Ten Commandments for Managers 經理人十大信條 劉 炯 朗 清 華 大 學清 華 大 學.


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Presentation transcript:

Ten Commandments for Managers 經理人十大信條 劉 炯 朗 清 華 大 學清 華 大 學

Ten Useful Jokes for Professors 常用的十個笑話 劉 炯 朗 清 華 大 學清 華 大 學

Thou Shalt be Honest 誠 實 Thou Shalt be Honest 誠 實

你可以永遠的騙一些人,或者短暫 的騙所有的人,但是你不能夠永遠 的騙所有的人。 -林肯 You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. - Abraham Lincoln Thou Shalt be Honest 誠 實 Thou Shalt be Honest 誠 實

誠實是最好的策略。 Honest is the best policy. 誠實是最容易執行的策略。 Honest is the easiest policy to execute. Thou Shalt be Honest 誠 實 Thou Shalt be Honest 誠 實

誠實是最好的策略,但是以 誠實作為策略的人,不是一 個誠實的人。 -韋力 Honest is the best policy; but he who is governed by that maxim is not an honest man. - Richard Whately Thou Shalt be Honest 誠 實 Thou Shalt be Honest 誠 實

說過謊的人講的真話, 也沒有人會相信。 -伊索寓言 Even when liars tell the truth, they are never believed. - Aesop’s Fables Thou Shalt be Honest 誠 實 Thou Shalt be Honest 誠 實

Thou Shalt Think Creatively 創 新

想像力遠比知識重要。 -愛因斯坦 Imagination is more important than knowledge. - Albert Einstein Thou Shalt Think Creatively 創 新

創造力可以解決任何問題, 以新意破除舊習慣可以克服 一切。 -萊斯 Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything. - George Lois Thou Shalt Think Creatively 創 新

Thou Shalt be Optimistic and Positive 樂觀正面

我是一個樂觀者 – 似乎除此之外,別無他途。 -邱吉爾 For myself I am an optimist – it does not seem to be much use being anything else. - Sir Winston Churchill Thou Shalt be Optimistic and Positive 樂觀正面

世界上只有機會, 沒有定數。 -麥克阿瑟 There is no security on this earth, there is only opportunity. - Douglas Mac Arthur Thou Shalt be Optimistic and Positive 樂觀正面

半滿還是半空 Thou Shalt be Optimistic and Positive 樂觀正面

屢戰屢敗 屢敗屢戰 Thou Shalt be Optimistic and Positive 樂觀正面

夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。 但得夕陽無限好,何必惆帳近黃昏。 Thou Shalt be Optimistic and Positive 樂觀正面

Good salespeople do not sell the product, they sell the benefits of having the product. 好的銷售員不是在推銷一個產品, 他是在推銷有了這個產品的好處。 Thou Shalt be Optimistic and Positive 樂觀正面

Thou Shalt Be Responsible 負責任

成大事的代價是負責任。 -邱吉爾 The price of greatness is responsibility. - Winston Churchill Thou Shalt Be Responsible 負責任

你可以將權力下放, 但不可以將責任下放。 -柯文斯基 You can delegate authority, but not responsibility. - Stephen W. Comiskey Thou Shalt Be Responsible 負責任

假如你受不了高溫, 走出廚房去。 -杜魯門 If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. - Harry S. Trumam Thou Shalt Be Responsible 負責任

我是莊家。 -杜魯門 The buck stops here. - Harry S. Trumam Thou Shalt Be Responsible 負責任

Thou Shalt Know Thy Subordinates Well 知人善用

管理只不過是啟發別人而已。 -安高卡 Management is nothing more than motivating other people. - Lee Iacocaa Thou Shalt Know Thy Subordinates Well 知人善用

Thou Shalt Know Thy Competition Well 認識你的對手

知己知彼,百戰百勝。 -孫子 Thou Shalt Know Thy Competition Well 認識你的對手 Know yourself and your enemy well, you shall win every battle. - Sun Tzu

下駟對上駟 中駟對下駟 上駟對中駟 Thou Shalt Know Thy Competition Well 認識你的對手

空城計 Thou Shalt Know Thy Competition Well 認識你的對手

Thou Shalt Know What Thou Are Talking About 知之為知

Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. - Confucius 學而不思則罔, 思而不學則殆。 -孔子 Thou Shalt Know What Thou Are Talking About 知之為知

Thou Shalt not Speak “me too” in Vain 不可人云亦云

Thou Shalt Not Follow Others Blindly 不可盲從 Thou Shalt Not Follow Others Blindly 不可盲從

知之為知之,不知為不知, 是知也。 -孔子 When you know a thing, to hold that you know it ; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it - this is knowledge. - Confucius Thou Shalt Not Follow Others Blindly 不可盲從 Thou Shalt Not Follow Others Blindly 不可盲從

Thou Shalt Honor and Love Thy Spouse 不可忘本

每一個成功的男人的背後,都有一位偉大的女性 。每一個成功的女人的背後,都有一位偉大的男 性。每一個成功的經理人的背後,都有一個了不 起的團隊。 Behind every successful man, there is a great woman. Behind every successful woman, there is a great man. Behind every successful manager, there is a great team. Thou Shalt Honor and Love Thy Spouse 不可忘本

三個兒子 學問 年紀 笑話 有一大把 一點也沒有 倒有一大籮筐