Vincent Cheng Director of Pharmanex Division, NuSkin Taiwan


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Presentation transcript:

Vincent Cheng Director of Pharmanex Division, NuSkin Taiwan Executive Workshop Vincent Cheng Director of Pharmanex Division, NuSkin Taiwan

如新企業集團的願景 Our Vision 每年平均付出美金五億的直銷商獎金 1984年以來總共付出40億美金的獎金 我們的願景是成為世界直銷公司的領導者,為直銷商創造比同業更為豐厚的收入。 Our Goal is to become the world’s leading direct selling company by generating more income for distributors than any other company. 每年平均付出美金五億的直銷商獎金 average yearly commission payout is US$ 500 millions 1984年以來總共付出40億美金的獎金 Since 1984, Nu Skin commission payout is US$ 4 billions

如新企業集團的使命 Our Mission 我們的使命是要在世界各地凝聚一股善的力量,憑藉酬報優渥的事業機會、不斷創新的優質產品,和充實積極的優良文化,賦予人們提高生活品質的力量。 Our Mission is to a force for good throughout the world by empowering people to improve lives with rewarding business opportunities, innovative products, and an enriching and uplifting culture.

(The Measurable Difference) 如新華茂的事業基石 Our Competitive Edge 產品(量化的優勢) Products (The Measurable Difference) 事業機會(6代 5%) Business Opportunity (6-level 5%) 高品質的 生活社群 Community for Better Living 文化(善的力量/NTC) Culture (FFG/NTC)

量化的優勢 The Measurable Difference

多數競爭者行銷策略都一樣 Most competitors’ marketing stories are the Same 產品效果的科學證據有限 Little scientific evidence of product efficacy 證據有限則形同沒有證據 Absence of evidence is evidence of absence 口說無憑 All talk, no proof 沒有第三單位認證、沒有獨特性、沒有研發及良好的品質 No independent validation, no uniqueness, no R&D, no product quality

科學就必須量化 Science must measure 唯一能夠量化的公司 Only company that can measure 若無法量化,便不是科學 if you can’t measure, it’s not science 傳統直銷市場策略是-”相信我”策略;華茂生技的策略是”不要相信我,除非你能親眼證實” Traditional network marketing approach is a “trust me” approach – Pharmanex approach is a “don’t trust me, trust your own eyes” approach 華茂生技消費者才能有最好的產品 Pharmanex consumers are taking the best products 華茂生技是唯一可以容易建立並鞏固您事業的公司 Pharmanex is the only company that makes your business easier and more compelling

華茂是甚麼公司 Who is Pharmanex? 華茂生技是ㄧ家以科學為基礎, 以製藥級的方法來研究發展安全有效的營養品公司 Pharmanex is a science-based company that use pharmaceutical standard for research, and produce products that is absoulutely safe and effective. Pharmanex® = “Pharma-Next” “Next Generation Pharmaceutical”

投入科研的事實 平均每項產品投入美金一百萬元研發費用 掃描儀累積研發費用 8000萬美金 每年中國研發中心費用 300萬美金 Every product costs $1 million to develop 掃描儀累積研發費用 8000萬美金 Total scanner R&D = $80 million 每年中國研發中心費用 300萬美金 Annual China R&D budget = $3 million 累計至今的研發費用超過 美金2億七千萬 R&D spent to date = >$270 million 研發預算(以營業額百分比計)至少是雅芳/優莎納/理想家的兩倍 R&D budget (as % of revenue) is at least double that of Avon, USANA and Synergy 醫藥級的品質 Pharmaceutical-grade quality

我們的科研 Our R&D 研發團隊 R&D engine 6S品質措施 6S Process 三個科研中心共125位在不同領域專長的科學家組成 Multi disciplinary team of over 125 scientists in 3 R&D centers 專業科學顧問群 A dream team of scientific advisors 6S品質措施 6S Process 世界級的品質水平 World class quality 6S品質措施 6S Quality Process Selection; Sourcing; Standardization; Safety; Structure; Substantiation Pharmanex China U.S.

科研成果 Our achievement 2005年 2004年 研發 8 14 個 創新產品 innovative Products 完成 16 9 項 人體臨床試驗 human clinical studies 完成 190 17 項 臨床前試驗 experimental & pre-clinical studies 完成 20 11 項 安全性試驗 safety studies 研發 19 26 個 效能檢測方法 biological efficacy testing methods 提出 19 6 個 專利申請 patent application 開發 140 111 項 新分析方法 new analytical testing method 進行 25K 22K 個 化驗分析 quality assays testing 發展 22 20 個 新萃取程序 new process to extract 發表 9 4 篇 科學論文 scientific papers 出版 9 15 篇 科學摘要 scientific abstracts 提出 19 16 項 研究報告 presentation at scientific meeting

華茂生技專業科學顧問群 Pharmanex SAB 16 famous scientists from all over the world 16 位代表世界各地著名研究機構的科学顧問 16 famous scientists from all over the world

Pharmanex科研合作機構 Associations and Affiliations 美國 USA UC Davis, UC Berkeley Tufts University Columbia University Kansas University Scripps Institute Wistar Institute Univ. Southern California Stanford University Univ. Maryland Purdue University Univ. Connecticut 亞洲 ASIA 上海醫科大學 (China) 北京醫科大學 (China) 中國科學院藥物所 (China) 北京大學 (China) 北大醫院 (China) 臺灣大學 (Taiwan) 台北醫學大學 (Taiwan) 中國醫藥學院 (Taiwan) 漢城大學 (Korea) Kinki Univ. (Japan) 香港浸會大學 (Hong Kong) 香港大學(Hong Kong) 香港中文大學(Hong Kong) Unlike any other dietary supplement company, Pharmanex has an extensive network with academic institutions through its Scientific Advisory Board and many other research collaborations worldwide. These connections allow us to be at the forefront of all research areas that apply to our business. 歐洲 EUROPE Ludwig-Maximilians Univ. (Germany) Uppsala University (Sweden) Oxford Brookes Univ. (UK) Glasgow Nuffield Hospital (Scotland)

華茂是第一家登上PDR的營養品公司 Pharmanex is the 1st to list their supplement in PDR Product’s featured: CordyMax Cs-4 LifePak Cortitrol™ Stress Control Formula Optimum Omega Tēgreen 97 ReishiMax GLp™ 2005 PDR

掃描儀的非凡成就! Extraordinary awards by BPScanner 榮獲2005年”美國企業大獎”(American Business Awards)之最佳創新公司首獎 (most innovative company) 榮獲2005年臺灣”國家新創獎” (National innovation award) 唯一獲獎的直銷公司 the only MLM company being awarded “美國企業大獎”被紐約郵報譽為企業界的”奧斯卡” 決選中擊敗甲骨文(Oracle)及PACCAR 獲獎 去年獲得同項大獎的是United Parcel Service (UPS). 今年獲得美國企業大獎的知名公司包括 AT&T, Procter & Gamble, Sprint, and Intuit The 2005 American Business Awards is the first national, all-encompassing business awards show, governed by a board of distinguished judges and advisors. The award has been called "the business world's own Oscar Awards" by The New York Post. Pharmanex was awarded a 2005 American Business Award at the annual American Business Awards ceremony in New York City on June 6. Nu Skin Enterprises won the award in the Most Innovative Company category for the Pharmanex® BioPhotonic Scanner, a unique nutritional testing tool developed by Nu Skin Enterprises' Pharmanex division. The award was given in recognition of the Pharmanex® BioPhotonic Scanner for the Most Innovative Company among contenders with more than 2,500 employees, competing against other finalists Oracle Corporation and PACCAR Inc. Last year's winner in the same category was United Parcel Service (UPS). Nu Skin Enterprises was recognized among other top companies that included AT&T, Procter & Gamble, Sprint, and Intuit and was the only direct selling company to receive a 2005 American Business Award.

如沛通過嚴格考驗 LifePak is up to the challenge 上市前經臨床實驗證實 clinical studies before launch 奧運金牌選手肯定 taken by Olympic gold medalist 如沛功效保證計劃 ARO guarantee program 通過美國國家衛生基金會認證 NSF certified 通過美國加州大學洛山璣分校管制成分研究中心認證 UCLA BSCG certified CL certified 通過美國消費者研究室認證 US Consumer Lab 40 ingredients, 40 different kinds of antioxidants (20 flavonoids; 6 Carotenoids; ) CV – LDL Bone – Ca; Mg; Vit D, K; Silicon; Boron; Isoflavonoid; Immune – Sugar – Chromium; Vit C,E; Mg, Zinc; Alpha Lipoic acid Smidt CR, Seidehamel RJ, Devaraj S, Jialal I. The Effects of a Nutritionally Complete Dietary Supplement (LifePak®) on Antioxidant Status and LDL-Oxidation in Healthy Non-Smokers. FASEB 1999;13(4):A546.

唯一同時擁有三大認證的保健品 First Supplement with all 3 Certifications! 美國國家衛生基金會 NSF ( 嚴格的配方/製程審查,及毒性分析Exhaustive formulation & toxicology analysis 合乎FDA, cGMP, NSF, ANSI 標準 加州大學洛山璣分校管制成分研究中心BSCG ( 通過80種禁藥檢驗 Free from 80+ banned substances by IOC, WADA, USADA, NFL, NCAA 美國消費者研究室 ( 標示/效力/純度審查 Identity, Strength, Purity verification 只有如沛通過六類成份含量檢驗 Only LifePak passed in 6 categories

The measurable Difference 量化的優勢 The measurable Difference 無法量化就不叫做科學 Science - 永保產品競爭優勢的關鍵

生物光子掃描儀 Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner Launching

Measure antioxidant network 抗氧化網絡測定 Measure antioxidant network 類胡蘿蔔素 Beta carotene 新陳代謝 Metabolism 測身體抗氧化劑 含量 生物類黃酮 榖胱甘肽 Glutathione 維生素C Vit C 硫辛酸 ALA Vitamin E This page showing the human antioxidant system is very important to emphasize why carotenoids is the most important antioxidant in overall and chosen as the bio-marker tested by scanner (This is Dr. Packer‘s most famous theory). When free radicals attack, Vit. E is the first A-O to nuturalize free radicals and E will become free radicals. Vit. C and 榖胱甘肽/生物類黃酮/硫辛酸 will do the same to nuturalize E in sequence and become free radicals themselves. However, carotenoids is different from these A-Os. Because it is sort of large-mocule chemical which can stand for 15-20 times strikes by free radicals. After these strikes, carotenoids will be destroyed without becoming free radicals. Carotenoids are the first-line A-Os protecting body and other A-Os like E, C, etc. Therefore we can say the higher level of carotenoids we have, the better antioxidant system we will have. 自由基 Free radical 營養 補充品 驗尿測氧化壓力 新陳代謝

How is your antioxidant protection? 身體血液中的抗氧化劑含量和延長壽命有直接的關係 你的抗氧化能力如何? How is your antioxidant protection? “there is a correlation of the concentration of a number of different antioxidants in serum with increasing lifespan of mammalian” 身體血液中的抗氧化劑含量和延長壽命有直接的關係 Dr. Richard Cutler, Research Scientist of the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health, Wash D.C. Dr. Richard Cutler 美國國家衛生院 老化問題研究處 As the slides says

先進科技 vs 傳統方式 Modern vs Traditional 生物光子掃描儀:非侵入式簡單,快速 傳統方法: 麻煩, 昂貴, 耗時 (結果易受食物影響) Traditional: troublesome, expensive, short term There are two test methods for body antioxidant ability, traditional blood test/urine test and new scanner. For blood test, it takes 3-10 working days and $3000-5000 per nutrient. It is also not very convenient. Most importantly the blood test result will be affected by diet. Just like we do cholesterol/blood sugar test, we have to stop eating after 10:00 pm one day before the test. That is because we don’t want the results to be affected by diet. Blood test result is a short-term and easily-affected result. Scanner is a fast, safe and tests your long-term antioxidant status. It will take about 2-3 months to influence the scores through diet. 生物光子掃描儀:非侵入式簡單,快速 BPScanner: non-invasive, simple, fast

生物光子掃描儀的演進 Milestone of BPScanner 1999: The BioPhotonic Scanner was developed by doctors and physicist at a top U.S. research university. This is a photo of the very first scanner that was used in the original research. Just a few years ago, the hardware required to provide an accurate scan occupied an entire 10x10 room. In 2001, Pharmanex began working together with the University of Utah and acquired the exclusive license to the BioPhotonic Scanner technology. Creating a table-top model was an engineering feat resulting in the patented, proprietary technology in the original Scanner. This unit was placed in the Pharmanex Research Institute in Provo, Utah for additional development work. Working together with the University of Utah, Pharmanex scientists, engineers, and physicists, Pharmanex introduced the S1 scanner in the United States in February 2002. 1999 2000 研發費用突破8,000萬美金 Used more than US$80M 2001 2002 2006

掃描儀的非凡成就! The achievement! 媒體大幅報導, 備受肯定 reports in known media 6 項科學確效實驗 6 scientific experiments 在8個國際醫學會發表 8 international scientific meetings “美國企業大獎”被紐約郵報譽為企業界的”奧斯卡” 決選中擊敗甲骨文(Oracle)及PACCAR 獲獎 去年獲得同項大獎的是United Parcel Service (UPS). 今年獲得美國企業大獎的知名公司包括 AT&T, Procter & Gamble, Sprint, and Intuit The 2005 American Business Awards is the first national, all-encompassing business awards show, governed by a board of distinguished judges and advisors. The award has been called "the business world's own Oscar Awards" by The New York Post. Pharmanex was awarded a 2005 American Business Award at the annual American Business Awards ceremony in New York City on June 6. Nu Skin Enterprises won the award in the Most Innovative Company category for the Pharmanex® BioPhotonic Scanner, a unique nutritional testing tool developed by Nu Skin Enterprises' Pharmanex division. The award was given in recognition of the Pharmanex® BioPhotonic Scanner for the Most Innovative Company among contenders with more than 2,500 employees, competing against other finalists Oracle Corporation and PACCAR Inc. Last year's winner in the same category was United Parcel Service (UPS). Nu Skin Enterprises was recognized among other top companies that included AT&T, Procter & Gamble, Sprint, and Intuit and was the only direct selling company to receive a 2005 American Business Award.

臨床確效研究 Clinical studies 美國營養學院期刊 Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol.23, p.468, Oct 2004 Dr. Carsten Smidt, Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research vol.2 No. 2 pp79-91, May 2004

哈佛大學 / 史丹佛大學 聯合皮膚臨床試驗 - 1 A study with Harvard and Stanford To test skin carotenoid level after sun exposure and UV light exposure

哈佛大學 / 史丹佛大學 聯合皮膚臨床試驗 - 2 A Pilot study comparing baseline skin carotenoid levels in psoriasis(乾癬牛皮癬), keratosis pilaris(皮膚角化病 ) and acne as measured with Raman spectroscopy

競爭者恐慌下的話術 Quote from competitors 掃描儀只測量類胡蘿蔔素, 它只是 眾多抗氧化劑的一種, 掃描儀指數 不具任何意義, 因為有許多比類胡 蘿蔔素更重要的抗氧化劑沒被測量 The scanner only scans the level of carotenoids, not everything else. So it is almost useless to use scanner to detect other antioxidant which are more important

4/4/2006發表於FASEB年會 吸引了12,000位學者/科學家參加

SCS = antioxidant protection 掃描儀研究新里程碑 身體防禦指數=抗氧化保護 SCS = antioxidant protection 和三大醫學中心共同研究 U. of Utah/Tufts U./Vanderbilt U./300位受試者 目的:檢測皮膚類胡蘿蔔素作為身體總抗氧化網絡的指標 檢測的指標 Tested Indicators 血清中抗氧化劑 (以HPLC檢測維生素C、E和類胡蘿蔔素) F2異構前列腺素 Isoprostanes 身體防禦指數 Scanner BDI

掃描儀新增專利保護 2001年獲得2項主要專利權 Received 2 patents in 2001 New patent and license 2001年獲得2項主要專利權 Received 2 patents in 2001 新申請六項專利權, 未來全球共有14個專利 Applied 6 more, total 14 in the future 2006年3月起, 獲得使用掃描儀在醫療院所推廣營養品的權利 Allow in medical environment Gellermann , et al. March 20, 2001 Patent # 6,205,354

音響科技的革命性進步! Innovation in sound technology The scientific advancement of the S2 scanner is similar to advancements in technologies many consumers are familiar with. Who would have known in 1985 that the tape recorder would be replaced first by compact disc players, and now by the digital music revolution. 1985 2005

從 S1 到 S2 S1 to S2 費用大幅降低了! Less expenses 重量減輕 50% lighter 體積縮小 60% smaller 可操作溫度範圍擴大(10-35度/原來需21-23度) Wider temperature range 從開機到暖機在9分鐘內完成(原來約40分鐘) Warm up in 9 minutes (vs 40 min) 掃描時間縮短 shorter scanning time 24小時校正一次 Recalibration every 24 hrs 最好的消息是.. The best is The S2 is extraordinary science… SIMPLIFIED. The new S2 takes the miniaturization of the Scanner a step further: 50% lighter, 60% smaller, from power-up to scanning in under 10 minutes, and less temperature sensitivity. 費用大幅降低了! Less expenses

Simple duplication model 推薦新夥伴/ 新經營者 Scanner + LifePak 事業機會 TRA 如沛 g3 維持客戶/ 經營者 簡單聚焦容易複製的事業機會 Simple duplication model 擴大業績

g3活能飲品-從9個月 到99歲都適用的飲品 g3 is for 9 months to 99 years old gấc superfruit blend with lipocarotenes tm

= g + 3 中西合併的神奇果汁 Gâc木鱉果 Provo R&D 北京 R&D Lycium 枸杞 上海 R&D Cili刺梨 The blend of east & west = g + 3 Gâc木鱉果 Provo R&D S. Pineapple沙棘 北京 R&D Lycium 枸杞 上海 R&D Cili刺梨 上海 R&D

華茂生技遍尋超級水果 Pharmanex Searched for Superfruits 華茂生技研發中心評估了數以百種的水果,希冀具備以下特質 …Pharmanex R&D evaluated hundreds of fruits for… 具優異的抗氧化能力 Extraordinary antioxidant power 具豐富營養價值 Extraordinary nutritional content 對身體健康益處方面具悠久歷史 Extraordinary historical health benefits

活能飲品中的水果 Other fruits 木鱉果(中國苦脆瓜) Gâc fruit (Chinese Bitter Cucumber) -含稀有的脂類胡蘿蔔素 Unique Lipocarotene 枸杞(雪果) Chinese Lycium (Wolfberry) - 提升血液SOD,降低血脂氧化,減少老化症狀,富含玉米黃素(視力保健) Increase SOD, reduce LDL oxidation, reduce aging symptoms, improve vision 刺梨 Cili fruit 維生素C之王,提升免疫力(NK cell),提升過氧化氫酶 (Catalase), SOD, 榖胱甘肽 (glutathione),減少LDL的氧化 King of vit C, increase immune system, Increase antioxidant ezymes, reduce LDL oxidation 沙棘 Siberian Pineapple (Seabuckthorn) -古希臘:飛天馬的食物 Ancient Greece: Food for flying horse, Pegasus -富含類黃酮,維生素C,具心血管保健(提高血中HDL),保肝,抗氧化(保護DNA中的粒線體),細胞修護 High in flavonoids, vitamin C, vascular protection (increase SDL), liver protection, antioxidant (protect DNA), cellular rejuvenating

活能飲品最新研究報告 New Study on g3

活能飲品內抗氧化劑 Antioxidants in g3 茄紅素 lycopene ß胡蘿蔔素carotene 蕃 茄的 70x tomatoes 胡蘿蔔 的10x carrot - 特有的油脂(脂類胡蘿蔔素)幫助抗氧化劑在體內吸收 Special oil (Lipocarotenes) that helps to deliver antioxidants into the body 玉米黃素Xeazanthin 維生素C Vit C 柳橙的 60x oranges 黃玉米 的40x corns

脂類胡蘿蔔素(Lipocarotenes™) 活能飲品內具有天然獨特專有營養載體系統 unique natural delivery system in g3 *compared to beta-carotene powder. Vuong LT et al., Am J Clin Nutr 2002;75:872-879.

脂類胡蘿蔔素獨特之處 The Lipocarotenes™ Difference 脂類胡蘿蔔素微粒在體內更易擴散及吸收 Lipocarotene particles are easily dispersed and absorbed into the body.

脂類胡蘿蔔素--- 天然奈米營養素 Lipocarotent – natural nanotechnology +40% 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 Other Carotenes g3 Lipo- carotenes Antioxidant Score Absorption rate for lipo-carotenoids is 40% higher than the regular

完整的抗氧化網絡保護 Protection for the whole antioxidant network 超氧歧化酵素 SOD 過氧化氫酶 Catalase Vitamin E SOD CAT

活能飲品增加身體防禦指數 g3 increases scanner score 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 第0週 第8週 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 身 體 防 禦 指 數 Week 0 Week 0 Week 8

g3 will Increase Scanner Score! 活能飲品增加身體防禦指數 g3 will Increase Scanner Score! 120cc/一天(連續8週) 指數增加 4,000–7,000 4,000 – 7,000 units @ 4 fl oz / day (8 weeks) G3搭配食用如沛 指數增加 12,000–20,000 12,000 – 20,000 units with LifePak® 用g3活能飲品來食用如沛 Use g3 to take LifePak®!

vs. other brands市售品牌 Yes 有 Brands 產品 g3 N X No 無 303 74 39 Flavor 口味 Unique flavor, smooth and taste good to whole family 風味獨特, 順口, 有滿足感滿足全家人的口味 Sour and acrid taste 像嘔吐物, 有霉味像起司味道不佳無法滿足多數人口味 Fishy smell 有點臭魚味無法滿足多數人口味 Package 包裝 750ml/玻璃瓶 1L/玻璃瓶 740ml/玻璃瓶 Key Ingredients 主要成份 Contain 4 different fruitsGac, Siberian Pineapple, Cili, Chinese Lycium. 含四種營養豐富水果, 木鱉果、枸杞、沙棘、刺梨 Contain 3 fruits, Noni, grapes and bluberry.含三種水果成份諾麗果、葡萄、藍莓 Contain only mangosteen juice. 僅含一種水果成份山竹果 SCS increase 身體防禦指數增加比率 Best. Increase the score 3 ~ 4 times than Brand N & X. 最佳. 為N、X牌的3~4倍 Worst 最差 Worse 較差 Natural delivery system 天然奈米化載體系統 Yes 有 No 無 Scientific studies 研究報告 303 74 39

山竹果汁及諾麗汁 並未明顯增加身體防禦指數 X or N does not increase scanner score #, * * 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 第0週 第2週 第4週 第6週 第8週 諾麗汁 山竹果汁 g3活能飲品 身 體 防 禦 指 數 N X Antioxidant Score Week 0 Week2 Week4 Week6 Week 8

沒有比 活能飲品更好的健康飲品There is no better health drink 為達到相同效益,你必需喝到以下數量才等於一瓶的 活能飲品:To get the same benefit, you‘d have to drink the following as one bottle of g3: 諾麗汁-14 瓶 Noni—14 bottles = 山竹果汁- 12 瓶 X— 12 bottles

專利權Proprietary 專利申請中,100%-果汁配方 Patent pending, 100%-juice formula 首次將木鱉果製作成果汁行銷到全球的公司 First juice with Gâc worldwide 華茂生技擁有木鱉果及刺 梨之全球供應權 Pharmanex bought world supply of Gâc & Cili

讓PX產品效果更佳 Make other Pharmanex products more effective g3著重開拓新客源,且脂類胡蘿蔔素活化華茂其它營養品 目前無法使用錠狀膠囊產品者 (老人/小孩) non capsule/tablets user (elderly/children) 送禮市場,探病 As gifts g3+如沛家族-現今如沛食用者 LifePak user g3+兒童如沛-兒童 Jungamals g3+動能食物膠囊-運動人口(與健身俱樂部或 SPA合作) PharmanexAccel User/athletes (work with gym and SPA) 用g3配合PX產品食用

誰需要喝 ? Who Should Take This Product? 從9個月到99歲都適用的飲品9 month to 99-year old 需要增進每日蔬果攝取量 need to increase their daily servings of fruits & vegetables. 經常曝露於遭受自由基破壞的環境中如空氣污染、抽煙、壓力以及飲食習慣差等 are frequently exposed to free radical damage from air pollution, cigarette smoke, stress, or poor eating habits. 想要增進身體防禦指數 are interested to raise their Scanner score.

建議用量 Recommended Dosage 每日飲用60~120毫升,隨早晚兩餐飲用,建議食用搭配如沛獲得更好的效果 Drink 60~120 ml with morning and evening meal; for optimal results take with LifePak®. -開封後放置冰箱,飲用前請充份搖晃Refrigerate after opening. Shake well to ensure proper mixture of lipocarotenes™. -放置乾燥陰涼處 Store in a cool dark place.

結論Summary 華茂生技擁有最優良的產品來支援您的事業 Pharmanex has the most powerful products to support your business 華茂生技是唯一能夠量化產品效能的公司Pharmanex is the only company that can measure product benefits 華茂生技同時提供膠囊/錠劑(如沛)及喝的飲品(g3活能飲品)來呼應生物光子掃描儀 Pharmanex has both a tablet product (LifePak) and now a liquid supplement (g3) to accompany the scanner 華茂生技抗老化的故事,簡單又具量化的優勢 Pharmanex has a simple anti-aging story which comes with the Measurable Difference