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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5 If you go to the party, you ’ ll have a great time ! Section A

What will happen tomorrow ? It will be sunny tomorrow. They will play football tomorrow. 用 if 合 并 成 一 句 They will play football if it is sunny tomorrow. If it is sunny tomorrow, they will play football. ifis Will be

如果明天下雨,我将弹钢琴。 If it is rainy tomorrow, I will play the piano. be rainy play the piano Look at the picture and make up sentences using “if”.

Exercise\ healthy 如果我锻炼,我将健康。 If I exercise, I will be healthy.

When do you get up on weekends?(9:00) I get up at 9:00 on weekends. What will happen if you get up at 9:00 this morning ? (If I …,I will…) If I get up at 9:00, I will be late. I will be late if I get up at 9:00.

What will happen if you are late for school? (If I…,my teacher will ……) If I am late for school, my teacher will be angry with me. My teacher will be angry with me if I am late for school. teacher

What will happen if your teacher is angry with you?(If my teacher …,I will…) If my teacher is angry with me, I will be sad. I will be sad if my teacher is angry with me.

What will happen if you get up at 9:00 this morning ? If I get up at 9:00, I will be late. If I am late, my teacher will be angry with me. If my teacher is angry with me, I will be sad. If I am sad, I will talk with my best friend.

if “ 如果 ” , 引导的条件状语从句 1 时态--主将从现 主句一般将来时,从句一般现在时 2 条件状语从句通常由连词 if 引导,意为 “ 如果、假 如 ” ,主句不能用 be going to 表示将来,而应该用 will, shall( 主语为第一人称) 1. If she ( come) here tomorrow, I (ask) her to call you. 2. If we (work) harder, we (get) better grades. comes will ask work will get

What will happen if you sleep in class? If I_____ in class, I ________ (get) bad grades. I will get bad grades if I sleep in class. sleep will get 温馨提示 : if 引导的条 件状语从句既可放在 主句前, 也可放在主句 后. 从句置于主句前时, 须有逗号与主句隔开, 反之则不用逗号.

If I ____computer games on weekdays, I _____(be) very tired in class. I ’ll be very tired in class if I play computer games on weekdays. What will happen if you play computer games on weekdays? play will be

If I _____ hard, I_____ (get) good grades. I will get good grades if I study hard. What will happen if you study hard? study will get

(1 ) if will she, call me, I, tell her about it If she calls me, I will tell her about it. (2) he,have free time, go to Shanghai, (3) I, have much money,buy a big house If he has free time, he will go to Shanghai. If I have much money,I will buy a big house. Make up sentences using “if”.

A: I think I am going to the party. B: If you do, you will have a great time. =If you go to the party, you will have a great time.

1a Look at the pictures. Then match the statements with responses. 1. I think I’m going to go to the party with Karen and Ann. 2. I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party. 3. I think I’m going to take the bus to the party. 4. I think I’m going to stay at home. a. If you do, the teachers won’t let you in. b. If you do, you’ll be late. c. If you do, you’ll be sorry. d. If you do, you’ll have a great time. 牛仔裤 1b Listen. Were your answers to activity 1a correct?Listen

A: What are you going to do ? B I think I’m going to stay at home. A: If you do, you’ll be sorry. 1c

2a Listen and number these phrases in the order you hear them. (听对话,按听到词组的顺序编号。)Listen a. study for their tests b. help me organize it c. too early d. make some food e. Saturday afternoon f. play party games AndreaMark

2b:2b: listen again and answer the questions. What will happen if they have the party today? What will happen if they have the party tomorrow? What will happen if they watch a video at the party? What is Mark going to organize? What is Andrea going to do? Mark is going to organize the party games. Some students will be bored. Students will leave early to study for their test. Half the class won’t come. Andrea is going to make some food. Mark Andrea

When is a good time to have the party? 举行聚会的最佳时间是在什么时候? to have the party 是动词不定式作后置定语,修 饰名词 time 不定式作定语时,常放在被修饰的词语之后 ①. Would you like something ______? A. drink B. drinking C. to drink D. drinks ②. I have a lot of homework ______. A. do B. doing C. did D. to do C D

Exercises Fill in the blanks with the words given. 1.The students will go to the Great Wall if it ___________ (not rain) tomorrow. 2.If he ___________ (not do) his homework, he’ll be late. 3.If she likes it, she _____________ (read) it soon. 4.If you play computer games on weekdays, you _________ (be) tired. 5.If you watch TV tonight, you __________ (not study) for the test. doesn’t rain doesn’t do will read will be won’t study

I don’t know if my brother______ (come) tomorrow. If he_______ (come), I’ll be happy. 注意宾语从句中的 if 与条件状语从句 if 的区 别。宾语从句中的 if“ 是否 ” 相当于 whether , 宾语从句通常位于主句之后。引导宾语从句, 时态需根据语境确定。 我不知道明天是否会下雨。 I don't know if it_______ (rain)tomorrow. will come comes will rain

用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.If you ______ (be) late, the teacher will be angry. 2.We don’t know if it __________ tomorrow (snow). 3.He ______________(become) a soccer player if he works hard. 4. You _________(be) famous if you sing well. are will snow will become will be 5 Half of these bananas _____________(be) bad. 6 Half of the boys __________(like) basketball. are like