的靶器官 和组织; 2. 判断药物的不良反 应 ESR 、 CRP 、补体 1. 判断疾病的轻重; 2. 判断治疗的效果。 自身抗体谱 1. 疾病诊断的参考; 2. 疾病预后的判断; 3. 疾病活动的判断。 活动度检查特异性检查一般性检查 Laboratory Findings (tests) No tests are specific for diagnosing rheumatic diseases.
重视介入诊断 关节腔穿刺(滑液检查) 关节镜(滑膜活检) 肾活检 病理检查:唇腺 、肌肉 、 滑膜 、血管、 皮肤、皮下结节等
RA 关节镜下增生的滑膜
滑液 : 正常 非炎症性 炎症性 化脓性 血性
尿酸钠 结晶
风湿病的实验室检查风湿病的实验室检查 1 、自身抗体: ANA 、 dsDNA 、 Sm 、 RNP 、 SSA 、 SSB 、 Jo-1 、 PM-1 、 RF 、抗角蛋白 抗体、抗核周因子。 2 、细胞表面分子: HLA-DRB1(DR4/DR1) 、 HLA-B27 。 3 、急性时相反应物: ESR 、 CRP 、 SAA 。
ANA :均质型 抗核抗体
ANA :斑点型 抗核抗体
RA 的特异性抗体 名 称 敏感性 (%) 特异性 (%) 类 风湿因子 RA33/36 抗体 SA 抗体 角蛋白抗体 抗核周因子 抗 CCP 抗体 隐性类风湿因子 抗 P68 抗体
风湿病的自身抗体 干燥综合征( SS ) 硬皮病( PSS ) 皮肌炎 / 多肌炎( DM/PM ) SSB 抗体 SSA 抗体 抗核抗体( ANA ) 类风湿因子( RF ) - 胞衬蛋白抗体( A FA ) M3 受体抗体 Scl 70 抗体 抗着丝点抗体( ACA ) 抗核抗体( ANA ) PM-1 抗体 Jo-1 抗体 抗核抗体( ANA )
风湿病的自身抗体 血管炎 抗磷脂抗体综合征 混合性结缔组织病 ( MCTD ) 抗中性粒细胞浆抗体 ( ANCA ) 抗磷脂抗体( Acl ) 狼疮抗凝物质 U 1 RNP 抗体( 70kd ) 抗核抗体( ANA )
影像诊断 X-Ray :反映关节损伤程度、病变进展速度及 对治疗的反应,应列为常规检查项目,并应定 期复查。 CT ECT MRI 超声
Rheumatoid arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
4.Criteria for classification
ACR Criteria for Rheumatoid arthritis Four or more of the following criteria must be present: Morning stiffness > 1 hour Arthritis of > 3 joint areas Arthritis of hand joints (MCPs, PIPs, wrists) Symmetric swelling (arthritis) Serum rheumatoid factor Rheumatoid nodules Radiographic changes First four criteria must be present for 6 weeks or more
Classification Specifications Class I Complete ability to perform usual daily activities (eg, self- care,vocational/avocational) Class IIAbility to perform usual self-care and vocational activities; limited avocational activities Class IIIAbility to perform usual self-care activities; limited vocational/avocational activities Class IVLimited ability to perform usual self-care/ vocational/avocational activities ACR Criteria for Assessing Functional Status in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Modified New York Criteria for AS Clinical criteria Low back pain and stiffness for >3 month, which improves with exercise, but is not relieved by rest Limited lumbar spine motion: in sagittal and frontal planes Limitations of chest expansion (age/sex standardized) Radiographic criteria: Requires EITHER Bilateral sacroiliitis Grade 2 or Unilateral sacroiliitis Gr 3 Definite AS = 1 clinical plus 1 radiographic criteria Probable AS = 3 clinical criteria and no radiologic criteria or 1 radiologic criterion and no clinical criteria van der Linden S, et al. Arthritis Rheum. 1984;27:
Ankylosing Spondylitis Differentiating Inflammatory vs Mechanical Back Pain Inflammatory Back Pain FeaturesMechanical Back Pain Prolonged > 60min.AM StiffnessMinor < 45 min. Early AMMax. Pain/StiffnessLate in day Improves SymptomsExercise/activityWorsens Symptoms ChronicDurationAcute or Chronic 9-40 yrs.Age at Onset20-65 yrs. Sacroiliitis, Vertebral ankylosis, syndesmophytes RadiographsOsteophytes, malalignment
Spectrum of AS Early LBP Stiffness Fatigue Spinal Limitation Functional limits Night Pain Spinal Immobility Symptoms Extra-articular Manifestations Ocular Skin/nail Enthesitis Chronic Uveitis IBD Aortitis Restrictive lung Heart block Severe Morbidity Mortality Pain Functional limitation AS complications Drug toxicity Comorbidities Fracture Death Disease Progression Sacroiliitis Hip involvment Spondylitis Periph.arthritis Bamboo Spine Moderate Onset
Management-Principles Education Early Combination Individualization Exercise
Management-Drugs 非甾体抗炎药 ( nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, NSAIDs ) 作用机制-抑制 COX 活性 不良反应 应用原则 -不能联合应用 -抗炎作用的起效时间 -作用特点及半衰期
非甾体抗炎药( NSAID S ) — 传统的 NSAID S 扶他林、凯扶兰、戴芬、奇诺力、 萘普生、布洛芬 — 倾向性 COX 2 抑制剂 萘丁美酮、美洛昔康 尼美舒利、依托度酸 — 选择性 COX 2 抑制剂 西乐葆、万络、依托考昔
糖皮质激素 ( glucocorticosteroid, GC ) 误区:滥用 不用 Management-Drugs
激素在风湿病领域的用药原则 激素是以系统损害为主的 自身免疫病的基础用药 用于以关节损害为主的自 身免疫病的过渡治疗 非免疫性的风湿病不主张 应用激素
糖皮质激素 ( glucocorticosteroid, GC ) 作用机制 半衰期 抗炎和免疫抑制效应 必须掌握适应证和药物剂量,监测不良反应 Management-Drugs
选用何种激素 短效激素 ( 可的松 ): 对 HPA 影响小, 但作用 弱, 只适合肾上腺皮质功能不全的替代治 疗 中效激素 ( 泼尼松 ): 适合自身免疫性疾病 的治疗 长效激素 ( 地塞米松 ): 作用强, 对 HPA 影响 大, 适合短期应用
改变病情抗风湿药 (disease modifying antirheumatic drug, DMARD ) 作用机制 作用特点 不良反应 价格 Management-Drugs
改变病情抗风湿药( DMARD S ) 柳氮磺吡啶、羟氯喹、瑞得、青霉胺 甲氨喋呤、爱若华、环磷酰胺、骁悉、 环孢素 A 、硫唑嘌呤
新型免疫及生物制剂 Enbrel Infliximab Anakinra D 2 E 7 (Adalimumab) MRA( 抗 IL6 受体抗体 ) CTLA 4 Ig VX-745 抗 CD4 单抗 T 细胞疫苗 TCR 多肽 HLA-DR4 多肽 IL-1Ra CII HLA/gp-39 复合物 TNF IL6 受体 CD80/CD86 P35 MAKP CD4 自身反应性 T 细胞 TCR HLA-DR4 IL-1 受体 T/B 细胞 T 细胞 上市 I 上市 II 已批准 I II I III I 肯定 ? 制剂 靶分子 / 细胞 临床阶段效果
Aim 目标: 了解风湿性疾病的定义、范畴和分类 了解常累及关节的风湿性疾病的疾病名称、诊 断、鉴别诊断 了解常累及关节风湿性疾病的常规实验室检查 及意义 了解常累及关节风湿性疾病的治疗药物
Theory is when you know everything but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why. In clinic, theory and practice are combined: Nothing works and no one knows why!
Theory is when you know everything but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why. In clinic, theory and practice are combined: Nothing works and no one knows why!
Theory is when you know everything but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why. In clinic, theory and practice are combined: Nothing works and no one knows why!