Unit 26 Technology and Personal Life 技术与日常生活


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Unit 26 Technology and Personal Life 技术与日常生活

I. Topic The impact of telecommunications on personal life 电信技术对人们日常生活产生的影响 II. Language Focus 表示与过去事实相反的 If I hadn’t had my mobile phone, the shot would have 虚拟条件句 killed me. 表达建议 I’d recommend my network. 动名词的用法 I avoid talking to her. 生气与烦恼的表达方式 What annoys me is all the junk mail.

Unit 26     Learn vocabulary related to mobile phones, computing and emails;        Study the third conditional;   Review functional language for giving advice;       Revise the use of the gerund;     Study language for talking about what annoys you.

I.Language Focus P120 复习虚拟条件句:表示与现在事实相反的假设 形式:If+主语+过去式,主语+ would/ should/ could/ might +动词原形 例句: If I had more time, I should learn Japanese. (fact: I have no more time, so I shall not learn Japanese.) If they didn’t take physical exercises every day, they wouldn’t be so healthy. (fact: They take exercises every day, so they’re very healthy.

虚拟条件句:表示与过去事实相反的假设 形式: If +主语+had+过去分词,主语+would/ should/ could/ might +have + 过去分词 例句: If I had left a little earlier, I would have caught the train. 我要是早点动身,就赶上火车了。 If he hadn’t taken your advice, he would have made a bad mistake. 他要不是听了你的劝告,就犯大错误了。

She would have met him, if she had come earlier. 如果她再早点来的话,她就能见到他了。 You could have finished the work by now if it had not been for your laziness. 如果不是你的懒惰,现在你能完成工作。

1.Discussion: In what ways do you usually communicate with your friends or colleagues? How often do you use mobile phones? Can you give us some examples to show the usefulness of mobile phones? Or when do you use mobile phones?

2. Language points: set off v. (= set out;set forth) 出发,启程 The children set off for school. 孩子们上学去了。 Make out v. to recognize 看清楚,辨认出 They tried to make out the expression on her face. 他们努力想看清楚她脸上的表情。 I can’t make out whether this figure is a three or an eight. 我看不清楚这数字时3 还是 8。 I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain. 在雨中我几乎看不清交通标志 .

make up one’s mind (to + 动词原形) v. to be determined to so tsth. 决心,决定 I have made up my mind, and nothing you say will change it. 我主意已定,你说什么也改变不了。 We couldn’t make up our minds what to do next. 下一步该怎么办我们决定不了。

run out(of)v. 用光;耗尽 Though they are running out of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon. 他们虽然已经水尽粮绝,但情绪都很好,并且深信他们很快就会出来的。 Time is running out. 时间已经到了。 By the time his patience had completely run out. 到那时候,他已经完全没有耐心了。 We have run out of ink. 我们没墨水了。

be about + to do 表示:即将发生某事 The manager was about to leave when his secretary called him back. 经理快要离开时,他的秘书叫住了他。 I was about to get on the bus when the mobile phone was rang. 我刚要上公共汽车,手机响了。

fire… at … vt., vi. 射击;发射;提出问题 She fired her gun at them. 她用枪向他们射击。 had better + 动词原形 表示:最好;应该 We'd better not invite him. 我们最好不要邀请他。 You'd better stay at hospital for another few days. 你最好在医院再住几天。

You'd better be there. 你最好在那里。 You had better set off at once. 你还是马上动身的好。 reach for v. extend the hand, ect. In an effort to get. 伸手拿东西 The boy stood on a tiptoe and reached for the map on the wall. 男孩踮着脚,伸出手去拿墙上的地图。

3. Answer the following questions:          Who was Paul traveling with?          What was the weather like?          Who did he phone?          Who phoned the emergency services?            Why did Dave and the cameraman to the village?          Why did they climb up the hillside?          Where were they shot at?          What stopped the bullet?

表达建议 形式: 1)  One is …, the other is … 2)  You should + 动词原形 3)  I’d recommend + 动词原形 4)  You need to + 5)  The best thing to do is + (to) 动词原形 6)  You’d better + 动词原形 7)  祈使句

动名词和不定式 形式: 动名词 --- 动词原形+ing 不定式 --- to + 动词原形   A) 有些动词后面只能接动名词作宾语, 这些动词有:avoid; enjoy; finish; insist on; object to; look forward to; give up 等。

例句: I suggest doing it in a different way. 我建议换一种方法做此事。 B)有些动词后面只能接不定式作宾语,这些动词有:want; wish; hope; agree; promise; allow; decide; expect; manage; pretend等。 Allow me to introduce Miss Mary. 请允许我介绍一下玛丽小姐。

C)    些动词后面既能接不定式,也能接不定式作宾语,这些动词有:begin; start; continue; like; hate; prefer 等。 例句: I hate troubling / to trouble the director. 我不想去麻烦局长。 We’ll continue to improve / improving our work. 我们将不断改善我们的工作。

D) 有的动词的宾语既可以是动名词,也可以是动词不定式,这些动词有:remember, forget, stop, regret 等等,在意义上有区别: Example I remember seeing her once. 我记得曾见过她一次。 Please remember to give a tip to the taxi driver. 请别忘记给出租汽车司机小费。

Stop arguing, please. 请停止争论。 They stopped to listen, but there was no sound. 他们停下来听,但是什么声音也没有。

1.Discussion In what cases do you send emails to convey a message? Do you love them or hate them? Why?

start with to begin with, to have a beginning .以……开始; 从…..着手 Knowledge starts with practice. 认识从实践开始。 A thousand-li journey starts with the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。

Sth. upset sb. / sb. be upset (by sth. ) v Sth.upset sb. / sb. be upset (by sth.) v. To distress or perturb mentally or emotionally: 使心烦意乱(精神或感情上)烦恼或混乱: The bad news upset me. 那则坏消息使我心烦意乱。 James was upset because he had lost his ticket. 詹姆斯很烦躁,因为他把车票丢了。

relevant to adj. Having a bearing on or connection with the matter at hand. 相关联的,和手头的事务有关系或关联的 That matter is not relevant to the present question. 那件事和目前的问题无关的。 The scientist writes to his colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research. 那个科学家和同事们相互通信以了解和她自己的研究有关的事。

get through: to manage to pass through; reach someone by telephone; be successful in 打通(电话);成功地 …… I could’t get through (to my mother) yesterday. 昨天我(给母亲)的电话没接通。

Language Focus P130 生气与烦恼的表达方式 形式: 1)  it really irritates me when + 从句 2)  it really gets on my nerves when + 从句 3)  x is always + 动词的ing 4)  What’s annoys me is … 5)  The thing that makes me most angry is … 6)  Why cant’ you / she (ect.) + 动词原形?

Unit 26部分译文 Activity 2 移动电话拯救生命 移动电话已经改变了许多人的生活。下面两个人谈了他们可怕的故事。 保罗    移动电话已经改变了许多人的生活。下面两个人谈了他们可怕的故事。 保罗    去年我独自一人沿着澳大利亚西部旅行。有一天我出发去爬一座高峰。尽管在夏季那儿有许多游客,我到那儿时已过了旅游旺季,所以没有什么旅行团。当我到达山顶后不久,天开始下起毛毛雨,并开始起雾。很快,雾太大了,我连路都认不出来了。不管在哪儿我随身总带着电话,因为你不可能知道自己什么时候会用到它。最后我打电话给了爸爸,他当时在9,000里外的美国。他告诉我给当地救援热线打电话。但是我感到自己太笨了,我不愿意打那个电话。庆幸的是,爸爸意识到这一点,所以他决定自己打这个电话。救援者将电话打到了我的手机上以确定我的确切方位。但不幸的是电话在五秒钟后没电了。我躺在一块大岩石下等待着—几乎快到晚上了,我全身又冷又潮。当救援人员准备放弃夜间的搜寻时,他们找到了我。多亏有一位救援人员说:“我们再找5分钟吧。”如果他们放弃,我可能已经死了。 戴夫


Activity 5 Part A    我去朋友的家吃晚饭,很晚才离开。开车时,我意识到忘带手机了,所以决定回去取。在回家的路上,我看见了一场事故。我走到车边,司机受了伤,我没法将她从车里拉出来。我按手机里存的急救电话要了一辆救护车。救护车很快就来了,将司机送到了医院。那名司机快要死了,但多亏她被迅速送往医院,医生才得以将她救活。

Activity 11 写电子邮件的规矩    你喜欢电子邮件还是讨厌它呢?不管你感觉如何,它已经存在。下面是一些提高电子邮件写作技巧的方法和建议。    首先,以问候语开头,并以看似老套的结束语结尾。这样可以避免因显得粗鲁而冒犯他人。可以不用“亲爱的先生或女士”和“你忠诚的”这样的套话,但还是要说“你好”或“亲爱的(加上姓氏)”,然后以“真诚的问候”(用于较正式的关系)结尾,如果是朋友可以用“再见”或“再会”。在办公室或与熟悉或经常通信的人写信,可以用他们的名字直接开头。

收到和自己不直接相关的电子邮件是件恼人的事情。建立广泛的群发邮件名单并不能保证可以及时收到信息。据估计,40%的电子邮件由于使用了不相关的或无意义的主题行而被迅速地删除。所以应准确地确定自己的群发邮件名单并经常更新这一名单。如果不这样做,你的信息也许不会传达到你希望到达的人那儿,因为人们会在没有阅读信件前就已经将它自动删除掉。如果你的联系人习惯删除来自你的不相关的邮件,他们也可能自动删除任何相关的邮件。    电子邮件很快捷,也很随便,通常用来传达简单的信息。如果你要传达重要的文件或信件,应用附件形式发送并采用常用的正式行文惯例。收信人可以下载附件,将它保存或打印出来仔细参考。
