城市介绍 About Yantai 烟台位于胶东半岛北部,1984年国务院确定的中国首批沿海开放城市,是山东半岛城市群中心城市。 烟台依山傍海,气候宜人,是国家历史文化名城,环渤海经济圈及东北亚地区的国际性港城、商城、旅 游城,被誉为“山海仙市”,同时也是中国最具投资潜力和发展活力的新兴经济强市。


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Presentation transcript:

城市介绍 About Yantai 烟台位于胶东半岛北部,1984年国务院确定的中国首批沿海开放城市,是山东半岛城市群中心城市。 烟台依山傍海,气候宜人,是国家历史文化名城,环渤海经济圈及东北亚地区的国际性港城、商城、旅 游城,被誉为“山海仙市”,同时也是中国最具投资潜力和发展活力的新兴经济强市。 Yantai, located in the north of the Jiaodong Peninsula, was part of the first batch of open coastal cities of China launched in 1984, and is the central city of Shandong Peninsula. With pleasant weather and nice views, Yantai is a national historical and cultural city, as well as a commercial and tourist hub, not to mention the city with the most investment potential in China.

城市介绍 About Yantai 全市土地面积13,745.95平方千米,其中市区面积2,643.60平方千米,现辖4个市辖区、7个县级市、 1个县、1个国家级经济技术开发区、1个国家级高新技术开发区。属于暖温带大陆性季风气候,冬 无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季分明。 With a total area of 13,745.95 square kilometers, the prefecture-level city of Yantai administers 12 county-level divisions, including four districts, seven county-level cities, one county and one development zone. It is located in a warm temperate continental monsoon climate with four distinct seasons.

城市介绍 About Yantai 威海 Weihai 青岛 Qingdao 大连 Dalian 烟台东西长约210公里,南北宽约130公里。东连威海,西接潍坊,西南与青岛毗邻,北濒渤海、黄海,与辽东半岛对峙,并与大连隔海相望。 The city measures 210 km from east to west, and 130 km from north to south. Located on the the Bohai Strait and the southern coast of the Korea Bay, Yantai boarders the cities of Qingdao and Weihai to the southwest and east respectively. 首尔 Seoul 烟台 Yantai

城市介绍 About Yantai 烟台海洋渔业资源丰富,盛产海参、对虾、鲍鱼等多种海珍品,是全国重要的渔业基地。烟台是中国北 方著名的水果产地,烟台葡萄酒、苹果、大樱桃等产品久负盛名,享誉海内外。地下矿藏十分丰富,黄 金储量和产量均居全国首位。沿海大陆架储有丰富的石油和天然气资源,属“富集型”油区。 Yantai is an important national fishery base featuring an aboundance of sea cucumber, shrimp, abalone, etc. Yantai is also famous for fruits and Yantai wine, of which the apple and cherry varieties are well- known across the world. There are also abundant minerals underground, and the gold output is the highest in China. Furthermore, the coastal-shelf is rich in oil and gas.

烟台企业 Companies of Yantai

交通便利 Transportation 航空 By Air 北京 Beijing 上海 Shanghai 轮船 By Ship 大连 Dalian 韩国 Korea 公路 By Road 威海 Weihai 青岛 Qingdao 济南 Jinan 1小时 1 hour 1.5小时 1.5 hours 6小时 6 hours 15小时 15 hours 1.5小时 1.5 hours 3小时 3 hours 5小时 5 hours

旅游景点 Tourist Attractions 张裕酒文化博物馆 ChangYu Wine Culture Museum 蓬莱阁 Penglai Pavilion 龙口南山大佛 Nanshan Great Buddha 蓬莱海洋极地世界 Ocean Aquarium of Penglai

Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce 三鲜焖子 Seafood Stew 蓬莱小面 烟台美食 Yantai Foods 九转大肠 Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce 三鲜焖子 Seafood Stew 蓬莱小面 Penglai Noodles 火爆腰花 Stir-fried Pork Kidney

真意文华·悠然自我 Your Vista of Comfort

万达文华名称含义 Wanda Vista Name Interpretation

万达文华市场定位 I 品牌特征 Wanda Vista Positioning I Brand Feature 充满东方温情的万达文华酒店,为成功名仕在每一个中心城市悉心提供私享服务和艺术氛围。让您 的旅途恣意舒展,尽享优雅体验。 Located in premier destinations, overflowing with rich Oriental ambience, Wanda Vista offers its acclaimed guests an extravagant experience of exclusive service and artistry. 个性I Personality 精致I Finesse 愉悦I Bliss

万达文华特色服务 The Unique Features of Wanda Vista

地理位置 Location 距离烟台莱山国际机场仅25分钟车程 距离烟台火车站仅5分钟车程 距离烟台长途汽车站仅5分钟车程 距离烟台轮渡客运站站仅5分钟车程 A 25 minutes’ drive to Yantai Laishan Airport A 5 minutes’ drive to Yantai Railway Station A 5 minutes’ drive to Yantai Long Distance Bus Station A 5 minutes’ drive to Yantai Ferry Terminal

酒店简介 Hotel Introduction 酒店拥有303间宽敞舒适的客房及套房,设计高雅、配套豪华。餐饮设施齐全,“美食汇”全日餐厅、“品珍”中餐厅以及“和”日式料理,为您奉上精美绝伦的环宇美馔,定让您大快朵颐。酒店的宴会及会议总接待面积超过2,700平方米,豪华无柱式大宴会厅面积为1,400平方米,是举办高端宴会的首选。 The hotel features 303 spacious guestrooms and suites with elegant designs and deluxe decorations. A variety of choices of restaurants, including the Café Vista, ZHEN Chinese Restaurant and He Japanese Restaurant all ensure you a pleasant dining experience. Multi-function rooms with approximately 2,700 square meters can cater for all types of meetings and events. Especially, the 1,400 square meters pillar-less Grand Ballroom is an excellent choice for high-end and personalized events and conferences.

客房 Guest Room 房型 Room Type 数量 No. of Rooms 面积(平方米) Area (m2) 豪华双床房 Deluxe Twin 33 39 豪华大床房 Deluxe King 49 豪华大床房(海景房)Deluxe King Sea View 42 豪华双床房(好莱坞双床)Deluxe Twin Hollywood 28 豪华套房 Deluxe Suite 12 77 高级豪华大床房 Grand Deluxe King 21 高级豪华双床房 Grand Deluxe Twin 高级豪华双床房(好莱坞双床)Grand Deluxe Twin Hollywood 高级豪华大床房(海景房)Grand Deluxe King Sea View 18 行政楼层豪华双床房 Executive Floor Deluxe Twin 23 行政楼层豪华大床房 Executive Floor Deluxe King 24 行政楼层豪华大床房(海景房) Executive Floor Deluxe King Sea View 7 行政楼层豪华双床房(好莱坞双床)Executive Floor Twin Hollywood 行政套房 Executive Suite 3 117 总统套房 Presidential Suite 1 248

客房设施 Guestroom Facilities 文华之床 妙梦助眠系列 48英寸超大宽频液晶电视 超40个国际卫星电视频道、有线电视频道 免费宽带及无线网络覆盖酒店 独立浴缸和淋浴间 套房以上配双面盆 套房以上配浴室电视 热带雨林淋浴 全景落地窗 客房内密码保险箱 Bed of Vista Dream Catcher 48 inches widescreen LED TV Over 40 satellite TV channels and cable channels Free broadband and wireless internet access in the room & public areas in the hotel Separate bath and shower stall Double basins in suites Bath TV in suites Rainforest shower All rooms feature floor-to-ceiling windows In-room safe box

客房设施 Guestroom Facilities 电热咖啡壶/茶壶 化妆镜/刮胡镜 插座变压器 语音信箱 免费报纸 浴缸电动卷帘 客房清洁服务 残障人士淋浴间和/或浴室 24小时送餐服务 免费开夜床服务 个性化唤醒服务 Coffee and Tea Maker Make-up/shaving mirror Outlet adaptors Voicemail Free daily newspaper Electrical shower curtain in bath room Maid service Accessible shower and /or bath 24-hour room service Free turn down service Personalized wake-up service

大堂酒廊 Lobby Lounge 餐饮设施 Food & Beverage 地点/Venue: 酒店二十六楼 26F 营业时间/Business Hours: 8:00-24:00 座位/Capacity: 65 大堂吧提供各类咖啡、茶、鸡尾酒、各国啤酒、精选红酒及香槟。您可以和朋友在这舒适优雅浪漫的环境中悠闲地品茗畅谈。 The Lobby Lounge offers fragrant coffee and tea, as well as a full selection of cocktail, international beer, fine wines and premium champagne. Relax in the plush comfort of the romantic modern décor while enjoying coffee or tea with friends.

Café Vista-All Day Dining 餐饮设施 Food & Beverage 美食汇—全日餐厅 Café Vista-All Day Dining 地点/Venue: 酒店二十七楼 27F 营业时间/Business Hours: 6:30-22:30 座位/Capacity: 160 美食汇全新定义了国际酒店不可或缺的全日餐厅;为您贴心准备“外带早餐”,让您在高效工作之余感受家的温暖;“24小时精选”令您始终品尝心仪美味;汇聚各国佳肴的自助大餐以及别有情调的招牌零点,更是让您的午间聚会和晚间盛宴惊喜不断! The “Café” has renewed the definition of the all-day dining indispensable to international hotels, by introducing the “Takeaway Breakfast” to deliver the warmth of home during busy travel periods, as well as a global 24 hours selection and an international buffet serving brand dishes and cuisine that will surprise you and your guests during get-togethers and evening feasts.

ZHEN Chinese Restaurant 餐饮设施 Food & Beverage 品珍—中餐厅 ZHEN Chinese Restaurant 地点/Venue: 酒店二十八楼 28F 营业时间/Business Hours: 午餐 Lunch: 11:30 –14:00 晚餐 Dinner: 17:00-22:00 座位/Capacity: 150 品珍中餐厅以粤菜为主,吸纳地方菜精华,专注于原汁原味以及均衡营养。设有8间装修精美的包房。美食佳酿的精致感受、匠心独具的奢华氛围,定会带给您难忘的用餐体验。 ZHEN Chinese restaurant offers diners the authentic tastes of traditional Cantonese cuisine. Every dish retains the natural goodness of the food, reflecting our chef’s superb originality. The restaurant also has eight private dining rooms. Delicious tastes will provide you with unforgettable experiences and memories.

HE Japanese Restaurant 餐饮设施 Food & Beverage 和—日式料理 HE Japanese Restaurant 地点/Venue: 酒店二十六楼 26F 营业时间/Business Hours: 午餐 Lunch: 11:30 –14:00 晚餐 Dinner: 17:00-22:00 座位/Capacity: 70 以精细、新鲜和东瀛风情为特色,提供最正宗的日式料理。新鲜的生鱼片,多样的创意寿司,传统的日式拉面,美味的天妇罗以及令人垂涎欲滴的铁板烧,让客人细品美馔,倍感尊崇。 With its trademark features of finesse, freshness and Japanese styles, HE Japanese restaurant presents the most authentic Japanese cuisine. The fresh sashimi, multiple creative sushi presentations, traditional Japanese ramen noodles, delicious tempura and mouth-watering teppanyaki coupled with a selection of sake all ensure that guests can savour and enjoy delicious Japanese cuisine.  

会议及宴会 Meeting & Banquet 酒店的宴会及会议总接待面积超过2,700平方米,为商务客户、会议组织者和当地社区提供全面的会议和宴会解决方案。7间多功能厅及会议室设计华美而精致,适合举办规模各异的商务活动或社交聚会。面积1,400平方米无柱的大宴会厅,装潢瑰丽,超100平方米的LED屏在烟台无出其右,顶级会议活动设施及专业体贴的会议管家服务,是成功举办各类活动的首选。 The 2,700-square-meter Grand Ballroom and seven function rooms and meeting rooms with different sizes can cater for your special business meeting or social event. Offering a 1,400-square-meter pillar-less Grand Ballroom equipped with the state-of-the-art technology, including a giant LED screen of over 100 square meters and one-stop “Executive Meeting Director” and “Wanda Romance Wedding Ceremony” services, Wanda Vista Yantai promises to meet your every need.  

会议及宴会 Meeting & Banquet

Health Club 休闲娱乐设施 Recreational Facilities 健身中心 地点/Venue: 酒店二十九楼 29F 营业时间/Business time: 06:00-23:00 自动循环的四季恒温室内游泳池,卫生安全。典雅幽静,配以全进口健身器械的健身房,是您强身健体的最佳选 择。 The water quality in the swimming pool is monitored by the computer system which automatically sterilises and recycles the water, while maintaining it at a constant temperature. The gym, equiped with fully imported fitness equipment, provides the perfect option for exercising your body.

联系方式 Contact 中国山东省烟台市芝罘区胜利路139号 邮编:264000 139 Shengli Road, Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong Province 264000, P.R.China 电话/Tel:86 535 820 8888 传真/Fax:86 535 820 8899 www.wandahotels.com

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