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25岁之后如何使身体不发胖? ――本文提出的忠告会帮助你保持健康, 显得比你实际的岁数要年轻一些 珍妮•威尔逊 How to Stay Thin after 25 These tips will help you stay fit and look younger than your years Jeanie Wilson 25岁之后如何使身体不发胖? ――本文提出的忠告会帮助你保持健康, 显得比你实际的岁数要年轻一些 珍妮•威尔逊

For most of us, body weight goes up with age — an average of one pound a year after 25, according to the American Medical Association1. What’s more, added weight is likely to be composed primarily of fat tissue, not lean muscle2 . 据美国医学协会说,我们大多数人的体重随着年龄的 增长而增加――25岁之后平均每年增加一磅(相当于 0.454公斤)。而且,所增加的重量成分很可能主要是脂肪组织,而不是精瘦的肌肉。其原因在于:

·As we age, most of us become less active, and the body’s basal metabolism rate slows a little each year. So our food-energy requirements — the number of calories3 needed to maintain weight-decrease.. For example, a man might require 2,500 calories a day at age 20, 2, 000 at 35 and only 1,800 at 50.


·Starting in our 20s, the proportion of muscle mass to body fat tends to decline. The body of an average 20-year-old woman is 26.5 percent fat. By 35, it is 33 percent; at 50, a disheartening 42 percent4. ·Exercising becomes harder with age. Our muscle can begin to lose strength and elasticity as early as age20. By 40, heart and lung power has begun to drop, joints and ligaments to stiffen, and the body becomes more injury — prone5.

从20岁起,人体的肌肉块对脂肪的比例呈下降趋势。一个普通身材的妇女,20岁时体内脂肪占26 从20岁起,人体的肌肉块对脂肪的比例呈下降趋势。一个普通身材的妇女,20岁时体内脂肪占26.5%到35岁占33%;50岁时则令人沮丧地高达42%。 年纪大了,锻炼起来觉得比以往吃力。我们的肌肉可能早在20岁时就开始丧失力量和弹性。到了40岁,心肺的机能已经开始降低,关节和韧带不太灵活,身体变得比较容易受伤。

Now for the good news, every one of these changes can be significantly arrested, slowed, or even reversed through exercise6, according to the National Institute on Aging. Add the right dietary habits, and you can look and feel still younger — and slimmer — than your actual years7. The No.1 fat fighter is exercise. Being active obviously burns calories — 200 or more an hour during brisk walking, for instance. But exercise also revs up the metabolic rate, not only during the activity itself but for hours afterward.

现在说点好消息:根据国家老龄问题研究所的观点,以上种种变化,每一种都可依靠锻炼身体有效地加以抑制、延缓,甚至逆转。如果再加上正确的饮食习惯,你就会显得而且觉得比你的实际年龄要年轻和苗条一些。 与肥胖作斗争的首要方法是体育锻炼。活动显然要消耗热量――比如快步走1小时要消

For maximum benefits as you get fitter, first increase the workout duration, and later consider up-grading the intensity. If you get so enthusiastic about exercise that you want to work out every day, choose a second sport for alternate days that develops different muscles. Walk one day, to stress the lower legs; swim the next, to develop the upper body and shoulders.


As we grow older, our weight problem becomes double — edged8 As we grow older, our weight problem becomes double — edged8. On the one hand, we need fewer calories and find it incredibly easy to hoard any excess. On the other, our bodies can become less efficient at processing foods and absorbing their nutrients. Consequently, a 45-year-old person would eat the same amount of food as one 20 years younger, yet put on9 more weight and be less well-nourished. The solution: a nutrient-dense diet. Most of us should be eating less fat (no more than 30 percent of calorie intake), less protein (10 to 15 percent) and more complex carbohydrates (45 to 60 percent).

上了岁数以后,我们的体重出现了两方面的问题。一方面,我们需要的热量较少,极容易把任何过剩的卡路里储存起来;另一方面,我们的机体消化食物和吸收营养的效能会变得不如以前。因此,一个45岁的人的食量可以同一个比他年轻20岁的人的食量相等。可是,尽管他体重增加了,营养状况却反而较差。 解决的办法是选用高营养饮食。我们大多数人应当少吃脂肪(不超过卡路里摄入量的30%),少吃蛋白质(10%-15%),多吃复合碳水化合物(45%-60%)。

Complex carbohydrates (as from whole grains, cereals, potatoes and legumes) provide the muscle fuel you need for exercising. Carbohydrates are also an excellent source of fiber, which helps speed food through the digestive system, reducing calorie absorption and picking up fats on the way, so that less fat is absorbed. Studies also shows that the more quickly you drop weight, the more quickly the pounds are apt to return. Repeated crash dieting10 can even make future dieting less effective, according to animal-research findings.

解决的办法是选用高营养饮食。我们大多数人应当少吃脂肪(不超过卡路里摄入量的30%),少吃蛋白质(10%-15%),多吃复合碳水化合物(45%-60%)。 复合碳水化合物(如来自粗加工的谷物、加工过的谷类食物、马铃薯和豆类)为肌肉提供锻炼所需的燃料。碳水化合物还是纤维素的一种优良来源。而纤维素有助于加快食物通过消化道的速度,减少热量的吸收,并一路带走脂肪,因此被吸收的脂肪就少了。 多项研究报告还表明,你的体重减得越快,原来的体重很可能恢复得越快。根据动物研究得出的结论,反复实行急剧减肥甚至会降低以后节制饮食的效果。

为了避免这样的失误,不可企求每周减肥超过1磅或2磅。制定节食计划时可考虑下述忠告: 1. 计算出维持你当前的体重每天所需要的卡路里数,在这方面可采用迈克尔和凯瑟林•马奥尼两位临床心理学家研究出来的简易计算法,将你现在的体重乘以13(如果你很少活动),乘以14(如稍有活动),乘以15(如适度活动),乘以16(如大运动量活动)或乘以17(如剧烈活动)。再从乘出的积减去500卡路里,便是你每周减轻1磅体重所需的卡路里数。

To avoid such pitfalls11, don’t try to lose more than one or two pounds a week. In planning your diet, consider these tips: 1. Figure our how many calories you need each day to maintain your current weight, using this easy method developed by clinical psychologists Michael J. and B. Kathryn Mahoney : multiply your current weight by 13 (if you’re very inactive), 14 (slightly inactive), 15 (moderately active), 16 (very active) or 17 (strenuously active) 12. Next, subtract 500 calories from that figure to get the number of calories you’ll need each day to lose one pound a week.

2. Eat several small meals a day — as many as six 2. Eat several small meals a day — as many as six. Studies show that frequent nibblers weigh less than three-meal-a-day eaters. 3. Don’t skip breakfast (but make it a healthful, low-cholesterol one ). Otherwise, you’re more likely to overeat later in the day; and you’ll have less energy. Make the last meal of the day a small one. In the evening we tend to be least active, and therefore burn fewer calories. 5.A variety of foods is important for good health, but limit the choice of foods at any one sitting.

2.多餐少食,1天可吃6顿。一些研究结果表明,经常坚持少食多餐的人比1天吃3顿饭的人的体重要轻。 3.不要不吃早餐(但要使早餐少含胆固醇而且有益于健康),要不然你在中午或晚上就有可能吃得过多,而且你会感到精力不足。 4.最后一餐要吃得少。晚上我们往往不怎么活动,因此热量的消耗也少一些。 5.虽然吃各种各样的食品对健康是很重要的,但每次就餐时饭菜的品种不要过多。

6.每天喝6至8杯水,水不但能抑制食欲,而且能帮助脂肪的代谢。 7.细嚼慢咽。就餐时要有汤及其它耗时的食物。例如,可以吃菊芋而不吃奶油玉米,吃苹果而不吃苹果酱,吃粗面包卷而不吃白面包。 8.吃八成饱,然后等20分钟,你也许不会再觉得饿了,因为这20分钟是大脑记录吃饱信号所需的时间。

6. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day 6.Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Water helps in metabolizing existing body fat, as well as in restraining the appetite. 7.Eat slowly. Include soup of other time-consuming foods in meals. Eat artichokes, for instance, instead of creamed corn; apples instead of applesauce; hard rolls instead of white bread. 8.Eat less than you want13 . Then wait 20 minutes, the time it takes the brain to register satiety signals. You may no longer be

【概述】 本文是一篇有关保健与卫生方面的科普文章。作者分析了人25岁以后为什么会发胖的原因,并提出了与肥胖作斗争的有效方法。文章题材新颖,逻辑性强。目前,生物化学发展迅速,社会上化妆品、保健品琳琅满目,医学英语也日益流行。作为英语专业的毕业生,有必要掌握医学英语的专业词汇和基本翻译方法。本文可以作为学习科普医学英语翻译的一个入门。翻译中涉及“增词法”、“词性转换法”、“正说反译法”、“外位语结构的应用”、“重复法”、“意译”等技巧。