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Presentation transcript:

一、解题方法与技巧 根据《大纲》的要求,单项选择考查对语法 和习语的知识、理解和运用能力、考查在特定的 环境中正确辨别单词和录活的运用语法和习语的 能力、考查英语词汇及其固定搭配的理解和辨析 能力、考查情景交际能力。 一、解题方法与技巧 1. 直接判定法 直接判定法是直接运用已掌握的英语知识, 结合题干所提供的信息,从备选答案中直接选出 正确答案。这类题目较容易,有时只看题干便已 得出正确答案是什么。

2. 排除法 读完题干,弄清题意之后,感觉很难找出正 确答案时,应用排除法来解决这类题型,找出关 键词。如果其中有两个选项都对,应把这两项排 除,因为四个选项中只有一个是正确的。 3. 分析比较法 根据所掌握的各种语法知识及语境进行分析 比较,最后选定正确答案。可以根据选项两两相 同的特点将其分成两类,进行比较。先排除一类, 然后比较剩下一类的两个选项,最后两者选一。

4. 固定结构判断法 有些题目考查固定搭配和习惯用法。做这类 题一定要摆脱汉语习惯的干扰,才有可能选出正 确答案。 5. 前后照应法 前后照应法要求答题前首先弄清题干的真正 意义,然后联系上下文,捕捉暗示的信息,从而 选出正确答案。 6. 逻辑推理法 有些选项从语法上看答案可能不止一个,但有的句意不符合逻辑,通过逻辑推理便能把它排除。

二、例题解析 7. 常识法 有些题涉及到政治、历史、地理、天文、理 化、生活风俗等方面的常识,做这类题应根据所 掌握的常识选出正确答案。 1. Could I borrow ____eraser, please? ___ is broken. A. your; My B. yours; Mine C. yours; My D. your; Mine [解析]通读题干后,得到的信息为用物主代词来 填空。eraser 这个名词前应用形容词性物主代词 来修饰,答案应为your, 而后一个空后没有所修 饰的名词,应选名词性物主代词Mine,故选D。

2. This is ______ bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much. A. Anne and Jane B. Anne’s and Jane C. Anne’s and Jane’s D. Anne and Jane’s [解析]因bedroom用的是单数,应是双胞胎姐妹 公用的卧室,表示两人共有的东西,只在后面 的名词后加“’s”表示所有格。故选D。 3. —Would you like a bag of rice? —Yes. I have _____ rice at home. A. some B. little C. a little [解析] 句中little表一种否定用法,修饰不可数名 词,意为“很少一点,几乎没有”。由上句推知, 故选B。

4. It takes ______ to go to Japan by air than by ship. A. little time B. less time C. more time D. much time [解析]根据本题题干的前半部分,四个选 项均可填入,但再看后半部分,通读提干 便会发现关键词than,得知“去日本坐飞机比做 轮船花的时间要少”,故选B。 5. Lucy is interested in ______. A. listen to music B. listening music C. flying kites D. read books

[解析]be interested in 短语中的in是介词,介词后 要跟动名词形式,不可跟动词原形,应先筛去A、 D两项。B选项listening music中的listen是不及物 动词,其后跟宾语music应该在listening后加介词 to,B也应筛去,故正确答案为C。 6. —I’m sorry I mistake you for each other. —______. A. You’re right B. It’s not your mistake C. It doesn’t matter D. Yes, you made a mistake [解析]从本题题干的第一句得知:说话人因为认 错了对方而道歉。英语中向别人表示歉意的回 答应为“没关系”,因此根据英美人的习惯应为 选项C. It doesn’t matter.

7. —Your dress is very beautiful. —______. A. I don’t think B. Thank you very much C. No, it isn’t beautiful D. Please don’t say so [解析]对于别人的赞美,外国人往往直截 了当地表示谢意:“Thank you.”“Thanks a lot.”等。而不像中国人一般说“不行,哪 里,差远了”等表谦虚的话。故选B。

8. —There are two new cars in front of the company. —One is mine and ______ is the manager’s. A. other B. another C. the other D. others [解析]从原题中知两辆小汽车,可推出one…the other结构。故选C。 9. —______ —It’s very hot. A. What bad weather! B. It’s a fine day, isn’t it? C. Do you like the day? D. How is the weather in Chongqing? [解析]该题的突破口是答语It’s very hot.,根据该 答语可判断出语境是谈论天气,由于选项C与答

语无关,所以C应先被排除,选项A是感叹语气, 选项B反意疑问句也表示感叹语气。询问天气常 用“How is the weather?”或“What’s the weather like?”来提问。故选D。 10. —Would you like to go to the park with me? —______. A. I think I can B. Yes, I want C. I’d love to D. Thank you [解析]本题的语境是邀请某人做某事,常用“I’d love to.”或者“I’d like to.”等表达法来接受邀请; 用“Sorry,…”等来表示委婉拒绝,按照英语交际 中礼貌的原则,不能用“No”表示拒绝。故选C。

c 三、巩固练习 holidays, ____ he? B D 1. — He's flown to Qingdao for summer A. isn't B. wasn't C. hasn't D. doesn't 2. Rosa likes music ____ is quiet and gentle. A. when B. that C. where D. who 3. — Listen! Is that Kate playing the piano in the room? —No. It _____ be Kate. She has gone to London. A. may not B. needn't C. mustn't D. can't c B D

—___. I’m still at the meeting then. 4. Could you get to the park before 3 o’clock? —___. I’m still at the meeting then. A. I think so B. Yes, I could C. I’m afraid not D. I’m afraid so 5. My grandmother likes keeping pets. She said a pet could help a person feel___. A. more nervous B. alone C. less lonely D. terrible 6. —___important tool the computer is! —I think so. A. that B. who C. which C C C

7. Believe it or not, _ three seconds a child in the world dies because there’s not ______food. That means about 30, 000 children die every day! A. every; a lot of B. each; a lot of C. every; enough D. each; enough 8. —Excuse me, is this seat taken? — _ . That man got his books and left a few minutes ago. A. I’m afraid so B. I don’t think so C. I don’t know D. I hope not 9. — Can you introduce the town to me? — OK. This is the town in _ I was born. A. that B. who C. which C B C

10. On her way home Lucy saw a thief __in a shop 10. On her way home Lucy saw a thief __in a shop. She stopped _____ 110 at once. A. steal; call B. to steal; call C. stealing; to call D. stealing; calling 11. —Will you stay here for dinner? —Sorry, I __. I have something important to do. I have a look? A. don’t B. didn’t C. needn’t D. can’t 12. —Bob speaks Chinese quite well. —Yes, so he does. He practises ___ Chinese every day. A. speaking B. speak C. speaks D. spoke C D A

—Oh, not at all. I __ here for only a few minutes. 13. I told you not to be late again, John, __I? A. do B. did C. don't D. didn't 14. —I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. —Oh, not at all. I __ here for only a few minutes. A. have been B. had been C. will be D. was 15. They're making too much noise here. Let's go __. A. somewhere quiet B. nowhere quiet C. everywhere noisy D. anywhere noisy D A A

16. Half of the class most of the work 16. Half of the class most of the work. Some of the work ____ really difficult. A. have done; is B. has done; are C. has done; is D. have done; are 17. I hear you’ve got some new Australian coins.__I have a look? A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should 18. —Guess__I did yesterday! —I think you went to a party. A. where B. when C. what D. which A B C

19. —We waited ages for a taxi. We gave up__ and walked home. A. at the beginning B. in the end C. at first D. at least 20.___little water is not enough for _____ many people. A. Such, so B. So, so C. Such, such D. So, such B B