译林牛津版 初一上 7A Unit 2. 1 获取一些信息 2 中国太空博物馆 3 下周三 4 谢谢你组织这次班级旅行 5 练习读英语 6 期盼着在外面愉快的一天 7 忘记带我的家庭作业 8 放学后回来 9 用他的美术书 10 我很热,我可以开窗吗? get some information China.


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Presentation transcript:

译林牛津版 初一上 7A Unit 2

1 获取一些信息 2 中国太空博物馆 3 下周三 4 谢谢你组织这次班级旅行 5 练习读英语 6 期盼着在外面愉快的一天 7 忘记带我的家庭作业 8 放学后回来 9 用他的美术书 10 我很热,我可以开窗吗? get some information China Space Museum next Wednesday Thank you for organizing the class trip. practise reading English look forward to a great day out forget to bring my homework come back after school use his Art book I’m hot,may I open the window?

Speak up: How to use can and may We use “can”to ask our friends for help. We use “may”to ask teachers,parents and other adults for help. Millie:I’m very hot.May I open the window? Mr Wu:Yes,you may./No, you may not.

Complete the dialogues: 1. _______ I borrow some money? Sorry, you ______! I don’t have any. 2. _______ I use your ruler? Yes, you _______. 3. ______ I turn on the lights? Yes, you _______. 4. ________ I do my homework now? No, you ________. Can can’t Can can May may Must needn’t

Ask and answer some questions in pairs: 1 Can I borrow your pen?/… 2 Do you have your books?/… 3 May I watch TV?/… 4 Is she tall and slim?… 5 Are you busy?… 6 Do you like music?…

Fill in the blanks, using “may, can and can’t” 1 I _______ swim but Jim _______. He is good at it. 2 _______ I borrow your sharpener? Sorry, my sharpener is broken. 3 _______ you finish your homework by yourself? Yes, I _______. 4 You _______ play football in the classroom because it’s not safe. 5 _______ I turn on the radio? Yes, you _______. 6 ______ you show some photos about your school life to us? can’t can Can/ May Can can can’t May may Can

Millie is filling in a happiness chart for the E-friend Club’s website. Let’s look at her chart and read about her likes and dislikes. Activity LoveLikeDislikeReason Assembly Lunchtime Basketball Reading Club Drawing Homework There are lots of students in the Assembly Hall. I can chat with friends and eat nice food. I am not tall enough to reach the basket. I love reading because I want to learn more about the world. I like all the different colours. It is fun to look at the pictures when I finish drawing them. It is too difficult and we have too much!

Discussion: Discuss in groups and say something about your favourite activities and tell the others about your likes and dislikes. (Complete your own table on Page32.)

Translation: 1 向某人借些钱 2 我们最喜爱的课外活动 3 打开灯 4 在晨会厅里有许多学生。 5 我不够高而够不到篮子。 6 想要对世界了解更多 7 所有不同的颜色 8 完成画一只电子狗 9 这个问题很难回答。 10 有太多作业要做 11 练习打羽毛球 12 每天花两小时在花园里锻炼 borrow some money from sb. our favourite after-school activities turn on the lights There are lots of students in the Assembly Hall. I’m not tall enough to reach the basket. want to know more about the world all the different colours finish drawing an e-dog The question is difficult to answer. have too much homework to do practising playing badminton spend two hours (in) exercising in the garden every day